"Guess the movie from the Screenshot" game


Actually that could be a young Harrison Ford!

Think the girl is Scarlett Johannson.
Damn - that's the one I thought might be Harrison Ford

I didn't think they were serious remarks, but figured I'd help narrow things down anyway by confirming it wasn't them.

If I tell you what type of film this is, it would probably narrow the list down too much. So instead I'll just say that the entire film takes place in one building.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
Hehe...the boy looks like he's dressed as James Bond Jr...is this one of those Spy Kids movies?

But Not Slight of Mind or Tongue...
The movie came out in the 90s. Neither Harrison Ford nor Scarlett Johansson are in the film. A few well known actors and directors were involved though.
Hmmmmmm...I noticed you said "directors" not "director".... could that mean it's from one of those anthology films with different directors directing different segments?

Because I've seen it about half a dozen times.

It is not a good movie, but those kind of films were completely my thing back in the early-mid 2000s. My room mate hates that movie, so whenever we come across it at a shop (usually in the discount bin or something) I always go "Look, it's Timeline, your favourite!".

Someone else can post the next pic. I've had enough turns lately.