
You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
What was the name of Jackie and Fred's baby boy on Roseanne?

I think his name was Andy. I forgot about him. Have they even mentioned him on the new show?
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Chuck and Ann Marie's son was named Chuck Jr (psyche!)


On what ABC series would you meet characters named Susan Meyer, Tom Scavo, Victor Lang, John Rowland, Bree Van de Kamp, and Matthew Applewhite?

Wow, I thought someone might know this one...the answer is MASH.


What was the first name of Karen Walker's never seen husband on NBC's Will and Grace?

According to, MASH has 109 Emmy nominations, and only 14 Emmy wins.

All I know is I googled the question, "How many Emmys did MASH win?" The answer I received was 61. Do you really believe that during their eleven years on the air that the show only won 14 Emmys?

Trouble with a capital "T"
All I know is I googled the question, "How many Emmys did MASH win?" The answer I received was 61. Do you really believe that during their eleven years on the air that the show only won 14 Emmys?
61 awards for MASH would include all major award ceremonies such as Golden Globe (and of course Emmys too).

Total awards won by MASH:

Conseulo was played by Elena question:

Dick Van Dyke played Rob Petrie on The Dick Van Dyke Show...what was the name of Van Dyke's character on The New Dick Van Dyke Show?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
new question:

Dick Van Dyke played Rob Petrie on The Dick Van Dyke Show...what was the name of Van Dyke's character on The New Dick Van Dyke Show?

I love "The Dick Van Dyke Show", but I haven't seen "The New Dick Van Dyke Show". I've only seen clips from it. I think his name was Dick something, but I don't know his last name.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
here's a new question:

What actress played Alan's girlfriend, Lindsey on Two and a Half Men?

I think her name is Courtney Thorn Smith. (If I remember correctly, she was also in the sitcom "According to Jim".)