"Getting To Know You" Song Tournament


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Well, don't bug him too much about someone will turn up.

That's what I'm hoping. If nobody responds to the post in the Chill Club by some time tomorrow, I'll post again. Maybe someone who's not a weekend person will see it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just had an idea about who could send you the nominations....any one of us could do it, as long as we promised not reveal who's song were who, until after the song was outed. As long as someone was willing to remain quiet on the guessing part any of us could do secretly send you the song list.

I volunteered to be that person. I had a PM folder made and everything, ready to go. I was open to letting anybody send me their nominations now and make edits and send a new one if needed. I was curious to see what everyone's songs are. The mystery aspect isn't all that important to me. And I can be silent about who's song is who.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I just had an idea about who could send you the nominations....any one of us could do it, as long as we promised not reveal who's song were who, until after the song was outed. As long as someone was willing to remain quiet on the guessing part any of us could do secretly send you the song list.

If it's going to be someone in the tournament, then I may as well just do it myself. The idea of getting someone else to do it was so that everyone could play, including me.

You can play. I can do this. I'm honestly more excited about being the Song Master/Delivery Boy than playing the guessing game.

Guessing games frustrate me -- I'm better off not being frustrated.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If it's going to be someone in the tournament, then I may as well just do it myself. The idea of getting someone else to do it was so that everyone could play, including me.
But you would miss out on the fun There might be somebody who doesn't wish to ask questions or guess, I don't know for sure but there could be? Anyway it's just an idea.

I'm off to watch my Halloween movie, Happy Halloween...Boo!

Who do I send to and how many noms? I forget.

Eight noms, and do NOT send them to Sexy Celebrity.
WHY?!?! What is your deal with being so against me doing it? I keep telling you I'd love to do it, I'll do a great job, you won't be disappointed, and I'd rather do it.

I'm the best person for this job.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
WHY?!?! What is your deal with being so against me doing it? I keep telling you I'd love to do it, I'll do a great job, you won't be disappointed, and I'd rather do it.

I'm the best person for this job.

I can't handle a crazy you and a crazy ballgame at the same time. I'll be back after the game.

Crazy game over. And series is over too basically.
kinda sad Blue-Jays pitcher was so poor... and David Price always choke anyway

We could have beat KC easily
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I know it hasn't been decided yet who will receive the nominations, but when is the day that you are, as of right now, still planning on the deadline being? Was it supposed to be started by this coming Friday?

I am only asking so I know I have all of the songs sent long before then. Truth be told, I haven't finished my list. I actually need a few more days to work on this (it isn't as easy as I thought it would be ). I like knowing that I have the time to give it some thought, but I don't want to be lazy about it. And that is why I was curious to know when you are hoping to still start this tournament. Having a maybe deadline for the nominations will push me a little to think a little harder about the last few that I need.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe