What is the nearest example you've seen to a perfect movie?


Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Of course there's tons and tons of others, but these are just a few that I think absolutely nail it (which is as close to "perfect" as I think you can get)

Die Hard
The Matrix
Back to the Future
The Straight Story
L.A. Confidential
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

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Semper Fooey
I can always find something to criticize.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

You want to post like me?
Unbreakable. Every scene matters and even though the ending is painfully obvious on numerous viewings it just rips your head off the first time.
The Freedom Roads

I can always find something to criticize.
And still there are people who don't understand the concept of "nearest".

Movie Viewer since the Dawn of Time or thereabouts
The Maltese Falcon (Bogart version)
2001 a Space Odyssey
Kill Bill Volume 1
The Thing (John Carpenter version)
...It's the stuff dreams are made of.

Braveheart is the perfect example of the perfect movie. The casting and writing were spectacular.

Registered User
Donnie Darko, hands down.

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Gangs of New York for its kind is perfect, even though I don't like so much blood.
Slumdog Millionaire
Ocean's 11 & 12
and Forrest Gump

Surprised nobody has mentioned this yet. Whilst it is not my favourite Hitchcock film in terms of enjoyment, I still think that it is his finest film and best in terms of filmmaking. Every shot is brilliant, so are the characters and themes explored.

Till The Clouds Roll By. Great MGM musical from the Golden Age of film making.

The Godfather, in my view,is perfect.
Also Forrest Gump is a great movie,it could be called perfect because it's one of a few movies which has everything from comedy to war or politics.

The Godfather, in my view,is perfect.
Also Forrest Gump is a great movie,it could be called perfect because it's one of a few movies which has everything from comedy to war or politics.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Under Siege, of course.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

I would say Shawshank Redemption is the closest to perfection.
This is the one I had in mind. It's cliche to say it is great but I dare anyone to say that it is not at least a decent to great movie.