Which character do you think you are?


When I was a teenager



Now though..

Capa - Sunshine

Frederick Treves - The Elephant Man

Mercer - The Go Getter

and sometimes



After re-watching Pump Up The Volume late last night, I decided I'd also like to include Mark Hunter.
I used to always feel like that character. Still kinda do.

Props to you for including a shirtless picture of Christian Slater.

Feeling like Megan Gallagher at the moment.

But wish I was more like Neil Gallagher!!


I used to know a Megan Gallagher... although, if you happen to be her, I no longer know you.

She had odd interests too, but if she's gone the Puppet Master route, I can only speculate that she/you must have gone on to do massive drugs when you went to college.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Im kind of a mix between...


So you can call me The Croker
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I don't look like any, in my opinion.
I and all the people I know have much more interesting lives than anything I've ever seen in the movies, but I had a truly James Bond moment yesterday.

Went into the hospital for a simple outpatient proceducre to ease the pain of an old injury to my lower back. Afterward I emerged from unconsciousness in a roomful of foreign women in uniforms--nurses from Hong Kong, Equador, The Philippines, Canada, there may even had been a representative from the USA. They were surprised when I came to and burst out laughing. I was just wondering which of them had blatantly sexy name that always crops up in a Bond film!

Kate Beckinsale in "SERENDIPITY". At times I really do believe in destiny and just let fate lead me to the "right one". But I have realized that we make our own destiny and we have to act according to what we really desire to be able to achieve it..