The Buffy Re-Watch Club


But wasn't that really successful? I don't think it was shown over here, but I'm sure I've heard of it before. Whereas Buffy replaced a show that was new and only ran until December or something like that.

Probably wasn't 7th Heaven then, 7th Heaven was pretty long running.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
You simply cannot judge the show based on the first season. It was all filmed at once and a mid season replacement. You can't really judge any show based on the first season alone me thinks. Although, I can't knock it too much cause it got me INTO the show.

For my thoughts on the show, CLICK HERE.

I'll take part in the discussions here, cause I always will chat about Buffy.

Side note - Should we talk about future episodes in this thread when there are some first time watchers?
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Chappie doesn't like the real world
You simply cannot judge the show based on the first season. It was all filmed at once and a mid season replacement. You can't really judge any show based on the first season alone me thinks. Although, I can't knock it too much cause it got me INTO the show.

For my thoughts on the show, CLICK HERE.

I'll take part in the discussions here, cause I always will chat about Buffy.

Side note - Should we talk about future episodes in this thread when there are some first time watchers?
No, we are keeping the conversation about the episode we are on or we can talk about the previous episodes. I want to make sure that it doesn't get spoiled for anyone and also I really want to keep the discussion focused and not become another thread where everyone argues about what season was best. (Which already happened Also there is some stuff I've forgotten so I want to keep it fresh for me as well.

Every Monday and every Thursday we move on to the next episode. (We are currently on Teacher's Pet. ) Just to mention this again, I hate spoiler tags, so it's best for people not to read the thread until they've watched the current episode.

Glad to have to chatting along. The more Buffy fans the merrier. I didn't know that it was a mid-season replacement. I do remember reading that it was almost canceled. So glad it wasn't.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Yeah, it got off track for a moment. It's hard not to talk about what you know is coming, I've had to check myself a couple of times, but I would prefer people to not go further than the episode it's on. I don't mind if it's really vague, but it did get a little more specific than I would have liked.

Yeah, we messed up a little. From now on, just the episode or episodes past. I'll watch Teachers Pet over the weekend. I've got a Sex & The City commentary to do, too, and I still owe Swan a Halloween commentary.

How does Angel compare to Buffy? I haven't watched any of Angel but i'd join the Angel club, even if it was just me and Godoggo. Is there a noticable dip or spike (see what i did there ) in quality?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I love Angel, but it has a very different feel. Think supernatural noir. I don't think the quality is any better or worse, just different. When we get to the split, I'll probably do a rewatch club for it as well. If your going to do it right, you should watch both.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Teacher's Pet So we are beginning to see the more personal Scooby drama that has nothing to do with the supernatural. Zander likes Buffy; Willow likes Zander and Buffy likes a vampire. O.k so it does a little bit.

I'm still not crazy about this episode, but it does give us a chance to know how funny Zander is and we start to see what makes him tick a bit (mostly teenage boy hormones. )

The monster of the week is a pretty good idea too. A seductive teacher that is really a praying mantis. The episode in it's entire feels a little flat, but there are good moments.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I never liked how they gave us a Twilight Zone twist ending that never came to be anything. But it is neat to see the start of the type of people Xander attracts. Running jokes within the series is great.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Yeah, it seemed like those might become monsters that we would run into on occasion. I also thought Blayne would become a somewhat reoccurring character.

I also love Buffy's fork guy bit. There was some good banter this episode.

Also the guys lying about being virgins.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Just letting you guys know I am still here and keeping up. Watched Teacher's Pet tonight. I don't have much to add except I am still waiting for more Angel. Seems like the best story line is still out there looming. Time will tell, for me, most of you guys already know.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Witch - nice twist on the Freaky Friday premise. The episode both makes fun of cheerleading and centers on it, which maybe undercuts the care factor a bit. Not that we should ever pass up an opportunity to make fun of cheerleading, just story-wise it weakens the impact a little. Also interesting that we're already branching out from vampires as the bad guys. This is cool, as it gives the series more room to grow, but it happens so early after the stuff with The Master that it feels like that ball got dropped.

Teacher's Pet - Agreed with Godoggo that it's a bit flat. That little scene where Buffy is held after class and the teacher gives her the pep talk is really sweet. That was all that was needed to make her (and us, at least a little) care about him before he's offed. I love the creepy bit where Buffy finds the dead guy's glasses before they know he's dead.

It's subtle, but there's a parallel here between Buffy's interaction with a caring teacher and Xander attracting a female (of whatever species) that both of them are looking for normal human interactions and get disappointed in a big way, due to their situation on a Hellmouth. In terms of power, this is establishing why it's needed. In terms of character, we see people who want really basic things, but those desires are shot down. I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill with this, but I don't think these things happen randomly in the writing.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Time for the 5th episode Never Kill a Boy on the First Date.

I'll probably watch it tomorrow. This is one I don't remember too well.