Best opening scene?


And at the end of fear, oblivion
"The Phantom of the Opera (2004)" has such a beautiful brilliant opening.

There's also a very good japanese movie called "Nobody to Watch Over Me".
It has one of the best openings i've seen, because the song is so beautiful and you already start to feel the sadness this movie contains.

~Mad enough. Do you see yourself? The seeds of your destruction were sown long ago, and now he will reap the harvest. He owns your mind; you've just been renting. You owe a debt and he will collect.~

Movies Make The World Go Round!
How about Scream 1, 2, and 3 openings are pretty decent! Lol! And back to the future part 2 is pretty cool! I would be biased I like lots of openings, usually scary movies saw openings are cool! Lol!

All good people are asleep and dreaming.

The Hidden

Warning, violent

Hunchback of Notre Dame, Disney one.
You cannot have it both ways. A dancer who relies upon the doubtful comforts of human love can never be a great dancer. Never. (The Red Shoes, 1948)

Has Ghostbusters been mentioned?

No Apologies. No Regrets.
ah ghostbusters great opening. Machete had a great opening too

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Saving Private Ryan for me

The opening of The Matrix is awesome, because it kicks off an action sequence with the brand-new-at-the-time "bullet time" effect (Trinity's iconic floating kick), and keeps you going down the rabbit hole from there.
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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Saving Private Ryan for me

I probably love Saving Private Ryan more than 95% of all MoFos, but the opening scene is walking to the D-Day cemetery at Normandy with the family. Even I will say it's probably one of my least fave scenes. But that's only until a few more somebodies else accept the film for what it is. It's a movie. It is very serious and the acting is incredible. As far as action goes, it's basically at the all-time top lists of action movies. Look, if you have problems with it, that's fine. If you prefer the "more-poetic" flick from that year, that's also fine. But I still think that means that you're taking the easy way out and not giving this film enough credit.

I realize that this is drastically off-topic, but if you've seen the film, tell me what you think of this.

DO NOT watch this if you haven't watched this movie, unless you're about 70% sure you will never watch it.

Now, that is a good video, but why did it leave out the last line, "No, no, that one I save just for me."

I think I'm going to post something about this flick in that thread about "10 Reasons You Love a Certain Movie", if I can find it when I'm ready.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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No Apologies. No Regrets.
fight club
saving private ryan
and ghostbusters FTW

The opening scene of the Dark Knight is another best one. In the opening scene, we found out that the Joker going to be the big part of the whole movie. The thing I remember is.. I was thinking who's those people wearing mask and who's the real Joker? Without using much visual effects, it's infact a great opening scene. Well, that's on my opinion. ;-)