The MoFo Top 100 Movies of the 1930s Countdown

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Trouble with a capital "T"
I've been watching early 1930s pre-code films, which are part of the Forbidden Hollywood DVD sets. I watched Waterloo Bridge, Red Headed Woman (hi Chyp's avatar) and tonight I'll be watching one of my favorite precode films, Baby Face.

Any fans of precode here?

It's been a long time since I've seen them, but it helps to see The Gambler first, since the stories sort of connect (Mabuse has a radical character arc between the two), but I saw Testament first years ago and still loved it. If you plan on watching both eventually anyway, The Gambler definitely should be first.
I actually just finished The Gambler a few hours ago, watching Testament on Sunday probably. Thought it was overall great but 4 and a half hours did get pretty tiring, i'm definitely a lot more used to Silent Drama's now but i'm not fully there yet particularly with lengthy films.

I've been watching early 1930s pre-code films, which are part of the Forbidden Hollywood DVD sets. I watched Waterloo Bridge, Red Headed Woman (hi Chyp's avatar) and tonight I'll be watching one of my favorite precode films, Baby Face.

Any fans of precode here?
Yes! I love the deteriorated quality of some of them. The old picture sometimes has a beautiful glowy look, and the sparse use of melodramatic music makes a difference. I'm especially fond of the horror ones of course. I want to see Waterloo Bridge soon too (same writer as Petrified Forest).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes! I love the deteriorated quality of some of them. The old picture sometimes has a beautiful glowy look, and the sparse use of melodramatic music makes a difference. I'm especially fond of the horror ones of course. I want to see Waterloo Bridge soon too (same writer as Petrified Forest).
There's a nice copy of it on Youtube, Waterloo Bridge

William Wellman's pre-code films to me are incredible just for how daring they are. Night Nurse may be the most sexually charged 20's-50's film i've seen and Heroes For Sale & Wild Boys of the Road are very brutal social drama's. I'm especially impressed that he made something like The Ox-Bow Incident post-code during the 40's after he was probably already on some RED watchlists for his pre-code films.

Edit: Safe In Hell as well i just didn't like that much due to the main performance which is why i didn't initially mention it.

I have seen so few films of the 30's and it's a shame, there seems to be a lot of interesting films. I'll watch a couple of films in order to send a decent list.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have seen so few films of the 30's and it's a shame, there seems to be a lot of interesting films. I'll watch a couple of films in order to send a decent list.
I plan on starting a 1930s Hof this month. Hopefully people will join as it's a great way to watch a bunch of 1930s movies, hand selected by your fellow MoFos and have a bunch of fun while doing it

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
A Decade HoF is a DEFINITE before doing a COUNTDOWN.
Looking forward to it!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
A Decade HoF is a DEFINITE before doing a COUNTDOWN.
Looking forward to it!!
I think it's a necessity!

Camo was helping promote this countdown which I really appreciated, but sadly he's not been around for awhile. I hope he does return, not too promote, but because I really enjoyed discussing films with him and MoFo seems empty without him. We've lost too many good people

Trouble with a capital "T"
BUMP! We now have about 3 1/2 months left before the deadline. Below is all the important stuff

MoFo's 1930s Top 100 Movies Countdown

The Rules...the rules are like all the other countdowns, so no surprises here.

  • All films released from 1930 to 1939 are eligible. Release dates are based on IMDB or Wiki.
  • You're submitting a voting list of what you consider to be your personal top 25 films that you've seen, from the 1930s.
  • Submit your voting list of Top 25 movies, ranked in order, numbered 1-25 with 1 being your favorite on down to 25, to me by private message with the title "[Your Username] - MoFo 1930s List"
  • Don't post your list here or you votes will be disqualified, keep them private.
  • You must be a member for one month before submitting a list.
  • When voting for foreign language films, include both the English and original language title (if applicable).
  • Type out the full movie title as shown on IMDB. Don't abbreviate the title or leave words out. If you do it can cause problems when I add up the list.
  • Partial lists with no less than 10 movies on it, will be accepted after: August 30, 2018
  • The deadline to send your list in is: September 30, 2018
  • All lists are final, once I receive it I can't take revisions so make sure you're happy with your list rankings. Look it over and over again, until you're happy with it.
I hope you guys will be sending your list in. I mean, I do need list if I'm going to do this!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
BUMP! We now have about 3 1/2 months left before the deadline. Below is all the important stuff

I hope you guys will be sending your list in. I mean, I do need list if I'm going to do this!

I'll definitely submit a list, but it will probably be just before the deadline. I started making a preliminary list, but TCM isn't making it any easier for me. They've been showing a bunch of 1930s movies recently, and I'm trying to watch as many as possible.

I will Ben seniding one in close to the deadline as well. Definitely have some spots that need to be filled, I have 17 right now that id be happy voting for- adding more would Be filler at this time
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I'll definitely be sending a full list in, been watching a lot from the 30s recently.

See anything good? I could use some 30s recommendations.
Port of Shadows
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang


From the last month.

I'm reaching a point now where I'm picking stuff almost at random.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Port of Shadows
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang


From the last month.

I'm reaching a point now where I'm picking stuff almost at random.
I haven't seen the other two you mentioned, but it's hard to image people not liking I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, it's a damn good film.

See anything good? I could use some 30s recommendations.
I'm sure you've seen The Informer (1935). But if not, Victor McLaglen won the Oscar for best actor, and John Ford won for best director.

I'll be sending in a list before too long.
