Top 10 films of the 90's


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Twelve Monkeys
Dark City
The Matrix
Star Trek: First Contact
Silence of the Lambs

By no means is this the best films made in the 90's rather a list of 50 great films that seem to go unmentioned more and more every passing year.

Absolute Power - Laura Lenny plays it great as the daughter of Clint Eastwoods. In a Caper film with a twist. It might have gotten lost within all the brilliant energy surrounding Unforgiven, In the Line of Fire, A Perfect World and The Bridges of Madison County. I'm not going to tell you it's as good as those but everyone of those are completely different as well.

Primal Fear - Another fantastic Laura Lenny performance with Richard Gere as an attorney fighting a murder cast in which his client has a duel personality played by Edward Norton in a tour de force performance which brings the level of everyone else up a notch and in the process the film.

The Dark Half - Romero's most polished film to date. Hutton plays it too the hilt as a teacher that writes novels under pseudonym. This pseudonym becomes an apparition of living flesh.

Fire in the Sky - Such a good story. well cast. The alien sequences are so believable they scared the crap out of me.

Dick Tracy - The 80's generation had Mike Hodges Flash Gordon. The 90's Got Warren Beatty's Dick Tracy with Vittorio Storaro contagious color photography that you can escape yourself into.

The Grifters - Fears doesn't seem to make that many bad movies yet you don't hear him being
mentioned much around other great directors. Here he provided one of the best con movies around. Rich with characters of such conviction that it made it all the more disturbing.

Narrow Margin - I got to say this feels like an ox-moron to state that this is Peter Hyams best film but, it's
hard to argue. I certainly think it's has most well put together. Not most original or creative. From a
simple stand point of filmmaking though. There's not a lot of wasted space, the plot moves along like the locomotive in the film. There’s some neat surprises and few ridiculous moments. A good old fashion yarn.

Black Robe - I don't know if I’ve seen the same movie everybody else has. I thought this was terrific.

Dead Again - Kind hooky but, Branagh does his Hitchcock thing and does it well.

Grand Canyon - I always seem to gravitate back to this Kasdan's ensemble piece. the elements come together like a image created by stars in the sky at night.

The Hard Way - James Woods is tremendous as the cop that will stop at nothing to get his man. Fox is hilarious as the actor that wants to follow Woods to become Woods. It has all the underpinnings of a good cop film cup old with a swift sense of humour and a vast amount of in jokes and movie within a movie overtones.

Homicide - Slightly off kilter balance Mamet is able to create that has stuck with me since the very first viewing of this seemingly unnoticed film. Then again, I was incredible/positively surprised to see this get a CC DVD release.

New Jack City - Spaghetti gangster. outrageous and grandeur.

Shattered - You could call it unbelievable you could call it unrealistic. those would both be fair assessments.
It's works quite well as a nonsensical American giallo. One could easily provide many better options to a film that moves such as this. Dario Argento comes to mind. I'll be honest I still found myself extremely involved.

Switch - I'm going to chalk this one up too Ellen Barkin, I love Ellen Barkin.

Hero - Should have, could have. it's still pretty good.

Jennifer Eight - In terms of serial killer movies I’m still surprised this one gets little to no attention.

One False Move - What a film. what happened ?

Devil in a Blue Dress - What Happened I asked well he was able to come up with his only other great film and what is I think Washington’s best performance as Easy Rollins.

Sneakers - To bad they didn't make any sequels. The cast was so much fun to watch interacted. It did lack some umff trying a little to hard bit, it mostly fired on all cylinders.

Geronimo: An American Legend - If anybody was going to make a great western for the 90's it was
going to be either Eastwood or Hill. Hill did it here and Eastwood did it in Unforgiven.

In the Name of the Father - Very powerful drama. excellent cast. straight forward style directing.

The Joy Luck Club - This might be the most I’ve ever cried watching a movie.

Last Action Hero - Love the blending of humour and satire within the action setting.

Manhattan Murder Mystery - Even though this is not Woody Allen's best shot, directed, acted or for
that matter balanced film. It somehow has resonated with me over the years as being his most charming
as imperfect as it is, I rather like it the most out of his work.

The Hudsucker Proxy - Overlooked is somewhat silly to say anybody who’s enjoyed the Coen Brothers
films will have seen their take on capra. Quirky, fast and punchy.

The Last Seduction - Dahl at his most neo noirish and that's saying something cause that’s about all he does
and he's good at it he was just that much better here.

My Summer Story - Bob Clark goes back to material he worked with before and creates another great tale.

The Paper - My Favourite Ron Howard film.

The River Wild - This reminds me that all directors start somewhere and while this is not Hanson's
first movie by any means it is a sign of his creative genius that would latter engulf L.A Confidential and
Wonder Boys.

Romeo Is Bleeding - Wacky, quite original, and over the top. I love all the cast in this one.

The Shadow - The way the movie shifts from commanding action to weird humour to dark overtones within a serial style setting has always been entertaining to me. Baldwin might have been missed cased in the lead but you can't say he doesn't play it for all it worth.

Assassins - Banderas really sinks his teeth into this juice role chewing up all the scenery. Sly pulls out an almost near Copland Performance. Vilmos Zsigmond cinematography is impeccable and Donner reels everything into a tight tense thriller.

The Crossing Guard - I was totally captivated by the central performances of Nicholson and Morse. Heart wrenching.

Dead Presidents - I remember when it was cool to like this film and it was talked about all the time now it barely gets a word. Why? It's still as fresh as it was then if not better with age.

Die Hard with a Vengeance - He back and a little bit more grouchier, hung over and smellier. Now with Samuel L. Jackson to get him threw whatever crazy stuff he's gotten himself into. Logic we don't need no stinking logic. Fun is what counts if you planning on enjoying this unrealistic bent on being better and bigger the last two.

The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain - Charming little English comedy I’ve enjoyed watching many times.

Forgotten Silver - I wish sometimes Jackson would go back to a more smaller budget. His creativity just oozes.

Goldeneye - I'm not sure weather you like James Bond, I know I do. If you do, you owe it to this film for single handily Breathing new Life into a series that was all but lost.

Crash - I'm still not sure if I really like this or not maybe I’ll know in my next viewing doubt it but one thing is for certain it's magnificently interesting and absorbing.

Breakdown - I love how Russell playing against type. You'd usually see him as the action start here You'd be wrong he’s frazzled, doesn't know one thing about cars, how to use a gun or for that matter drive and car. More importantly how to save his wife. He gets you there but it’s rough going.

The Edge - You can tell Mamet had something to do with this script and the game of wits between Hopkins and Baldwin never gets tiring. Well done, Good suspenseful fun.

A Civil Action - I'm not the biggest John Travolta fan nor am I his least favourite. This shows he has the chops and strength to pull off and increasingly diverse and complicated characters.

He Got Game - I tend to go for the lesser liked Spike Lee films this 24 hours and Summer of Sam are among my favourites.

Pleasantville - interesting premise that is not just pulled off but extremely well done.

Where's Marlowe? - Sometimes you come across a film you think nobody else has seen. A lot of people probably haven't seen this. The humour is on target, the acting is natural and it just feels so right.

8mm - This films doesn't get enough credit. Cage is completely enthralling. The story takes some major unexpected turns and keeps you pinned to the edge of your seat.

Mumford - Similar to other Kasdan works though absurdity is defiantly at the fore front and the comedy angle is raised up.

October Sky - An endearing film filled with touching moments and a true story to boot.

The Ghost and the Darkness & Thunderheart - Two great films by Val Kilmer.

Fire in the Sky - Such a good story. well cast. The alien sequences are so believable they scared the crap out of me.

The Grifters - Fears doesn't seem to make that many bad movies yet you don't hear him being
mentioned much around other great directors. Here he provided one of the best con movies around. Rich with characters of such conviction that it made it all the more disturbing.

Grand Canyon - I always seem to gravitate back to this Kasdan's ensemble piece. the elements come together like a image created by stars in the sky at night.

The Hard Way - James Woods is tremendous as the cop that will stop at nothing to get his man. Fox is hilarious as the actor that wants to follow Woods to become Woods. It has all the underpinnings of a good cop film cup old with a swift sense of humour and a vast amount of in jokes and movie within a movie overtones.

New Jack City - Spaghetti gangster. outrageous and grandeur.

Jennifer Eight - In terms of serial killer movies I’m still surprised this one gets little to no attention.

In the Name of the Father - Very powerful drama. excellent cast. straight forward style directing.

Manhattan Murder Mystery - Even though this is not Woody Allen's best shot, directed, acted or for
that matter balanced film. It somehow has resonated with me over the years as being his most charming
as imperfect as it is, I rather like it the most out of his work.

The Last Seduction - Dahl at his most neo noirish and that's saying something cause that’s about all he does
and he's good at it he was just that much better here.

Assassins - Banderas really sinks his teeth into this juice role chewing up all the scenery. Sly pulls out an almost near Copland Performance. Vilmos Zsigmond cinematography is impeccable and Donner reels everything into a tight tense thriller.

Pleasantville - interesting premise that is not just pulled off but extremely well done.
Love(d) these films, gotta + rep you for them. Not seen a few of them for a good number of years now, though.

Strange that you do this now, I was thinking about something similar just last night.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
After watching parts each day of the Marathon of Forrest Gump (watched the movie about 2-3 times during the marathon and random other parts), I'd say it's got to be in the top 10

My Own Private Idaho [ 1991 ] - Without a doubt my favorite 1990's film. River Phoenix's performance as the narcoleptic and confused street hustler Mike is so perfect and touching and realistic that it makes me cry every time. MOPI is like watching an expressionistic painting. At first it seems unfocused, messy and unreal, but as you follow it carefully it becomes something intriguing and ultimately rewarding.

Schindler's List [ 1993 ] is definitely a close second.

Dogfight [ 1991 ]
Reservoir Dogs [ 1992 ]
Fight Club [ 1999 ]
The Shawshank Redemption [ 1994 ]
Pulp Fiction [ 1994 ]
The Matrix [ 1999 ]
Saving Private Ryan [ 1998 ]
Thelma & Louise [ 1991 ]

My Own Private Idaho [ 1991 ] - Without a doubt my favorite 1990's film. River Phoenix's performance as the narcoleptic and confused street hustler Mike is so perfect and touching and realistic that it makes me cry every time. MOPI is like watching an expressionistic painting. At first it seems unfocused, messy and unreal, but as you follow it carefully it becomes something intriguing and ultimately rewarding.
Thanks for reminding me of this film. it's been on my too see list and I forgot all about it.

01. L.A. Confidential
02. The Thin Red Line
03. Fearless
04. Wonder Boys
05. Fight Club
06. Eyes Wide Shut
07. Goodfellas
08. Miller’s crossing
09. The Silence of the Lambs
10. The Fisher King

Just outside the top 10

Jackie Bown
King of New York
Nobody’s fool
Secrets and Lies
The Game
Last Action Hero

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
1. Schindler's List
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Braveheart
4. Saving Private Ryan
5. Beauty and the Beast
6. L.A. Confidential
7. Forrest Gump
8. The Shawshank Redemption
9. SE7EN
10. GoodFellas
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Mark- pretty good top 10 there. Every movie I've seen belongs on that list.

I've already changed my mind

1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Unforgiven
3. Silence of the Lambs
4. Saving Private Ryan
5. L.A. Confidential
6. The Hurricane
7. Schindler's List
8. Forrest Gump
9. Remember the Titans
10. Independence Day

anyway, lists are fun, so lets go:

1. tokyo fist (tsukamoto '95)
2. men with guns (sayles '97)
3. romper stomper (wright '92)
4. metropolitan (stillman '90)
5. to live (yimou '94)
6. mo' better blues (spike lee '90)
7. faust (svankmajer '94)
8. the eel (imamura '97)
9. whispers of the heart (kondo '95)
10. iron monkey ('93)
Oh my god lines. I've only seen ONE film on your list. I guess i have to go hide in a corner.

1. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
2. Total Recall
3. Starship Troopers
4. True Lies
5. Cliffhanger
6. In the Mouth of Madness
7. Stephen King's It
8. Event Horizon
9. Groundhog Day
10. So, I Married an Axe Murderer

L.A Confidential and Shawshank all the way


Dances With Wolves
Pulp Fiction
L.A Confidential
Miller's Crossing
As Good As It Gets
The English Patient

By no means is this the best films made in the 90's rather a list of 50 great films that seem to go unmentioned more and more every passing year.

Absolute Power - Laura Lenny plays it great as the daughter of Clint Eastwoods. In a Caper film with a twist. It might have gotten lost within all the brilliant energy surrounding Unforgiven, In the Line of Fire, A Perfect World and The Bridges of Madison County. I'm not going to tell you it's as good as those but everyone of those are completely different as well.

Primal Fear - Another fantastic Laura Lenny performance with Richard Gere as an attorney fighting a murder cast in which his client has a duel personality played by Edward Norton in a tour de force performance which brings the level of everyone else up a notch and in the process the film.

The Dark Half - Romero's most polished film to date. Hutton plays it too the hilt as a teacher that writes novels under pseudonym. This pseudonym becomes an apparition of living flesh.

Fire in the Sky - Such a good story. well cast. The alien sequences are so believable they scared the crap out of me.

Dick Tracy - The 80's generation had Mike Hodges Flash Gordon. The 90's Got Warren Beatty's Dick Tracy with Vittorio Storaro contagious color photography that you can escape yourself into.

The Grifters - Fears doesn't seem to make that many bad movies yet you don't hear him being
mentioned much around other great directors. Here he provided one of the best con movies around. Rich with characters of such conviction that it made it all the more disturbing.

Narrow Margin - I got to say this feels like an ox-moron to state that this is Peter Hyams best film but, it's
hard to argue. I certainly think it's has most well put together. Not most original or creative. From a
simple stand point of filmmaking though. There's not a lot of wasted space, the plot moves along like the locomotive in the film. There’s some neat surprises and few ridiculous moments. A good old fashion yarn.

Black Robe - I don't know if I’ve seen the same movie everybody else has. I thought this was terrific.

Dead Again - Kind hooky but, Branagh does his Hitchcock thing and does it well.

Grand Canyon - I always seem to gravitate back to this Kasdan's ensemble piece. the elements come together like a image created by stars in the sky at night.

The Hard Way - James Woods is tremendous as the cop that will stop at nothing to get his man. Fox is hilarious as the actor that wants to follow Woods to become Woods. It has all the underpinnings of a good cop film cup old with a swift sense of humour and a vast amount of in jokes and movie within a movie overtones.

Homicide - Slightly off kilter balance Mamet is able to create that has stuck with me since the very first viewing of this seemingly unnoticed film. Then again, I was incredible/positively surprised to see this get a CC DVD release.

New Jack City - Spaghetti gangster. outrageous and grandeur.

Shattered - You could call it unbelievable you could call it unrealistic. those would both be fair assessments.
It's works quite well as a nonsensical American giallo. One could easily provide many better options to a film that moves such as this. Dario Argento comes to mind. I'll be honest I still found myself extremely involved.

Switch - I'm going to chalk this one up too Ellen Barkin, I love Ellen Barkin.

Hero - Should have, could have. it's still pretty good.

Jennifer Eight - In terms of serial killer movies I’m still surprised this one gets little to no attention.

One False Move - What a film. what happened ?

Devil in a Blue Dress - What Happened I asked well he was able to come up with his only other great film and what is I think Washington’s best performance as Easy Rollins.

Sneakers - To bad they didn't make any sequels. The cast was so much fun to watch interacted. It did lack some umff trying a little to hard bit, it mostly fired on all cylinders.

Geronimo: An American Legend - If anybody was going to make a great western for the 90's it was
going to be either Eastwood or Hill. Hill did it here and Eastwood did it in Unforgiven.

In the Name of the Father - Very powerful drama. excellent cast. straight forward style directing.

The Joy Luck Club - This might be the most I’ve ever cried watching a movie.

Last Action Hero - Love the blending of humour and satire within the action setting.

Manhattan Murder Mystery - Even though this is not Woody Allen's best shot, directed, acted or for
that matter balanced film. It somehow has resonated with me over the years as being his most charming
as imperfect as it is, I rather like it the most out of his work.

The Hudsucker Proxy - Overlooked is somewhat silly to say anybody who’s enjoyed the Coen Brothers
films will have seen their take on capra. Quirky, fast and punchy.

The Last Seduction - Dahl at his most neo noirish and that's saying something cause that’s about all he does
and he's good at it he was just that much better here.

My Summer Story - Bob Clark goes back to material he worked with before and creates another great tale.

The Paper - My Favourite Ron Howard film.

The River Wild - This reminds me that all directors start somewhere and while this is not Hanson's
first movie by any means it is a sign of his creative genius that would latter engulf L.A Confidential and
Wonder Boys.

Romeo Is Bleeding - Wacky, quite original, and over the top. I love all the cast in this one.

The Shadow - The way the movie shifts from commanding action to weird humour to dark overtones within a serial style setting has always been entertaining to me. Baldwin might have been missed cased in the lead but you can't say he doesn't play it for all it worth.

Assassins - Banderas really sinks his teeth into this juice role chewing up all the scenery. Sly pulls out an almost near Copland Performance. Vilmos Zsigmond cinematography is impeccable and Donner reels everything into a tight tense thriller.

The Crossing Guard - I was totally captivated by the central performances of Nicholson and Morse. Heart wrenching.

Dead Presidents - I remember when it was cool to like this film and it was talked about all the time now it barely gets a word. Why? It's still as fresh as it was then if not better with age.

Die Hard with a Vengeance - He back and a little bit more grouchier, hung over and smellier. Now with Samuel L. Jackson to get him threw whatever crazy stuff he's gotten himself into. Logic we don't need no stinking logic. Fun is what counts if you planning on enjoying this unrealistic bent on being better and bigger the last two.

The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain - Charming little English comedy I’ve enjoyed watching many times.

Forgotten Silver - I wish sometimes Jackson would go back to a more smaller budget. His creativity just oozes.

Goldeneye - I'm not sure weather you like James Bond, I know I do. If you do, you owe it to this film for single handily Breathing new Life into a series that was all but lost.

Crash - I'm still not sure if I really like this or not maybe I’ll know in my next viewing doubt it but one thing is for certain it's magnificently interesting and absorbing.

Breakdown - I love how Russell playing against type. You'd usually see him as the action start here You'd be wrong he’s frazzled, doesn't know one thing about cars, how to use a gun or for that matter drive and car. More importantly how to save his wife. He gets you there but it’s rough going.

The Edge - You can tell Mamet had something to do with this script and the game of wits between Hopkins and Baldwin never gets tiring. Well done, Good suspenseful fun.

A Civil Action - I'm not the biggest John Travolta fan nor am I his least favourite. This shows he has the chops and strength to pull off and increasingly diverse and complicated characters.

He Got Game - I tend to go for the lesser liked Spike Lee films this 24 hours and Summer of Sam are among my favourites.

Pleasantville - interesting premise that is not just pulled off but extremely well done.

Where's Marlowe? - Sometimes you come across a film you think nobody else has seen. A lot of people probably haven't seen this. The humour is on target, the acting is natural and it just feels so right.

8mm - This films doesn't get enough credit. Cage is completely enthralling. The story takes some major unexpected turns and keeps you pinned to the edge of your seat.

Mumford - Similar to other Kasdan works though absurdity is defiantly at the fore front and the comedy angle is raised up.

October Sky - An endearing film filled with touching moments and a true story to boot.

The Ghost and the Darkness & Thunderheart - Two great films by Val Kilmer.
You mean this:
The Black Robe was a great movie with exceptional cinematagrophy.