Star Trek spoof series "The Orville"


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm not sure how they could ever redeem Issac's character enough to have him be a part of the crew again? I know he had a change of 'heart' and protected the youngest boy of Dr Finn and went against his fellow Kaylons, saving the day. But unless I misunderstood something, it was stated that for all of season 1 and 2 Issac was on the Orville knowing he would eventually help exterminate all biological life in the galaxy. Or did I get that wrong?

If I remember correctly, Isaac was different from the rest of the Kaylons because he was created after they killed their creators. That's probably the only reason that he was able to turn on them and help the humans.

Personally, I wouldn't trust him again, but the crew of the Orville will because they have to show that they're not like the people who created the Kaylon and basically tried to make them slaves.
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Trouble with a capital "T"
I've watched all 10 episodes of the fan-made web series "Star Trek Continues." It's very faithful to the feel of the original series and its production values are top notch - making it look very much like the original (all the sets, sound effects and music are spot on). I've got my criticisms, of course, and the stories are somewhat hit or miss, but the good ones are pretty good - especially the final two-parter (the lady who plays the Romulan Commander is a dead ringer for the original) and I liked how the very end begins to tie into the start of the movie franchise.
I'm only 3 years late to the reply but thanks to you I've started watching Star Trek Continues. I didn't even know it existed tell I seen your mention of it on this thread.

I got to say it's very impressive for a non-profit fan based show. I mean damn the sets look like the real thing! And the music is the real McCoy and even the second actor to play McCoy is pretty good. I've enjoyed the stories as they are both well done AND pay homage to the original Star Trek...for a fan like me I love the references to the old show (especially the one about Mr Leslie not being at his station, ha).

Like you I could have my complaints but I don't expect perfection. But...I'd like to hear your thoughts on the series and complaints too.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm only 3 years late to the reply but thanks to you I've started watching Star Trek Continues. I didn't even know it existed tell I seen your mention of it on this thread.

I got to say it's very impressive for a non-profit fan based show. I mean damn the sets look like the real thing! And the music is the real McCoy and even the second actor to play McCoy is pretty good. I've enjoyed the stories as they are both well done AND pay homage to the original Star Trek...for a fan like me I love the references to the old show (especially the one about Mr Leslie not being at his station, ha).

Like you I could have my complaints but I don't expect perfection. But...I'd like to hear your thoughts on the series and complaints too.

You may be 3 years late, but you're better than me. I still haven't found time to watch Star Trek Continues, but it sounds like it's worth finding the time soon.

I'm only 3 years late to the reply but thanks to you I've started watching Star Trek Continues. I didn't even know it existed tell I seen your mention of it on this thread.

I got to say it's very impressive for a non-profit fan based show. I mean damn the sets look like the real thing! And the music is the real McCoy and even the second actor to play McCoy is pretty good. I've enjoyed the stories as they are both well done AND pay homage to the original Star Trek...for a fan like me I love the references to the old show (especially the one about Mr Leslie not being at his station, ha).

Like you I could have my complaints but I don't expect perfection. But...I'd like to hear your thoughts on the series and complaints too.
So cool. Unlike the Abrams reboot, the series is really like Star Trek continues.

Some of the ideas are so innovative - like a direct sequel episode to Mirror Mirror that picks up right where the original episode left off! What ST fan wouldn't want to see that?

What really needs to be lauded is the cast & crew's loyalty to the original series - as well as their acknowledgment of all that came afterwards as they drop cues to the movie series and The Next Generation - giving a tighter linkage to the ST continuity. (Little things like Scotty working on an early version of a holodeck, a new Starfleet program of placing counselors onboard that begins during the Enterprise's 5 year mission, Kirk showing up in the last episode wearing his uniform from TMP!)

I have issues with some of the actors, but may get into that later (I don't want to alter your perceptions with my observations). None can compare to the originals, of course, but most of them do grow on you after a while.

I may go back and watch some episodes again myself.

It's finally back now! Season 3, episode 1 is available now on Hulu or Disney+ (depending on what country you are in).
I liked seasons 1 and 2. So, how is season 3 so far?

The doors of wisdom are never shut. - 'Socrates'
I'm loving the orville. Not long finished season 3. This feels more like Star Trek than 'Star Trek'.
Did you know that in the 1980s movie PREDATOR the titular character was not originally portrayed by Kevin Peter Hall. It was in fact Jean-Claude Van Damme donning a much more insect inspired full body suit before he left the production which then led to the recasting and redesigning of the famous hunter.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm loving the orville. Not long finished season 3. This feels more like Star Trek than 'Star Trek'.
Is season 3 of The Orville completed now? Last time I checked it wasn't.