The Election News and Predictions Thread


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Ive never said he has run a campaign endorsing the KKK,but that the KKK has vocally and Publically supported him throughout,and theres a reason for that.Dont be a smartass
if my arguments dont makes sense then its because you`re choosing to look the other way and the problem will continue
I'm the one looking the other way and causing the problem? Your argument implies that if Trump had lost and these KKK fellas had violently protested afterwards he wouldn't have been responsible, right?

That's the logic. The candidate is responsible for the people celebrating their victory but not the ones protesting violently because of their defeat.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I think the protesters should listen to Podesta, go home and get some sleep.

"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

All i have to add to this is it is spelled "racist", "racism". Not "rascist" or "rascism". Some people will be going onto my ignore list if they keep making this mistake

to Sean for getting it right

All i have to add to this is it is spelled "racist", "racism". Not "rascist" or "rascism". Some people will be going onto my ignore list if they keep making this mistake

to Sean for getting it right
My phone keeps screwing it up for some reason. It's only correct in my last post because I noticed it and fixed it.

But it is from both sides, which is all I'm saying. I do think some of the more isolated incidents would have happened anyway, without the election or its results. Of course it is the anti Trump people who are gathering in mass, are angry, and continue to use hateful language (rascist, sexist) towards the president.
Why would Anti-Trump people using hateful language (sexist & racist) toward the President? Do you mean towards Obama or Trump?

As far as the president elect doing something, I'm not sure anymore. For one thing, I wouldn't call it a national crisis yet. I haven't heard of a single murder. Also, the other side is the more visible side, since they're gathering in large numbers, so I'm not sure if Trump is the person that should be speaking.
Oh youre damn right he is - hes gonna make America great again! There is nothing keeping Donald Trump to get on a microphone and speak on tv to the nation to stop the rage, riots, and ask people to give him a chance. Is he a coward? He needs to DO SOMETHING, because if he doesnt take the opportunity presented to him now, he is a complete fraud. Dont tell me he's camera-shy. He doesnt even have to be successful, but he has to try.

This is real now, this isnt scripted or controlled. Lets all step back, clear our minds, and see what hes about now.

I'm talking about all the people calling Trump names; they're fueling hate and causing a backlash.

As far as Trump saying something now; most of the people out in the streets causing a commotion are against Trump. I think it makes more sense for Obama or Clinton to address them.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Oh youre damn right he is - hes gonna make America great again! There is nothing keeping Donald Trump to get on a microphone and speak on tv to the nation to stop the rage, riots, and ask people to give him a chance. Is he a coward? He needs to DO SOMETHING, because if he doesnt take the opportunity presented to him now, he is a complete fraud. Dont tell me he's camera-shy. He doesnt even have to be successful, but he has to try.

This is real now, this isnt scripted or controlled. Lets all step back, clear our minds, and see what hes about now.
He isn't president yet and they are protesting because he will be. I know you are in a hurry to see what he is made of but which president do you think a message of peace would be better coming from right now?

He isn't president yet and they are protesting because he will be. I know you are in a hurry to see what he is made of but which president do you think a message of peace would be better coming from right now?

They have to bring people together, they have to appear together themselves.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

They have to bring people together, they have to appear together themselves.
That's an idea I could get behind. A joint news conference would be a good idea. I think Cricket is right though, as crazy as it sounds as long as these events are murder free I think they will let law enforcement handle it. No one wants to risk stoking the fire right now.

I'm talking about all the people calling Trump names; they're fueling hate and causing a backlash.

As far as Trump saying something now; most of the people out in the streets causing a commotion are against Trump. I think it makes more sense for Obama or Clinton to address them.
Hell I think all 3 should speak to the nation if you want to get down to it. Obama is a 2 term President, Trumps our President-elect, and Hillary won the popular vote. All 3 should appear unified and speak to the nation. It sickens me, truly, to see people here putting a political spin on this, and would be worse if any of those 3 would too.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
It is an eye-opener, looking at some of the anti-Trump posts (spelling, grammar), comments, actions, images, videos, etc. on the net. A lot of these intellects fit directly into that textbook media definition of what a Trump supporter was/is supposed to be. Puts things into perspective. There are plenty of morons on both sides, regardless of whether they prefer to watch The Kardashians or Duck Dynasty.


They have to bring people together, they have to appear together themselves.
I mostly agree with that. The only thing is that I think a lot of these isolated incidents are being done by idiot savages who would be committing these acts regardless of who is or who will be president, on both sides. Even these huge groups of protesters; I bet a lot of them couldn't care less about the actual issues, and are just there to join in the fray. The problem with these crowds is that the mob mentality kicks in and emboldens them to run amok.

I'm the one looking the other way and causing the problem? Your argument implies that if Trump had lost and these KKK fellas had violently protested afterwards he wouldn't have been responsible, right?

That's the logic. The candidate is responsible for the people celebrating their victory but not the ones protesting violently because of their defeat.
But now you`re just twisting words,and going against things ive already said.

I dont,however,think we`re going to get much further on the subject though-we clearly disagree
Britney is my favorite

What would be the point Cricket? Your minds made up. If Trump was caught on tape saying or doing anything wrong, yours or anyone elses support wouldnt change. Never has and wont now.

Its his show now. Arent either you or Steel curious how Trump responds to this? Are you treating Trump like you used to treat Obama or Hillary? No. So whats the point?!
Tongo, I understand your point even though you didn't state it... that there are always criminals, thugs and opportunists who take advantage of any situation, so there are muggers and looters who are taking advantage of the protests / riots who are not necessarily Clinton supporters or even politically aware. They just see a large rowdy crowd and use it as an excuse to start smashing things and hurting people.

Granted and understood.

But in the two filmed incidents I posted, the people assaulting the man clearly state they are attacking him because they think he voted for Trump. In the second one, the abuse of the homeless woman is very clearly being carried out by self-proclaimed Clinton supporters.

On the subject of these riots and criminal assaults, I'm not defending Trump nor condemning Hillary - it really has nothing to do with them since they haven't encouraged or supported it. But it does follow a pattern - the PC pattern that always seems to motivate and enable segments of society to degrade public protests to vandalism, violence, intolerance and crime.

So, does anyone know why Mr. Khan sat with Anderson Cooper on CNN, on Thursday night and publicly stated that Muslims all over the country were being attacked by Trump supporters and that the supporters were attacking Muslim women and Mosques in three major cities - when there hasn't been any reports of any such incidents since the announcement of Trump's win on Wednesday?

Where is the validation for such claims? And if there is none then WHY did he make them?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
But now you`re just twisting words,and going against things ive already said.
Are they protesting her losing though,or him winning? cos you cant hold her responsible for the latter.
I genuinely want to know how I am twisting your words. You hold him responsible for KKK victory march because he won. You don't hold her responsible for protesters because they are protesting a loss. Stands to reason he shouldn't be held responsible for a KKK protest if he had lost.

I sincerely want to know how this isn't a double standard because it is the exact type of double standard that drives me batty. It isn't just you by any means, or frim just the liberal side.

It needs to adressed though because both sides continue to act like the fringe from the opposing view point represents the candidate and the whole. It rarely ever does and people need to start putting these things in perspective.

I know you are close to unengaging but I hope you will take a minute to explain the difference as you see it. Keep in mind I have this conversation with coservatives about three times this week. Many of them don't see the difference either. I'm not picking on you.

I know you`re not!

The difference as I see them,Is that they are not necessarily protesting Hillary loosing-but protesting Trump and what he has campaigned and done. This goes into what Captain Steel said aswell,thats the reason why i dont think Hillary should be given responsibilty for the riot-they are rioting against Trump,sexism and rasiscm- not for Hillary. which is what i said in the quote or meant.
The reason why I think Trump could be held accountable for it is because hes campaigned using the fear for all things foreign,played on the rasicm thats grown because of that,and generally devided the public he claims he wants to unite.While she has done nothing to promote it as far as im aware,hes taken part and lead the nasty attitude of people in this election process

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
You don't think Hillary promotes fear in what will happen if Republicans win. You don't think she promotes the idea that Trump is talking about all immigrants not illegal ones? She didn't promote the fear that Trump is against all Muslims not radical Islic terrorists? She doesn't promote the fear that he will raise taxes on the poor when their taxes won't be raised a cent? She didn't promote the fear that being against gay marriage means he wants all homosexuality to be illegal? She didn't promote the fear that Trump is okay with police officers keeping themselves safe not police officers randomly killing all unarmed black men?

Seems like she did a good job of stoking all those flames to me since it seems to be exactly the type of nonsense people believe.