Movies That Made You Cry!!!


Titanic - duh!

Toy Story 3 - When Andy gives away the toys to the little girl. Everyone has to say goodbye to their toys at some point in their lives and that, I imagine, is at least somewhat emotional moment for most people. It sure was for me. That scene reminds me of that day and pinches those weird nostalgic tears out of my eyes whether I like it or not.

Avatar - The movie might be a blunt ripoff and maybe it does rely too much on the effects but the simple fact is, when the Hometree fell there was a river flowing out of my eyes.

A lot of movies, but that I remember...
Moulin Rouge! and The Green Mile the first time I saw them (so many years ago).
Most recently: In the name of the father. Daniel Day Lewis's performance was incredible

I watched an old film last night-The Breakfast Club.
I have to say,I really cried so sadly when I hear their stories which were buried deep inside of their hearts.Everyone has different stories.

Just watched Wanderlust, there was a part or two where I was 'having a feeling'.(That's what Seth says when he has a tear in the movie )

Not many make me cry. Sort of come with being full of testosterone and an alpha male

Pusher 2 made me have to hold in tears, surprisingly. Not sure why, though. My Life Without Me and The Bicycle Thieves too can increase the floodgates.

The most loathsome of all goblins
Originally Posted by Sleezy;176636[B
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind[/b] - It gets me when Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet are sitting in his head on the beach, waiting for everything to be erased.
On Golden Pond- I nearly mildewed in that movie.
Grave of the Fireflies- how do cartoons getcha like that?
Dances With Wolves - the wolf
Big Fish - the ending
All of these for me. I tear up quite often when I watch movies, especially when I'm drunk or high (or both.)

One that makes me cry every time without fail is It's a Wonderful Life. The ending is so touching that I can't control it. They're tears of joy though.

The only two movies that made me really cry were two Ghibli cartoons, My Neighbor Totoro and Grave of the Fireflies. I have never cried in a film before or after these two.

Other have made my eyes wet, such as Schindler's list, Ikiru and Late Spring, but nothing enough for the tears to drop from the eyes.

Edit: Actually, four, including these two.

Ok here are the movies that can make me go a little misty

  • The Lion King - When Mufasa dies, it ruined me as a kid and it still gets me when Mufasa is trying to climb the wall and Simba is nudging at his dad...
  • A.I. - I really don't like this movie but there is one character that made is whatchable and that’s the Teddy. Now when the robots are picked up and the boy is holding onto the Teddy but can't hold on and that poor little Teddy gets dropped and you see him running after the boy it really gets to me. That poor little Teddy, and his little legs that can't keep up....
  • Goodbye Mr Chips - The older version that’s in Black and White when Mr Chip's Wife dies.
  • Transformers: The Movie - When I was a little kid and I watched this I used to cry so much when Optimus Prime died. Even now if I watch it I still get that upset feeling in my stomach.
  • Braveheart - Like a lot of people, when at the end he's getting killed and he yells 'Freedom!'. Have not watched the ending to that movie in about 3 years cause I get so torn up by it...
I liked AI as well... and it was pretty sad. There are many parts, but the end is what gets to me.

Also, Last of the Mohicans, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Legends of the Fall, ... can't quite think of all of them.

Only movies that ever made me cry were both Lars von Trier films. Breaking the Waves and Dancer in the Dark.

50 50 with Joseph Gordon Levitt and Seth Rogan - It was a feel good comedy/drama I know, but the ending, when you realize the friend's (Rogan) effort to help the main character got to me...was quite touching haha.

And recently - Les Miserables, the ending scene. The Cast was just too good, Hugh Jackman in particular. Great movie

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Titanic, when a old couple holding hands and accepted death in peace.

I'm such a cry baby when it comes to movies -.- Let's see, some of them are: Million Dollar Baby, La vita est bella, The Pursuit of Happiness, Pan's Labyrinth(the ending) and more!

I've had countless films make my eyes water excessively, like 50/50 for example, but I don't think I've ever watched a film where I balled uncontrollably. There has been a few instances where a tear or two did roll down, I have up admit. a few I can think of are The Notebook, Man On The Moon, Marley And Me (oh god, you have something dramatic happen involving an animal and I'll probably lose it,) and so forth. Yeah, some obvious choices, but hey, they pull at the heart strings well. XD

Oh, and a large majority of Disney and Pixar films have made my eyes water. (Wall.E, Up,Princess And The Frog, and so on.) Come to think of it, the first time I can remember getting emotional about a movie was probably Monster's Inc. when I first saw it in theaters. And the film Ring Of Bright Water. God, I remember being so upset because of the abrupt ending as a kid I didn't even want to decorate the Christmas tree during the holidays!

I'm such a cry baby when it comes to movies -.- Let's see, some of them are: Million Dollar Baby, La vita est bella, The Pursuit of Happiness, Pan's Labyrinth(the ending) and more!
Didn't cry in any of those, though I felt quite sad and disappointed in Million Dollar Baby (it would have been much cooler if she won in the end, like Rocky in Rocky), happy in The Pursuit of Happiness.

The ending of Pan's Labyrinth made me fell bad, like I watched something completely senseless. That's not sadness but the "bad movie feeling". I though it was a rather pretentious film: trying to be serious and stuff, but failing to engage me in any meaningful way.

How about tears of happiness, which are even more difficult to induce than tears of sadness?

I shed tears of happiness while watching My Neighbor Totoro and also, sometimes when I though about it, which was sometimes induced by the soundtrack (which is among my favorite music albums). Also after I watched P. Mononoke during the second, third and fourth times and the first and second times I watched Only Yesterday (subsequent viewings proved to be less emotionally powerful).

So the only visual media that ever made me cry are four Ghibli films, the three above, tears of happiness and Grave of the Fireflies, tears of sadness (the only one until now).