The everything paranormal/unexplained/bizarre/mysterious thread


Can't wait to go back and read the last few pages!

I know I've told my Black Helicopters story on this site (yes, I saw them, felt them is more appropriate since they don't make any noise).

Have I told my UFO that became an IFO story?

Can't wait to go back and read the last few pages!

I know I've told my Black Helicopters story on this site (yes, I saw them, felt them is more appropriate since they don't make any noise).

Have I told my UFO that became an IFO story?
Now here's someone else with issues. Hello, Captain Steel!

This man goes crazy when he hears the sound of basketballs. And he has seen black helicopters and UFOs and things.

Can't wait to go back and read the last few pages!

I know I've told my Black Helicopters story on this site (yes, I saw them, felt them is more appropriate since they don't make any noise).

Have I told my UFO that became an IFO story?
Did a UFO walk into your house one night?

Did a UFO walk into your house one night?
It would be interesting if Captain Steel was ever abducted by aliens. He'd immediately get a computer and make a thread about it and provide commentary as he's being anally probed.

Think i've probably posted these before but anyway my stories/experiences told quickly as i'm logging out soon. When i was about 11 me and my cousin got stuck in a lift the lights went out and we could clearly hear the X Files theme song, we were terrified. Now i'm older i tend to think me and her just misremember it, i dunno if we watched the x files at the time or what but it wouldn't surprise me, it was probably just some music coming from a house on the floor we stopped at and we convinced ourselves it was the x files, or it may have been someone watching the x files . Maybe even the concierge played it as there was a camera with a speaker he could talk through, maybe he tried to scare us coz i would've, hilarious. I dunno we were terrified anyway.

The main one that really creeped me out was when i was about 13 i was hungry so i went looking for my dad to ask him to make me something. It was only me and him in the house i went into his room and thought i could hear someone on the toilet, so i knocked the door and asked if he was in; i heard back in a soft voice "be down in a minute son". Then i turned around and went straight to the kitchen and he was standing there. My dad still remembers it happening like that too but who knows we could have both convinced ourselves of that after retelling it for so many years. I don't believe it was really anything paranormal.

Couple of my families stories: when my sister was about 5 my aunt bought her clothes for her birthday or christmas don't remember which, she put them on then later came in wearing something else so my aunt asked her why she changed and my sister responded "granny sarah said she doesn't like them". My mum and aunt claim that my sister couldn't have known her grans name as she died before she was born and she was very young which is true, but again i think they've just convinced theirselves of this over the years. The story has probably changed alot since it first happened, i mean it would be 22-23 years ago now.

This one i remember; when my younger brother was about 2-3 he would always claim he saw a woman wearing red walking about the house, it stopped when we moved house. I don't think it was actually something paranormal but that still creeps me out just thinking of a kid that young saying stuff like that.

As you can tell i'm a skeptic. I think these stories are misremembered/exaggerated over the years. Not deliberately i just think that's what happens. Just my opinion.

Now here's someone else with issues. Hello, Captain Steel!

This man goes crazy when he hears the sound of basketballs. And he has seen black helicopters and UFOs and things.
Hey, everything on my list is real: basketballs are real, (and heck, if people are claiming that gender confusion identity is a real psycho-physical medical condition that requires genital dismemberment, then my misophonia is way more real as a audio / psychological / neurological disorder)!
Helicopters are real (and black ones are real).
And my UFO sighting turned out to be a confirmed IFO, and I'm sure no one will contest the fact that Identified flying objects are real.

I think a lot of people say things - believe in things - that just aren't true, totally didn't happen - but they convince themselves it did happen. Like, Camo's younger brother may NOT have seen a woman wearing red walking around his house. He just might have SAID he did, imagined it, perhaps to make people feel fascinated by him. I totally believe such things like that can happen.
I think that's what happened myself. Just a kid looking for attention and he may have seen a woman on tv wearing red and just decided to say that, my mum was freaked right out by it.

Hey, everything on my list is real: basketballs are real, (and heck, if people are claiming that gender confusion identity is a real psycho-physical medical condition that requires genital dismemberment, then my misophonia is way more real as a audio / psychological / neurological disorder)!
Helicopters are real (and black ones are real).
And my UFO sighting turned out to be a confirmed IFO, and I'm sure no one will contest the fact that Identified flying objects are real.
What did it turn out to be?

...... I think it's all just in people's heads. Ghosts, gender confusion, misophonia, you name it. Yes, I would compare the gender issues people are having to ghosts. That's our big modern day delusion, I think. Wake up and realize it, please.
As we've discussed before - misophonia is most definitely all in my head. That's the problem. Whether it is entirely a psychological disorder, a physical / hypersensitivity / neurological one or something in between - the lack of knowing a precise cause for the symptoms doesn't make the condition cease to exist, nor would knowing a precise cause automatically make the symptoms cease without discovering a workable way to treat them.

But don't worry, when it gets bad, I won't go injecting myself with hormones or seek out a surgeon to surgically remove my eardrums and make little vaginas out of the leftover tissue!
(Heck, I probably just described the only cure anyone will ever find for misophonia.)

Unsolved Mystery, Case File #55435: Sexy Celebrity's Last Post in This Thread

Well technically, UFOs are real.

Someone says "UFO" and people immediately think Aliens.

UFO, is exactly that.

When you look up, and see something in the air, flying along... maybe even with a vapour trail behind it.
You instantly know it's an airplane.

Ok.. tell me... what is the type of airplane? Airline that owns it? Serial number? Flight number? Number of Crew? Passengers? How about the even the colour?
You can't.

Technically, it's a UFO.

Think everyone already knows that Rodent. Someone always points that out everytime a UFO is brought up, actually i know it has been brought up on this site before.

What did it turn out to be?
It was sometime after 2008 because it happened while I lived in my most recent house just after I moved.

Was taking the garbage out on a clear night when I noticed a pinpoint of light overhead - it wasn't the point of a star because it had a distinct angular shape (kind of like a computer screen pointer without the little tail) even though it was tiny. It was surrounded by a circular halo of light that very gradually got larger as it seemed to expand out from the point of light.

I went through all the possibilities in my mind: it wasn't the lights of an oncoming plane, it wasn't a star, it wasn't a meteor. Why did it have a perfectly round halo around it when there weren't any clouds in the sky to create such an effect - unless I was l looking at something beyond the cloud layer.

I ran inside to get binoculars, but when I returned the halo was now huge, but fading rapidly along with the piercing triangular dot of light at its center.

Then scary things started to occur to me - what it it's a UFO, what if it's a distant star that just went nova (and sometime next week we'll all fry from a gamma-ray pulse), what if it's a nuclear missile that's exploded in the upper atmosphere, but which we just haven't felt on the ground yet?

I posted about it on the eBay boards the next day. Soon I got responses from others on the east coast that they saw it too. Finally, someone linked a newspaper report that said it was a NASA test rocket launched from a military base in VA. (I wish I could still find that article.)

Think everyone already knows that Rodent. Someone always points that out everytime a UFO is brought up, actually i know it has been brought up on this site before.

Might have been me, I recall posting something similar in the past

Might have been me, I recall posting something similar in the past
It's like something a 5 year old says to try and impress people . I actually remember my nephew telling me that when he was 6 or something, he was so proud of himself haha.