Have you got a gun/would you kill someone?


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Reading this thread kind of depresses me. This post is going to come off silly. NOT my intent though.

I think there have been rational arguments made, even if extreme at times, that are relatable. While I may not believe X, Y, or Z, I can appreciate the perspective of one who does. That's reasonable to me and where I hope discussions can be built upon.

Does anyone in this thread have friends or acquaintances that actually DO pine for some justification of militant revolt? That believe the military IS the strong arm of a corrupt government as argument to keep and bear arms? That hope for an opportunity to play Rambo such as a violent protest spilling into the streets?

I dont mean to sound ridiculous!! But there is a lot of chest thumping down here that concerns me. I wonder how much of this gets dismissed as hyperbole or not really a thing by people from different regions or social pockets. Or does it exist there too?

I feel that I'm on an island at times so it's hard to judge or know the perspectives coming from different parts of the country. I do not know what influence or experience exists for others that form our opinions of what's normal or what we believe to be average.

I'm VERY curious.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Reading this thread kind of depresses me. This post is going to come off silly. NOT my intent though.

I think there have been rational arguments made, even if extreme at times, that are relatable. While I may not believe X, Y, or Z, I can appreciate the perspective of one who does. That's reasonable to me and where I hope discussions can be built upon.

Does anyone in this thread have friends or acquaintances that actually DO pine for some justification of militant revolt? That believe the military IS the strong arm of a corrupt government as argument to keep and bear arms? That hope for an opportunity to play Rambo such as a violent protest spilling into the streets?

I dont mean to sound ridiculous!! But there is a lot of chest thumping down here that concerns me. I wonder how much of this gets dismissed as hyperbole or not really a thing by people from different regions or social pockets. Or does it exist there too?

I feel that I'm on an island at times so it's hard to judge or know the perspectives coming from different parts of the country. I do not know what influence or experience exists for others that form our opinions of what's normal or what we believe to be average.

I'm VERY curious.
You're on an island? Which one? When you say there's a lot of chest thumping down here, do you mean where you live? I've never heard anyone talking Rambo/revolt. I'm sure there's a few anarchist loonies out of the 325 MILLION people that live in America. But I don't think gun owners are about fantasizing some kind of goverment take over.

With all that said, the single most important reasons for Americans not to have their gun rights impeded, is the Constitutional guarantee that citizens can bear arms. That was written by our forefathers to offer a check and balance system over the goverment. Maybe it will never be needed, hopefully not, but the idea that the populace is armed keeps would be dictators at bay. Sounds crazy maybe, but this is what our Constitutional right to bear arms is all about.

Man... the size of some of the posts!!

This is futile debate to begin with. People who want it, will want it. People who don't, wont. That is basically it. Politicians won't try to change too much, coz it might directly impact their vote base. If someone wants to own guns, by all means, go ahead. The law allows it.
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That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
You're on an island? Which one? When you say there's a lot of chest thumping down here, do you mean where you live? I've never heard anyone talking Rambo/revolt. I'm sure there's a few anarchist loonies out of the 325 MILLION people that live in America. But I don't think gun owners are about fantasizing some kind of goverment take over.
Figuratively. I'm in southeastern Alabama. Very red. Very conservative. Very black and white regarding matters of principle or morality with little to no room for discussion. IMO and experience.

People here (not all and surely not many, but enough to notice and see circles of support) do openly fantasize of taking action through violence against other Americans if, in their view, it's in defense of the Constitution or possibly only their strict understanding of it. As a matter of principle, they seem quite comfortable to entertain the possibility.

As someone politically left of center, I feel my island is based on my limited experience dealing with a very limited attitude toward this topic. This is what I see and it influences my view of the world around me. It is easy to just assume (wrongly, of course) that this is representative of average, which partly explains my political and social slants.

So I'm curious if others experience similar attitudes from those they know. As a side note, I'm also curious as to what extremes others may experience where they live that may similarly affect their opinions on matters for good or bad. Not necessarily just about guns. Perhaps others experience more left negative extremes that influence opinion. I'm looking for perspective.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Figuratively. I'm in southeastern Alabama. Very red. Very conservative. Very black and white regarding matters of principle or morality with little to no room for discussion. IMO and experience.

People here (not all and surely not many, but enough to notice and see circles of support) do openly fantasize of taking action through violence against other Americans if, in their view, it's in defense of the Constitution or possibly only their strict understanding of it. As a matter of principle, they seem quite comfortable to entertain the possibility.

As someone politically left of center, I feel my island is based on my limited experience dealing with a very limited attitude toward this topic. This is what I see and it influences my view of the world around me. It is easy to just assume (wrongly, of course) that this is representative of average, which partly explains my political and social slants.

So I'm curious if others experience similar attitudes from those they know. As a side note, I'm also curious as to what extremes others may experience where they live that may similarly affect their opinions on matters for good or bad. Not necessarily just about guns. Perhaps others experience more left negative extremes that influence opinion. I'm looking for perspective.
I'm from the other end of the spectrum a very liberal, very blue state, Washington. That's west coast, not the nation's capital. I'd venture a guess and say you're in a hot spot for red neck activity. I don't know about the rest of the nation but I've never heard any anti goverment, take up arms talk, ever. As far as other perspectives to one extreme or another, how's this...my state wants to give heroin to addicts. Which to me is nuts! but somehow our politicians (at least some of them) claim it's a good thing.

People here (not all and surely not many, but enough to notice and see circles of support) do openly fantasize of taking action through violence against other Americans if, in their view, it's in defense of the Constitution or possibly only their strict understanding of it. As a matter of principle, they seem quite comfortable to entertain the possibility.
Isn't that a bit overboard? I dont know, never been to Alabama. So I cant really say. But yes, there is definite difference in mentality when it comes to guns in US than in other countries. I am in Dallas which is mostly liberal. All of my friends own guns except one. And he is an ex army man. He says he's been around too many to want it. But rest all of them own it.

There was this one thread i read about a month ago, where a lady posted self defense weapons allowed in UK. Some of the answers she got, were hilarious. Ranging from some suggesting big potatoes, to hands/knees/fists.

Makes me wonder, about the how the mentality is different in two countries. Here there is a point of infatuation to guns, which is a little bewildering.

Isn't that a bit overboard? I dont know, never been to Alabama. So I cant really say. But yes, there is definite difference in mentality when it comes to guns in US than in other countries. I am in Dallas which is mostly liberal. All of my friends own guns except one. And he is an ex army man. He says he's been around too many to want it. But rest all of them own it.

There was this one thread i read about a month ago, where a lady posted self defense weapons allowed in UK. Some of the answers she got, were hilarious. Ranging from some suggesting big potatoes, to hands/knees/fists.

Makes me wonder, about the how the mentality is different in two countries. Here there is a point of infatuation to guns, which is a little bewildering.
The best I ever saw was in a book series called Black Medicine: and one of the most surprising self defense weapons was... a baby. Yes, throw your baby at someone trying to assault you! First, it will give you an unsurpassed element of surprise as it will be the last thing the attacker would ever expect anyone to do - leaving them fumbling, aghast and perplexed. If they have a gun or a knife, they will instinctively drop their weapon to catch the baby (in the meantime you can incapacitate the assaulter in a variety of ways). Don't worry if they never catch the baby - babies are very flexible, can withstand a great deal of jostling and are cushioned for impacts, especially when swaddled.

Another slightly more realistic option was to throw a cat at your attacker, if you're fast enough, you'll be able to release the cat before it latches onto you, but it will have it's claws out and ready to flay the next flesh it comes in contact with!

The best I ever saw was in a book series called Black Medicine: and one of the most surprising self defense weapons was... a baby. Yes, throw your baby at someone trying to assault you! First, it will give you an unsurpassed element of surprise as it will be the last thing the attacker would ever expect anyone to do - leaving them fumbling, aghast and perplexed. If they have a gun or a knife, they will instinctively drop their weapon to catch the baby (in the meantime you can incapacitate the assaulter in a variety of ways). Don't worry if they never catch the baby - babies are very flexible, can withstand a great deal of jostling and are cushioned for impacts, especially when swaddled.

Another slightly more realistic option was to throw a cat at your attacker, if you're fast enough, you'll be able to release the cat before it latches onto you, but it will have it's claws out and ready to flay the next flesh it comes in contact with!
That is interesting. Not married no kids. So that option is out. I might have to get a cat. I love cats, so just throwing them would be hard!!

That is interesting. Not married no kids. So that option is out. I might have to get a cat. I love cats, so just throwing them would be hard!!
Rest assured, a cat will virtually never be harmed by throwing it at someone else - the face of the person you throw the cat at however....

Grew up with a cat, didn't get shot, don't remember ever being scared of guns, cat or not.
Think i was scared of cats when i was like four though.

Don't think those cats had guns.

Clearly we need baby and cat control! Especially those dreaded assault cats! No regular pet owner needs one of those dangerous menaces in an average household. Crazies are now bursting into schools and throwing them at helpless kids. Back in my day we threw dogs at attackers and that worked just fine...
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
There's a cute animation on YouTube titled something like Gun Control Explained with Cats (or something along those lines). I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with the msg, but the animation is kinda funny.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Isn't that a bit overboard? I dont know, never been to Alabama. So I cant really say. But yes, there is definite difference in mentality when it comes to guns in US than in other countries. I am in Dallas which is mostly liberal. All of my friends own guns except one. And he is an ex army man. He says he's been around too many to want it. But rest all of them own it.

There was this one thread i read about a month ago, where a lady posted self defense weapons allowed in UK. Some of the answers she got, were hilarious. Ranging from some suggesting big potatoes, to hands/knees/fists.

Makes me wonder, about the how the mentality is different in two countries. Here there is a point of infatuation to guns, which is a little bewildering.
Sadly, no. Depending on what social groups you hang around where I live, it can be pretty common. Keep in mind that I do live in a rural farm area, so that is a factor. Lots of country boys out here that drive old 4x4 trucks with the rebel flag trailing from a tennis ball topped CB antenna. I do not expect that to be normal across the country, but it is here depending on who you spend your time with.

So yeah, the conversation that was playing out just got me curious as to how other posters here sit with the attitudes common in their own regions/states. I think @Citizen Rules offers a good view from another perspective, and was what I was fishing for. I wonder if I lived in that environment would I lean more conservative?

It's interesting to think on.

Sadly, no. Depending on what social groups you hang around where I live, it can be pretty common. Keep in mind that I do live in a rural farm area, so that is a factor. Lots of country boys out here that drive old 4x4 trucks with the rebel flag trailing from a tennis ball topped CB antenna. I do not expect that to be normal across the country, but it is here depending on who you spend your time with.
I still remember that Top Gear episode where the BBC crew were chased with guns and stones thrown at them when they were in Alabama. It was hilarious! I dont know if that was scripted or not. But from what i know it was genuine.

Where a person grows up and his/her surroundings do have an effect on a persons thinking. Since i grew up moving around, mostly in no gun countries, so i dont see myself with a gun or anyone in my family. Here in Dallas, almost everybody has them, but i certainly have not seen people going overboard with it. Dallas is a weird mix, 35/40+, they would mostly be red, below that age mostly blue. I guess that is sweeping generalization. But you would notice it if you live here for a while.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I still remember that Top Gear episode where the BBC crew were chased with guns and stones thrown at them when they were in Alabama. It was hilarious! I dont know if that was scripted or not. But from what i know it was genuine.
Oh man I saw that episode and remember thinking they really did look frightened.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Title: Have you got a gun/would you kill someone

Right now? I probably couldnt even pick it up so in a word - no.