Film that made you cry


Succubus's Avatar
Nah....The Evil deads were directed by the great Sam Raimi

Brasco's Avatar
DonJuan de la Nooch
Thelma and Louise
Neverending Story (Hey I was a little kid)
and Simon Birch made me a little misty eyed.
Look at these morose muther****ers, looks like someone S**t in their cereal.....BONG!!!!

~Ah, Sam Raimi, gotcha. I liked Spider-Man. Have to admit that I almost cried when his uncle died. That was pretty sad.
~Yeah, there were tears for me in Armageddon. Daddy's little girl, what can I say.
PS- Yes My God, Sophia Coppola killed that movie like it wadn't no shame. Virgin Suicides was good though-seems like she is much better at directing.

YoUr FrIeNd &TrUsTeD aDvIsOr
yes, virgan suicides was a great movie along with the book....hey that gives me an idea...... look in to general discusion for a new thread.

I'm pretty boring when it comes to this. . .once nearly at Titantic and I had to hold back when I saw Life Is Beautiful the other day.

I try not to cry, it doesn't do good for my manly man reputation

transformers the movie - optimus prime dieing still holds deep in my heart.
braveheart - im scottish no wonder i cry
(i think ive posted on this thread b4, but ive been away for 2 months)
i hate hugh grant

Mr.Mister's Avatar
Don't be Feisty now...
This is pretty sad (as in lame kinda sad), but I felt the urge to let out my uh... emotions on two of the crappiest movies, Pearl Harbor and John Q.
"The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."
- Rita Mae Brown

You are correct, John Q. was horrible. I almost cried that Denzel Washington, one of the greatest actors of our time, had to be a part of that. He was good, the movie wasn't.


invalid_run's Avatar
Registered User
romeo & juliet , i still cry each time i watch it

brave heart, god i wa still crying my eyes out like an hour after i had watched it lol

There is only one movie I can ever remember crying because of and that was Man on the Moon. That movie got to me real bad, and I still can't remember why.
Make it happen!

Hi Guy's, there has only been two film that have ever made me cry.

1/ The elephant man with john hurt

2/ Belive it or not the fly 2, The dog scene. Ho man there I go again.
You dont see the eye's of the demon untill you watch the movie.

Pearl Harbor!!! I didn't even get to the part with the Attack and I was balling...... My best friend had to get me a whole box of Tissues... and then I cried for the rest of the movie.... and ever since then every time I watch it I cry....
"Your All going to Die down here."
Red Queen83

"Resident Evil 2:Apocolypse" Mila Jovavich
"Phone Booth" Colin Ferrel, Keifer Sutherland (2003)
"Pay it Forward" Haley Joel Osmond, Helen Hunt(2000)
"American Wedding" Jason Biggs, Alyson Hannigan(2003)
"Dogma" Ben Affleck, Matt Damon(1999)
"LOTR" 1,2 & 3 Vigo Mortenison, Elijah Wood (2002-2003)
"Thirteen" Holly Hunter, Nikkie Reed (2004)

I've never actually cried from a movie, but the one that almost made me cry was Forrest Gump. Such a good movie.

birdygyrl's Avatar
MovieForums Extra
There have been many movies that have made me cry.........I'm a softie I guess.

Out of Africa
Steel Magnolias
Forrest Gump

I'll stop there.
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons.....for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.

CatDancer's Avatar
Registered User
Beaches and Steel Magnolias come to mind first.

Put me in your pocket...
I need to add to these to my earlier list....

Life is Beautiful
Bridges of Madison County
Legends of the Fall

whats eating gilbert grape made me cry or was it my girlfriends tears on my good shirt that done that, hmmm..........

"I can't help it..."
I just watched the 1975 Stanley Kubrick film 'Barry Lyndon', and I cried during the scene where his eight year old son is on his death bed & he asks his father to tell him a story that he enjoys.
Truly heartbreaking. Ryan O'Neill is so good in that scene... Whole movie actually...
Movies I Watched Last Week:
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (Michel Gondry, 2004) ****
Drive Well, Sleep Carefully (Justin Mitchell, 2005) ****
Grilled (Jason Ensler, 2006) ****
An Inconvenient Truth (David Guggenheim, 2006) ****
The Family Stone (Thomas Bezucha, 2005) ***1/2
Rocky III (Sylvester Stallone, 1982) ***
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Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by JoannaTheGreat
~Joy Luck Club-I ALWAYS cry in that movie. No chance of my eyes being dry.
Same here. Everytime I've watched it I've had my box of tissues with me.

Here's more additions to my list....

Grave of the Fireflies (Hotaru no haka) (1988) ~Bawled like a baby. The fact that these two kids have no hope of survival was pretty tough to watch, but it so good.

Together (He ni zai yi qi) (2002)~ When the son finds out about the truth about his father and of course the ending.

Happy Times (Xingfu shiguang) (2001)~ Wasn’t sure if I’d like this by the way it started off...but by the end I was grabbing for the tissues.

The Spitfire Grill (2002)~ The fight between Percy and Hannah...when Percy finally confesses to Shelby why she went to prison...the result of the manhunt...and the ending.