Snapshots of History.


No matter. Still an interesting answer, and maybe that painting was represented in some other film or tv- docudrama. Still, if it'll make you feel better, just take ONE turn lol

CS's selection must be of the construction of the Statue of Liberty in France, circa 1870s. That would be Lady Liberty's left hand holding the book. Sad to realize that at one time we had real freedom in this country...


CS's selection must be of the construction of the Statue of Liberty in France, circa 1870s. That would be Lady Liberty's left hand holding the book. Sad to realize that at one time we had real freedom in this country...

Ding-Ding! Extra kudos for identifying that this photo was taken in France when the parts of the statue were being constructed before being shipped to the U.S.!

Wow! That's a great answer. I would have just taken "signing of the declaration" . Now that you mentioned it, I remember learning in school that it wasn't signed at the same time.

Take a turn CS ( in fact that answer was so good, if it were up to me, you could take two. )
That would have been my guess as well. But had no idea of detail as outlined by CS.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's Chaplin alright and he's dressed as the little tramp, so it must be on a movie set. I don't recognize the lady, but I'll take a wild guess and say it's Teddy Roosevelt's wife, the First Lady.

Wait, wait, wait... I had no idea (figured it was some actress from the period). I totally missed this the first time around, but JUST noticed the woman is TOUCHING Chaplin's face in an odd way (with one finger on his mustache) as if feeling what he looks like. That means it can only be his contemporary, Helen Keller!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Wait, wait, wait... I had no idea (figured it was some actress from the period). I totally missed this the first time around, but JUST noticed the woman is TOUCHING Chaplin's face in an odd way (with one finger on his mustache) as if feeling what he looks like. That means it can only be his contemporary, Helen Keller!
Holy cow Superman, I bet you're right!

Holy cow Superman, I bet you're right!
I quickly decided I had no guess and wrote it off as one I had no idea about (since I don't know the names of actresses or even many people from the silent era) - so it was purely an accident of observation combined with deductive reasoning. Though, it still has yet to be confirmed.

Wait, wait, wait... I had no idea (figured it was some actress from the period). I totally missed this the first time around, but JUST noticed the woman is TOUCHING Chaplin's face in an odd way (with one finger on his mustache) as if feeling what he looks like. That means it can only be his contemporary, Helen Keller!
very perceptive of you CS. Now can we have a hint on your earlier pic. Looks like they are contructing a giant wicker chair.

very perceptive of you CS. Now can we have a hint on your earlier pic. Looks like they are contructing a giant wicker chair.
"Wicker chair"

It was answered several posts back by @GulfportDoc

CS's selection must be of the construction of the Statue of Liberty in France, circa 1870s. That would be Lady Liberty's left hand holding the book. Sad to realize that at one time we had real freedom in this country...


Here's an easy one... this is from a piece of art that commemorates a certain event.
Name the event and where the monument is located.

"Wicker chair"

It was answered several posts back by @GulfportDoc

CS's selection must be of the construction of the Statue of Liberty in France, circa 1870s. That would be Lady Liberty's left hand holding the book. Sad to realize that at one time we had real freedom in this country...


Here's an easy one... this is from a piece of art that commemorates a certain event.
Name the event and where the monument is located.

Must have missed it. Problem I have had being in a different time zone to you all. I rarely get to play live with any of you. Is somewhat frustrating.

I have never seen the construction of the SOL..fascinating.

Your new one is not easy for me.

Must have missed it. Sorry about that. I have never seen the construction of the SOL..fascinating.

Not easy for me.
Here's a hint - that's a radio in the corner, and it's indirectly related to our own @Citizen Rules.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Here's an easy one... this is from a piece of art that commemorates a certain event.
Name the event and where the monument is located.

I know, I know!

You've posted that pic before I'll see if anyone else can guess it.

Orson Welles radio drama about Invasion by Martians? Or is that too far fetched?
Not far fetched at all, spookie.

A monument to the event (about 6 feet tall) was erected in Grover's Mill in my home state of NJ. That spot is significant because in the radio show that's where the Martians first landed.

It depicts Orson Welles broadcasting, a Martian tripod, and a typical family being panicked by what they heard on the radio on Halloween in 1938.

Legend has it that locals in Grover's Mill went out and shot at a water tower that they thought was a Martian tripod machine that is still standing today (or at least was as of 2012)!:

Inscription on the monument:

I never knew that a monument was erected with it being a massive hoax CS. That is why I notioned my answer was far fetched. I listened to a copy of the original broacast some time back. I can see why people were taken in that it was a genuine invasion from another world. Just for the record the 1953 War Of the Worlds film is my fav Amercan sci fi. By the way what do you prefer to be called here?