The Usual Suspect Has Big News.


Yoda already knows cause he congratulated me the other day. Just a matter of time before I posted it here.

Over the weekend I got ENGAGED. to Michelle, my girlfriend of the past 8 1/2 years. The same year we started dating was the same year I joined MOFOs.

I took her to a waterfall that had a wooden bridge nearby. We go on nature walks every weekend, so she thought this was just another nature spot we were hitting up. I said, lets take a picture on the bridge. She walked along it and as soon as she turned around she saw me on one knee, box in hand, proposing.

I will never forget the reaction of tears, hyperventilating and asking if I was serious (running joke we were never going to get hitched).

She said yes, of course and has been smiling and looking at the ring non-stop.

Just saw this, incredible dude and Im very happy for you! Nice romantic touch too