The MoFo Top Comic Book & Graphic Novel Movies Countdown

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Tomorrow the entries will be a couple hours earlier than normal... Saturday like I said will be at a different time as well.

Am at my Sister's over the weekend busy with her Wedding party. She married last week but is having the party this weekend. Saturday and Sunday will probably be a few hours earlier as well.

Monday will be back to the norm, around 10am British time.

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I bet all iron man, batman, superman, x-men, Thor, Spider-man eligible films make the list. This is a pretty simple prediction.

How about we just make the list The Top 90 Comic Book & Graphic Novel Movies Countdown? Would that be better?

Well, come the end of the Countdown, I have no problem if Yods wants to only put the top 50 on the lists section if he was going to add it to the lists...

As I said, the soul reason for making it 100 on the thread... etc etc, again...

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Batman and Robin.....?!!?

Batman and Robin??!!


BATMAN AND ROBIN!!!!!!!!!????

I disliked the first three x-men movies, they have zero staying power, much like the iron man of the era before the comic book explosion, and the third one was an abomination, ruining characters new and old, a true logical abyss.

Several little leagues don't bother keeping score nowadays because they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by having a winner and a loser. This list is a lot like that. If you're a movie based on a comic book--- congratulations, you get a trophy!

Several little leagues don't bother keeping score nowadays because they don't want hurt anyone's feelings by having a winner and a loser. This list is a lot like that. If you're a movie based on a comic book--- congratulations, you get a trophy!
There are many movies based on comic books (in anime there are like hundreds of great movies listed as books such as this: The problem is that most of them are obscure so that movies that are recognized such as Batman and Robin, manage to make the cut. In other words, some people didn't have top 25 lists that they loved (like Holden Pike said, he didn't know 25 movies based on comic books that he loved to make his list but he submitted a list anyway) so movies that are well known got a lot of votes.

Batman and Robin.....?!!?

Batman and Robin??!!


BATMAN AND ROBIN!!!!!!!!!????
Well, it's like Dune maybe: so bad, but so bad, that it becomes great. In a sense, it's an exceptional movie.

I am worried about movies that are not so bad, but just bad but nothing historical bad proportion like Batman and Robin, movies like Fantastic Four and X-Men 3. These movies are truly worthless because they don't work at all while Batman and Robin at least is so bad, but so bad, it is memorable.

Batman & Robin, too? You've made this list ridiculous, as in literally subjected it to ridicule, by making it a top hundred. Truly. One person votes for a piece of ***** like Batman & Robin and it makes the list? Now I don't think I even care what the top ones are, anymore.

Fans of genre films, be they sci-fi, super heroes, horror, or whatever, are so often walking around with a metaphorical chip on their shoulders, like how dare the rest of you squares not give my genre its due! And there is a kernel of truth to that sentiment, as genre films generally don't get a lot of respect from the mainstream. But part of the problem is exactly this kind of list. Many of you bitch and cry, perhaps even rightly so, when The Dark Knight doesn't make the cut for Oscar's Best Picture or whatever, but then you can turn around and hold up Superman Returns and Batman & Robin as somehow quality films? Which is what inclusion on such a list implies. Until genre fans have the backbone to call the ***** of their genre ***** and not reflexively and defensively hold it up as gold because the uptight art snobs just don't get comic books, you are devaluing your own argument for the films that truly are great and do deserve respect.


Well, you contributed to a top 25, and now complain that the list is cr*p even though you contributed to it and did not find 25 movies that you love, hence adding cr*p points to the list:

Woah, you're doing a HUNDRED of these?!? I was kinda scraping the barrel to get my twenty-five! I thought this was going to result in a top twenty or maybe a top fifty. But a hundred?!? Mmmmm, alright. Somebody give me a call when it hits the top ten or so.

That's a bit inconsistent.