Jennifer Lawrence Appreciation Thread


Favorite Movie Featuring Jennifer
3 votes
The Hunger Games
2 votes
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
0 votes
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
12 votes
Silver Linings Playbook
2 votes
X-Men: First Class
1 votes
X-Men: Days of Future Past
3 votes
Winter's Bone
6 votes
American Hustle
0 votes
House at the End of the Street
5 votes
34 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Appreciate that, guys. Sorry if I came off as stern, I meant it to be mostly clarifying/constructive.

I do think the ad hominem stuff is tricky, because it can be ad hom to point out inconsistencies but there's a reasonable version of it, where it's more about testing the applicability and validity of the logic. IE: "this doesn't seem to fit with this, so is it really a good standard?" It's a subtle difference, to be sure.

The trick is not minding
Appreciate that, guys. Sorry if I came off as stern, I meant it to be mostly clarifying/constructive.

I do think the ad hominem stuff is tricky, because it can be ad hom to point out inconsistencies but there's a reasonable version of it, where it's more about testing the applicability and validity of the logic. IE: "this doesn't seem to fit with this, so is it really a good standard?" It's a subtle difference, to be sure.
“You’re completely out to lunch” is ad hominem, as it doesn’t refute any particular point towards an earlier assertion but rather makes an comment towards the persons character.
My posts didn’t have anything to do with the argument of the films merits against each other, and I never made any attempt to, but rather were in response to his posts directly.
I don’t think ad hominem applied here because I was making posts about his behavior, which was the point.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I voted other in the poll, other being Passengers, which is one of the best sci fi films I've seen in a long time. Not because of the science fiction part, but because of the morality question that it posed...very deep.

The trick is not minding
I voted other in the poll, other being Passengers, which is one of the best sci fi films I've seen in a long time. Not because of the science fiction part, but because of the morality question that it posed...very deep.
I liked Passengers, but I felt they could have gone further with the morality and swept it under the rug at the end.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I liked Passengers, but I felt they could have gone further with the morality and swept it under the rug at the end.
Passengers was my nom in the 14th HoF. It came in middle of the pack. What do you mean? swept it under the rug at the end.

The trick is not minding
Passengers was my nom in the 14th HoF. It came in middle of the pack. What do you mean? swept it under the rug at the end.
I felt they never properly addressed it and instead went into “survive the calamity mode” before properly letting it be resolved. There were no real hard hitting questions about the morality of his actions, only a few moments where they discussed it but too briefly.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I felt they never properly addressed it and instead went into “survive the calamity mode” before properly letting it be resolved. There were no real hard hitting questions about the morality of his actions, only a few moments where they discussed it but too briefly.
Oh OK, I see. I wrote about this in the 14th HoF.
Passengers, I went into this movie with the worst attitude possible. I'd seen this advertised when it first came out and I immediately said to myself, 'no way am I watching Jennifer Lawrence in outer space!'

I'm not a fan of Jennifer Lawrence and the few movies I've previously seen her in I didn't like. But when I watched the trailer and seen this was about two people stranded for life on a huge spaceship, I was intrigued. So I watched it and to my surprise I was impressed with the themes that it explored.

I know a lot of people wanted to see an action packed, thrill-a-minute movie, not me...I don't like those. I like my movies more esoteric and reflective.

Passengers explores the loneliness of a human soul that's cut off from the rest of humanity. And that exploration isn't always pretty, in fact it gets ugly and that to me is interesting.

Jim, the unlucky man who finds himself alone on a huge ship, reminded of Tom Hanks in Castaway. We see him do the things that I image I would do in that situation...He tries to get help and makes a call to Earth. Then he tries to break into the command center and even tries to go back into hibernation. All of his attempts felt logical to me. The 'what would I do if I was there' is an important part of the film.

We see his spirits lift as he breaks into a posh cabin and entertains himself by shooting hoops, shadow dancing, and drinking in the bar. And he drinks, and he drinks. Each time we see him, the time line has advanced and the toll of isolation begins to show on his face.

His beard has grown with food embedded in it, and he looks like recluse billionaire Howard Hughes, as he wonders around the ship naked. Then as he hits rock bottom and complainants suicide, he stumbles upon Aurora, which saves his life...but at what cost to her? And that's when the movie gets really interesting!

When Jim first walks into the bar, it reminded me of a similar scene from The Shining. I loved the way the bar looked too. It was quite peaceful, like a sanctuary with a friendly face, on an otherwise impersonal ship.

I loved the scene were he first mentions Aurora to the bartender who then replies, 'ahh, the sleeping girl'...that was brilliant writing! With that one sentence we know Jim has been fixating on her for a long time. I really like Michael Sheen as an actor, and as the android bartender he played a pivotal role in the story.

So much of the writing is brilliant...the way Aurora reacts to learning she was deliberately woke up by Jim, was impressive acting...and writing. I could really feel her outrage at having been violated, and having her life stolen from her. That and her complete anger and avoidance of Jim, gives even more weight to the moral dilemma of what Jim has done.

My favorite line in the entire movie comes from Gus (Laurence Fishburne) who doesn't have much screen time but makes a memorable impact. When Gus examines the pods and looks at Jim and ask 'if he did this?' And Jim answers, ' yes I woke Aurora up'...what follows gave me goose bumps...Gus looks at him and says, 'D a m n'...just the way he delivers that one word and the look on his face is pure sublime. That moment was an epiphany.

I respect the way the film doesn't shy away from Jim being like an obsessive stalker and yet, we can understand why he did it too. To me that's powerful stuff. No other film has made me ponder the morals of it's story like Passengers has.

The trick is not minding
I really like that review.
I’m glad they didn’t go with the thrill a minute theme, and instead focused on the loneliness you describe, as I feel they were the best aspects of the film.
His obsession and ultimate decision to potentially doom Aurora by waking her was a selfish decision that I really wish they would have addressed more.
The ending, I felt, was also lost opportunity there. *
Imagine if he had died? Then Aurora would be in his shoes and she would be stuck with the critical decision that he had been in. Could you imagine the moral quandary that they could have covered with it?
Still a very good movie with some great visuals and nice acting and Jenn isn’t bad to look at either. 😏

Trouble with a capital "T"
In the 14th Cosmic Runaway wrote a really good alternative ending that I liked too.

WARNING: "Spoiler" spoilers below
...In my ending, Jim either dies in the reactor or is not able to be resuscitated after Aurora drags him back in. Aurora is then left alone on the ship, facing the same circumstances as Jim at the start of the film. This would allow her to fully understand the reasons why Jim woke her up in the first place, as she would then be faced with the same conundrum. Whether or not she decides to take the moral high ground would not be revealed.
Cosmic should be a screen writer I think that ending would be awesome and powerful.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've not seen Jennifer Lawrence in too many other films but most of the ones I watched were mediocre to bad.

I've seen her in:

The Beaver She's not the star, but it's a good film.

The Hunger Games I'm not into watching kids kill other kids for entertainment purposes.

Silver Linings Playbook I found the dialogue and the characters so unbelievable that I shut this off after 20 minutes.

Serena My kind of movie story, but ugh this was stupid. I believe I reviewed it here.

Joy Medicore, I also reviewed this.

Passengers Loved this one.

Serena My kind of movie story, but ugh this was stupid. I believe I reviewed it here.

Joy Medicore, I also reviewed this.
Not bad, but I am not interested in floor mops.

Passengers Loved this one.
Could not finish this.

I think the only movies I’ve seen her in & enjoyed are Hunger Games, Silver Linings & Winter’s Bone. Red Sparrow was also unwatchable. Mother was weird, but I did finish it.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I think the only movies I’ve seen her in & enjoyed are Hunger Games, Silver Linings & Winter’s Bone. Red Sparrow was also unwatchable. Mother was weird, but I did finish it.
I also enjoyed The Hunger Games series. I haven't watched Winter's Bone yet; and as much as I wanted to like the movie Red Sparrow, I found it very boring.

Other than Silver Linings Playbook, this is more or less all over the place. And that movie is more of a collective effort than her being anything special.

Not much to appreciate, eh?

I haven't seen Mother!, so I can't say how good her performance in it was.

Her movie choices are bad! I mean really bad. Or maybe she gets overlooked come all the November to December releases. So she takes whatever she gets.

I voted Other, coz Joy wasn't on the list.
My Favorite Films

Her movie choices are bad! I mean really bad. Or maybe she gets overlooked come all the November to December releases. So she takes whatever she gets.
I agree that her movie choices are not that great. I think it makes sense though when you hear her talk about what she watches.

This was quite telling: