MoFo Memoriam: Remembering MoFos we lost in 2018


I hope not. She kept in touch with me quite a bit, and I know she was sick, so it was hard to come to any other conclusion when she vanished. If she just decided to move on, fair enough, I hope she's doing well.
She's moved on, which is better than the alternative,i guess some people find other interests and it takes up their free time.

Glad to hear shes still kickin. If anyone talks to her tell her joel said hello please
I don't do Facebook mate, if she views the forum as a guest she'll see your message.

I haven't been here much, glad to be back to get to know people again old ones and new ones
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I don't do Facebook mate, if she views the forum as a guest she'll see your message.
I just find it odd that someone will vanish without a single word to people that have gotten to know them personally. People were questioning if she was dead or alive for crying out loud. A simple "I'm here, just taking some personal space" would be fine. To each their own though.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Registered User
She's moved on, which is better than the alternative,i guess some people find other interests and it takes up their free time.
I just had to pop in after I heard this.

I'm very happy to know she's OK. I'm hoping she's recovered from whatever cancerous condition was afflicting her.

I also understand what it's like to feel you just need to quit a forum, get away from the internet and change directions in your life.

If you read this as a guest, Dani, then I am happy to hear this update.

I do wish, however, she would have given a little update or goodbye post--SOMETHING to let us know she was OK. I was sad for a long time, thinking she had passed away. My wife and I lost a dear friend very tragically a few years ago and that loss still hurts to this day, so when I thought Dani had also passed...just made things sadder.

Glad to hear that's not the case though, regardless of the circumstances. She doesn't owe anyone anything. I guess I was just hoping for an assurance from her that she hadn't passed. I'm both relieved a bit upset at the same time because of the sadness I felt, thinking she'd passed.

Oh, well. Life sure does throw us some strange updates sometimes.

Registered User
She's moved on, which is better than the alternative,i guess some people find other interests and it takes up their free time.
I knew her originally from IMDB as well from the Better Call Saul board. May I ask what your IMDB username was? You can rather tell me in PM if you'd like.

Registered User
I'm a little sad she didn't let me know, I felt we were pretty close, but I imagine health issues might necessitate the need for a fresh start. Really happy to hear that, though.
Agreed. And she certainly didn't owe any of us an explanation. I just thought, though, that she wouldn't want at least some of us to go on wondering if she'd passed or not.

Perhaps she didn't think we'd take it that hard.

Oh, well. She's alive and that's all that really matters!

I don't do Facebook mate, if she views the forum as a guest she'll see your message.
Views the forum as a guest? Maybe not facebook then if ya don't do it, but you seem clued in enough to know she's moved on big deal. I'll rephrase..if ANYONE ELSE talks to her, tell her I said hi.

Since it's been confirmed she's still kicking, I'd say there's a pretty good chance she comes to the forum every now and then to see if anyone mentions her. No one can resist! She sees you, Joel.

Registered User
Since it's been confirmed she's still kicking, I'd say there's a pretty good chance she comes to the forum every now and then to see if anyone mentions her. No one can resist! She sees you, Joel.
Remission, clean bill of health and a happy new direction in life is all I want for Dani, as a friend.

Dani, if you read this just know this: it was you who kept me coming back to this site to post in that Better Call Saul thread and it is you for why I stopped in today upon hearing this news. That is what our online friendship has meant to me. Enjoy your life, my friend.

Remission, clean bill of health and a happy new direction in life is all I want for Dani, as a friend.

Dani, if you read this just know this: it was you who kept me coming back to this site to post in that Better Call Saul thread and it is you for why I stopped in today upon hearing this news. That is what our online friendship has meant to me. Enjoy your life, my friend.

Hey, whatever works for her.

Its nice to hear all is good with Dani6. I know when I was on hiatus from here for a while and she came along, people that she was I. We both shared a love for a specific actor

... and that brought us together as forum friends.

It would be nice to hear from her every once in a while.. we have "Polar", "Arctic" and "Chaos Walking" to discuss and look forward too...

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
I'm so happy to hear that she's okay. I had lost all hope. Like a few other people in this thread however, I'm a little upset she didn't tell us anything. A lot of us care about her.

I always enjoyed talking to her, she's a sweet person with a nice sense of humor. It'd be great if she started posting again, but if not, I hope she still reads this message Take care, Dani.

She's moved on, which is better than the alternative,i guess some people find other interests and it takes up their free time.
I knew her originally from IMDB as well from the Better Call Saul board. May I ask what your IMDB username was? You can rather tell me in PM if you'd like.
I'll send a PM.

mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
Mr Minio had a terrific sense of humor. He was responsible for some of the funniest posts on the forum. Often made me laugh with his eccentrically worded jokes.
What makes his absence worse is that not even resopamenic is around that much anymore, so now we don't have any of Minio's spirit left

Legend in my own mind
Delighted that Dani8 is ok. She was such a prolific poster when I was around and I wondered why I haven't seen anything from her since my return.

Disappointed to not have been mentioned in this thread, Will have to work hard to create a bigger impact during this spell, before I leave again for another 18 months
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was going through some old threads and remembered how much I miss Gatsby
For sure, he was a cool and nice guy! He's been back briefly to say hi, but mostly he's moved on. I image he might be done with college by now and is probably working hard. Hope he's doing well