MovieMan8877445's Top 100 Movies

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Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
66. The Punisher (Jonathon Hensleigh, 2004)

This is probably my second favorite revenge movie of all-time, I just find it so incredible. Now I've heard that this really wasn't a faithful adaption to The Punisher series, but I thought it was great for what it was, and I haven't even ever read any of The Punisher comics. Thomas Jane is such an incredible and underrated actor, he really needs some more movies like this that can just show his amazing acting. There were times in this that I thought his family really was killed just because of his acting, and his speech right before he attacked Howard Saints club was just great. That really showed that it had some great writing. And the story was just amazing, right from the very first scene with the weapons deal till right at the end where Jane's standing on the bridge. This movie is so underrated, and anyone who's just a fan of movies should check it out.
Yup this movie is great. And yes it is unfaithful, but I can't reccomend the comic enough. I just finished collecting all the max series yesterday.
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
P.S. Have you seen the new Punisher movie? It's way better and more violent.

60. Gremlins (Joe Dante, 1984)

This movie is just so nastoligc for me, I remember when I was a kid, I couldn't stop watching it. This and Jurassic Park are my two most nastolgic movies, and seriously, Gizmo is like the cutest thing ever, I can't deny that. This is a super fun movie to watch, it's more fun if you watched it when you were a kid though. So if you have any kids or know any little kids, you definitely need to show them this movie, because to me this is the ultimate movie that I think kids would love.

59. Superbad (Greg Mottola, 2007)

This movie was my favorite comedy for the longest time, actually now that I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure that it still is. Judd Apatow is the best person associated with comedy IMO, because most of his stuff that I've seen have been absolutely hilarious, but it's a kind of humor that I don't think everyone would love. I was glad to see Seth Rogen in this, because as I said before, he's my all-time favorite comedian, and him and Bill Hader make a perfect team together. Jonah Hill is another one of my favorite comedian's, so it was also great seeing him in this as well. Any fan of the comdey genre definitely should check this out sometime soon.

58. American Beauty (Sam Mendes, 1999)

This movie is just so incredible, some of it seems so realistic. The movie isn't really that realistic though, because I mean seriously who has a family with a dad who doesn't have a job and smokes weed, a mom that starts having an affair with a buisness partner, and a daughter who's just very strange. The ending is just incredible though, you already knew it was gonna happen right from the very beginning when Kevin Spacey was giving his first speech of the movie, but it still blew you away because you didn't know who did it.

P.S. Have you seen the new Punisher movie? It's way better and more violent.
Nope, I haven't, it looked sorta stupid from the trailers to me.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
58. American Beauty (Sam Mendes, 1999)

This movie is just so incredible, some of it seems so realistic. The movie isn't really that realistic though, because I mean seriously who has a family with a dad who doesn't have a job and smokes weed, a mom that starts having an affair with a buisness partner, and a daughter who's just very strange. The ending is just incredible though, you already knew it was gonna happen right from the very beginning when Kevin Spacey was giving his first speech of the movie, but it still blew you away because you didn't know who did it.
Plus it qualifies as Soft-Core porn....Just saying.

59. Superbad
(Greg Mottola, 2007)

This movie was my favorite comedy for the longest time, actually now that I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure that it still is. Judd Apatow is the best person associated with comedy IMO, because most of his stuff that I've seen have been absolutely hilarious, but it's a kind of humor that I don't think everyone would love. I was glad to see Seth Rogen in this, because as I said before, he's my all-time favorite comedian, and him and Bill Hader make a perfect team together. Jonah Hill is another one of my favorite comedian's, so it was also great seeing him in this as well. Any fan of the comdey genre definitely should check this out sometime soon.
Superbad is definitely hilarious. I loved it, everything about it was funny.

By the way, some of your images are not showing up.

57. Superman Returns (Brian Singer, 2006)

This is probably my favorite superhero movie besides Nolan's Batman movies. The movie right from the very beginning is great, and Brandon Routh is such a great Superman. I didn't really like Kate Bosworth much as Lois Lane though, but besides that, I thought this movie was great. Any fan of the superhero genre would definitely love it too, so if you haven't seen it yet, you really should sometime soon because you won't be disappointed.

56. Cloverfield (Matt Reeves, 2008)

Now what do I really need to say about this. It's a giant monster movie, made with a very different kind of stlye, what's not to love about it. I loved that this was just such a mysterious movie, I mean we never got any explination of what it actually was or what happened after operation hammerdown. I'd really love to see a sequel about what happened after hammerdown, a prequel just wouldn't work for this though, because then the mystery of it would just be taken away. But if you like giant monster movies, then you really need to go watch this one sometime soon.

55. The Green Mile (Frank Darabont, 1999)

This has to be one of the most beautiful and touching movies that I've ever seen. This was one of those rare movies that brought me on the edge of crying at the end of it. Tom Hanks is just incredible in this, it's his best role IMO, he really gets into this role, and the 3 and a half hour runtime really gives him time to prove himself in the role as well. Frank Darabont is just an amazing director, and I loved all of his movies that I've seen, but out of all the movies of his that I've seen, this is my least favorite out of all of them.

57. Superman Returns (Brian Singer, 2006)

This is probably my favorite superhero movie besides Nolan's Batman movies. The movie right from the very beginning is great, and Brandon Routh is such a great Superman. I didn't really like Kate Bosworth much as Lois Lane though, but besides that, I thought this movie was great. Any fan of the superhero genre would definitely love it too, so if you haven't seen it yet, you really should sometime soon because you won't be disappointed.

56. Cloverfield (Matt Reeves, 2008)

Now what do I really need to say about this. It's a giant monster movie, made with a very different kind of stlye, what's not to love about it. I loved that this was just such a mysterious movie, I mean we never got any explination of what it actually was or what happened after operation hammerdown. I'd really love to see a sequel about what happened after hammerdown, a prequel just wouldn't work for this though, because then the mystery of it would just be taken away. But if you like giant monster movies, then you really need to go watch this one sometime soon.

55. The Green Mile (Frank Darabont, 1999)

This has to be one of the most beautiful and touching movies that I've ever seen. This was one of those rare movies that brought me on the edge of crying at the end of it. Tom Hanks is just incredible in this, it's his best role IMO, he really gets into this role, and the 3 and a half hour runtime really gives him time to prove himself in the role as well. Frank Darabont is just an amazing director, and I loved all of his movies that I've seen, but out of all the movies of his that I've seen, this is my least favorite out of all of them.
I would give all of those movies

Seriously, is it just a coincidence that you and VG have almost exactly the same films on both your lists......

Seriously, is it just a coincidence that you and VG have almost exactly the same films on both your lists......
I don't know, but I don't see many of my top 50 on his list. So that's a good thing.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
So that's a good thing.

54. Death Sentence (James Won, 2007)

This is probably my all-time favorite revenge movie. I do know that the ending was a little predictable, but I can look past that seeing as that's how most revenge movies end. Kevin Bacon was outstanding in this though, some scenes just had some really emotional acting from him, I was actually plesently surprised. Garret Hedlund was also a great villain for this, I was surpsrised about that too, because I usually see him playing the good guy, but he played the bad guy for once. Any revenge movie fan would definitely like this movie.

53. Sin City (Robert Rodriqiez, 2005)

Now this movie was my favorite movie for the longest time, I'm actually surprised at how it went from my favorite movie all the way to in my 50's. This movie visuals are outstanding, it probably has some of the best visuals that I've ever seen. It also has an all star cast to go along with all of that. And I've read some of the graphic novels for this, and this was a very faithful adaption of it, some of the shots in this are exactly what they are in the comics, so it's definitely a great adaption. I think any comic book fan would love this movie because of how faithful it is.

52. Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock, 1958)

A great thriller from no one else but Alfred Hitchcock. I do gotta say though, for a Hitchcock movie, I was a little disappointed, because it didn't quite have the suspense that Rear Window or Psycho had. James Stewart is an incredible actor though, I want to see some more movies where he satrs, because the only movies I've seen him in have been a few of Alfred Hitchcock's movies. I really loved the ending for it though, I guess it sorta was a twist ending. And fan of the thriller genre would definitely love this one, and most of Hitchcock's work.

51. Mangnum Force (Ted Post, 1973)

Now I really loved the first Dirty Harry, and while this one isn't quite as good as the first, it's definitely my second favorite of the series. Clint Eastwood is just so awesome, I don't think there's a movie of his that I've seen that he hasn't been awesome in. The ending to this was very predictable though, but I already knew it was because the endings to the Dirty Harry movies are supposed to be predicable. This is definitely a great movie to watch though, and Eastwood fan would like, and any Eastwood fan should check out the whole Dirty Harry series.

50. Schindler's List (Steven Spielberg, 1993)

Okay, so I've seen this film once, and I think with some more rewatches that it will move up higher on my list, but for now, this is the spot that it's gonna stay at. I didn't really get the first hour of the movie, but after that it really got incredible IMO. I suppose with a rewatch that I'll understand the first hour better, but I'll find out sooner. But Liam Neeson is just amazing in this, easily his best preformance, and the scene where he breaks down saying that he could've saved more may be one of the best scenes ever in a movie.

49. Aliens (James Cameron, 1986)

Now this is my favorite of the Alien series, I think this would even make it onto my top 5 favorite sci-fi movies. As I said for Alien, Sigourney Weaver is perfect for the role of Ripley, I really couldn't imagine anyone else playing that part. I still haven't seen the last two in the Alien series though, so I don't know if this will stay my favorite of the series forever, but I'm pretty sure it will because I've heard a lot of bad things about the both of them, but who knows I may end up loving them. Any sci-fi fan definitely needs to check this one out.

48. Bram Stroker's Dracula (Francis Ford Cappola, 1992)

Now I actually just saw this for the first time last night, so I was unsure of where to put it on my favorites list. I'm pretty sure for now that it's gonna stay at this spot, and I had to find a spot somewhere for it because after watching it I really needed it on my top 100. Anyways, this movie is great. The story really has you hooked right from the very beginning, and alomost all the acting is great. Keanu Reeves is the only one I didn't like, his acting just seemed very stale. Gary Oldman was perfect in this though, he's my second favorite actor of all-time, and this is just one example of why. Any horror or love story fan should check this one out.

47. 30 Days Of Night (David Slade, 2007)

This is one of my all-time favorite horror movies, I find it very underrated. I've seen this movie getting a lot of hate, but I honestly don't see why. I personally love it, it's probably my favorite vampire movie of all-time. Josh Hartnett was great in this, he should get some more serious roles like this, because I mainly see him in stupid comedies. This movie is very gory though, so it's perfect for any horror fan. So horror fans really need to check this out.

46. The Mist (Frank Darabont, 2007)

This is my second favorite Frank Darabont movie, right after The Shawshank Redemption. Like I said in The Punisher, Thomas Jane is such an underrated actor, because he was simply amazing in this. The best scene acting wise was in Thomas Jane in the very last scene of the movie, the acting in that one scene was just perfect. Marcia Gay Harden did a great job playing the 'bad guy' in this though, she really seemed crazy at times during the movie. And the effects for The Mist were just great, maybe some of the best I've seen. I think this is a movie that everyone needs to see eventually.

45. Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (Steven Spielberg, 1989)

My favorite out of the Indiana Jones series, Harrison Ford like I said before is just perfect for the role of Indiana Jones. I don't know what it was, but to me this one seemed the most adventureous out of the entire series. I also liked the story for this one much better than the rest of them. Sean Connery was great in it, he did a great job playing Indy's dad. Any fan of action or adventure fans really need to check this on out because it's one of the best.

44. Kill Bill, Vol. 2 (Quentin Tarantino, 2004)

This is my third favorite Tarantino movie, I just barely liked Vol. 1 better than this. I loved the conclusion to it though, even if I was a little disappointed. It's like Vol. 1 and most of Vol. 2 led up to an epic ending, but it just wasn't what I had expected. I mean I didn't really have much of a problem with the ending, I had just expected something totally different. Uma Therman was meant for the role of The Bride though, she was absolutely perfect in the role. This like the rest of Tarantino's movies, I think everyone needs to see, because they are just so perfect.

43. The Departed (Martin Scorsese, 2006)

Now I'm actually a little sad to admit, but this was probably the first gangster movie that I've ever seen. Gangster movies are easily in my top 3 favorite kind of movies, and this was the movie that got me into them. I had like no idea what to expect when watching this because the only reason I really watched it because it stared two of my favorite actors, Mark Wahlberg and Leonardo DiCaprio. I thought that even it was incredibly long, it needed every minute of it, I don't think it really got overly long once throughout the whole movie, and it really picked up towards the end of it. The ending I would saying is daring because of how it ended. But anyone who's a gangster movie fan, needs to see this.

42. Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock, 1954)

This is a perfect movie for suspense, this and Psycho are the two best movies if you're looking for suspense. Alfred Hitchcock is one of my favorite director's of all-time and this is probably my second favorite movie of his, the ending to this was just so great. Now this didn't really have the twist ending that Vertigo had, but it still had an extremely satisfying ending. James Stewart and Grace Kelly just did so great together, like with some other onscreen couples I've said before, they just had great chemistry together.

41. Full Metal Jacket (Stanely Krubrick, 1986)

This has to be my favorite war movie of all-time, it's also my second favorite Stanely Krubrick movie. I actually thought the beginning was a little slow, but for me it really picked up with the second half of it. I know I'm probably the oppisote of what everyone else says about it, but that's just my opinion on it. Anyone who likes war movies really needs to check this movie out soon because you won't be disappointed.

40. Kill Bill, Vol. 1 (Quentin Tarantino, 2003)

My second all-time favorite Tarantino movie, I loved the ending to this one though. It was extremely action filled, it's what I wanted the ending of Vol. 2 to be like. But like all of Tarantino's movies, Kill Bill is extremely dialouge oriented, but I find that great because this movie has a lot of great lines. I also really loved the music for this, I did notice a bit of The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly music thrown into this. I think everyone needs to see this film eventually.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
41. Full Metal Jacket (Stanely Krubrick, 1986)

You've got to love this:
[Referring to Lee Harvey Oswald and mass murderer Charles Whitman]
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Do any of you people know where these individuals learned how to shoot?... Private Joker.
Private Joker: Sir. In the Marines, Sir.
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: In the Marines. Outstanding. Those individuals showed what one motivated Marine and his rifle can do. And before you ladies leave my Island, you will all be able to do the same thing.

It's nice to see a couple of Hitchcock films in there, but why did you include Vertigo on your list if it disappointed you? As for Jimmy Stewart, if you are a fan of I'd suggest checking out the films he starred in that were directed by Frank Capra, as well as The Philadelphia Story.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

It's nice to see a couple of Hitchcock films in there, but why did you include Vertigo on your list if it disappointed you? As for Jimmy Stewart, if you are a fan of I'd suggest checking out the films he starred in that were directed by Frank Capra, as well as The Philadelphia Story.
It didn't disappoint me much, it just disappointed me a little. I still think it's a great movie though.

39. Goodfellas (Martin Scorsese, 1990)

Now I love gangster movies, and this was easily one of the best. Martin Scorsese just does great gangster movies, and this has to be one of them. Joe Pesci was freaking great in this, I really thought he was psycho in it. Robert De Niro was just as great too, maybe not as great as Joe Pesci, but still great nonetheless. Ray Liotta was also great, even though he was the main character of it, I thought De Niro and Pesci overshadowed him acting wise. This is definitely a classic, and I can definitely see why it's considered one of the best movies ever made.

38. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button (David Fincher, 2008)

Now I just saw this for the first time very recently because it just came out very recently, but I have to include this on my list. Brad Pitt is just perfect in this, now they could've got someone else to play the part, but I think Pitt could've done the best job out of everyone, and he certainly did. I'd be surprised if I don't see him get a 'Best Actor' nomination this year at the academy awards. This still isn't my favorite Fincher movie though, Fight and Se7en are both still better than this, but this is still a great movie.

37. A Clockwork Orange (Stanely Krubrick, 1971)

This was one of the weirdest movies that I've ever seen. I thought the first half was better than the second half, I thought after how great the first half was, the second half just barely didn't quite live up to the first half. I still think this is Stanely Krubrick's best movie, Alex DeLarge was just a great character and Malcom McDowell did a great job playing him. This is such a weird movie that I think anyone who's a fan of movies needs to see just because it's so weird.

36. Wall-E (Andrew Stanton, 2008)

This is my second all-time favorite animated movie, and my second all-time favorite Pixar movie. This movie was just so visually beautiful, this possibly has the best animation that I've ever seen in a movie. I loved how there was like no talking throughout the first 20 minutes of the movie, it really added to the sci-fi feel of the movie. It also had a great message, and I don't usually see too many of the messages that movies have, but this one just really stood out.

35. Signs (M. Night Shyamalan, 2002)

This movie was just so amazing, right from the very start to all the revelations at the very end of it. Joaquin Pheonix is IMO, the best in the film, and this may his best movie. The story for this is the best part though, it's just so amazing. And the creatures design were very cool and they looked very great. Mel Gibson was also very good in this, but I though Joaquin Pheonix overshadowed him. I find it very underrated, because I've seen this movie get quite a bit of hate, and I honestly don't see why. It's just such a great movie and my second favorite M. Night Shyamalan movie.

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
Signs made me stock up on Super Soakers...