Personal Recommendation Hall of Fame VI


I forgot the opening line.
I came 6th??? I was so sure of finishing last. Too much focusing on my disasters to appreciate the solid picks. I had an impossible time with my ballot - I actually really enjoyed my last placed film a lot, with every single entry being superb quality. I don't think I've had a group of films in a Hall of Fame that good before, without a single one even being average. Thanks everyone - I look forward to future editions!

1 - Double Indemnity (1944)
2 - The Wicker Man (1973)
3 - Dead Man (1995)
4 - Nashville (1975)
5 - PePe Le Moko (1937)
6 - Make Way For Tomorrow (1937)
7 - Videodrome (1983)
8 - Forbidden Planet (1956)
9 - Paper Moon (1973)
10 - Laura (1944)
11 - Dances With Wolves (1990)
12 - Strange Days (1995)

Something had to come last! It feels wrong when it's a film that's really good - they all were.

And congrats seanc!
And thanks cricket!
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Thanks again for hosting cricket.

That's me picking movies and you MoFoers telling me "Swing and a miss, miss, missed again, didn't land that one, another miss." Crap! If I'm going to be honest finishing last isn't much of a surprise. It's been a theme for me this year. Going in I knew I wasn't picking super, solid classics but movies that could maybe, possibly be simply enjoyable. I didn't expect movies like Roxanne to win but some of 'em I picked 'em for a reason (sean picked up on why he got Roxanne). I also didn't want to pick anything I had chosen before and tried to keep away from movies that seem to appear in every HoF. I was hoping the classics I did pick, films like All About Eve, Diabolique and Paris Texas, would keep me from finishing dead last but that obviously that didn't happen. I should have known something was amiss when I didn't get a pm from cricket saying "you need to pick a different movie."

As for my rankings, it was tough. The top four are all some of the best films I've watched this year. The Wages of Fear was leading early until an underdog came along, Departures. That movie blew me away. So it came down to those two with The Hidden Fortress and The Red Shoes fighting for third and it could have went either way. Any other HoF and The Red Shoes and Hidden Fortress are duking it out for the top spot. They're both fantastic. This was the best top four I've ever had in one of these HoF's. Until next time....

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Going in I knew I wasn't picking super, solid classics but movies that could maybe, possibly be simply enjoyable.....
I just looked again at the films you chose for others and they look like pretty solid films to me. Just for fun here's my reaction to your choices (of the ones I've seen)

Raul - The Gunfighter (5th) Love this film it's a 5/5 for me.
Thursday Next - Bridges of Madison County (5th) Not seen.
Cricket - Tsotsi (6th) Not seen.
Frightened Inmate - Diabolique (6th) Solid film 4/5 for me.
Allaby - Santa Sangre (7th) Not seen.
CosmicRunaway - All About Eve (9th) Love this film it's a 5/5 for me.
Edarsenal - Paris Texas (9th) Solid film 4/5 for me.
Siddon - Little Dieter Needs to Fly (10th) Not seen.
Phoenix - Dances With Wolves (11th) Love this film it's a 5/5 for me.
Sean - Roxanne (11th) Not seen.
Citizen Rules - T-Men (11th) OK film middle of the road.
Wyldesyde - Hedwig and the Angry Inch (12th) Disliked, not my jam.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
THANK YOU, cricket!!

As always a very excellent HoF and such a pleasure to participate. Another great list and the only issue I had was trying to put them in some kind of order from 1 to 12. There wasn't a single bad one in the bunch.

1. Brief Encounter (1945)
2. Secrets & Lies (1996)
3. In the Heat of the Night (1967)
4. Belle De Jour (1967)
5. Another Round (2020)
6. Peeping Tom (1960)
7. All That Jazz (1979)
8. The Trial (1962)
9. Paris, Texas (1984)
10. The Iron Giant (1999)
11. The River (1951)
12. The King of Kong (2007)

What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio