Anyone else had enough of superhero films?


wanabe movie critique
I prefer superhero movies over romantic comedies anytime........

A bit, yes. Mostly because I find them to be pretty much the same, nothing really new or impressive yet they get so much attention.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

I like some superhero movies and I'd rather not throw out the good with the bad. I enjoyed Kick Ass, Super, Watchmen, and Spiderman, along with some others, but I wasn't a big fan of The Dark Knight, the Superman movies, Captain America, Thor, The Hulk, The Punisher, Iron Man, etc...

Registered User
For the past 10 or so years there's been every few months or so another superhero film coming out. Man I know Hollywood love to flog to death a franchise but enough's enough.
No more Marvel. No more DC. PLEEEEEZE! As no one so far has ever made a SH film as good as the original Superman, and that was back in 78!
Dark Knight was the only superhero film I've seen that really stood out to me

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I doubt I'll ever have enough. I would like more, if anything. I want a Silver Surfer film, actually. I don't know if anyone here reads comics, but the current Silver Surfer series is a thing of beauty. (It's done by Dan Slott and Mike Allred.)
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Registered User
I prefer superhero movies over romantic comedies anytime........
Wonder why the studios have never considered starting a completely new superhero or franchise, instead of reusing the same DC/Marvel heroes ad infinitum?

No, I like them. Even if there's nothing to see but special effects. imho, it is sad, though, that they don't finance less SH and more some other genres, like hard core SF, mystery, romance, comedy...even make a film of a classic novel. I know I sound a snob, but it really is, imho, a bit unbalanced. But market demands are market demands, what can I say.

Yes you are right I m also tired of watching superhero movies as they are coming continuously but sometimes i feel they are not bad either.I feel them entertaining some time.

This thought came to me in regards to the comic movies. Currently, they are still in their first wave. It may be at a point of cresting, or on the fall; but they are far from being done. I believe the second phase will start to focus on more stories with the fringe characters and stories.

Deadpool (depending on how successful it is) could be a significant indicator of this notion. With all due respect to real comic fans, Deadpool's following is so small, the movie's fate is going to be determined by the mainstream. How accepting will they be of a less antiseptic, sterile story? If my gut is right, I could envision a Moon Knight movie in the next decade.

On the other hand, if things don't change they will drop slightly. AoU really soured me on the taste of Marvel brand Kool Aid. I wasn't inclined to see Ant Man, regardless of how well reviewed it was.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think we're in the end game of the big Comic Book movie.

The evidence;
-lacklustre response to the latest Avengers movie, critically and slightly worse financially. Personally I was very bored throughout, and thought "not paying cinema money for this again".
-Scraping the bottom of the barrel for new stories/hero's. Antman for example, who has ever heard of him outside comic fans.
-Reboots, Spiderman being the biggest offender, now onto our 3rd version/reboot in 8 years. Batman and Superman getting new versions only years after prev version. Fantastic Four the biggest disaster yet.

However the X-Men franchise has generally been fantastic throughout, First Class may even be the best of the bunch and isn't even a true reboot in the sense of the word, and DOFP brings the old and new together rather than the re-casting and re-telling of backstories like Spiderman for example.

With XMen, Nolan's Batman and Iron Man behind us I have to say the future looks grim for the big budget comic book film.

I was young enough to enjoy the first Superman movie with Christopher Reeve.
I have struggled through a few since then when I've been desperate.

These superhero characters have been around for decades, children and adults alike are watching these movies... It's why they are making a lot of money... We grew up with these heroes now we can take our kids to them... Hollywood is just jealous cause there is really no other genre that can appeal to such a broad audience

Infinity war will be the peak of the genre that's prob when the downward trend will begin

i definitely had enough and after seeing how the new fantastic 4 fared with reviews and at box office, we really had enough, i enjoyed the batman trilogy and captain america, plus ironman, but that's enough.