The Share Your Dreams Thread


Last night I dreamt I was watching an adult revival of The Sarah Jane Adventures with a CGI Sarah Jane alongside Luke, Clyde, Rani and Sky. The theme tune was a darker take of the SJA theme music, almost as though it had been Nolan-ised. It was weird.

The most loathsome of all goblins
Odd dream last night

I was a billionaire who lived in a giant shopping mall/city, kinda like the one in Logan's Run. My cousin was getting married and I was looking for a suit, and for some reason the actor Edward Herrmann (RIP) was there and helped me pick out something nice.

Then I went outside and next to the mall/city was a huge resort with thousands of swimming pools and crazy staircases like an M.C. Escher drawing. I jumped from pool to pool like I was Mario and people got mad at me for splashing water at them.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I saw something on FB earlier and thought of this thread. If you're dreaming about searching for a toilet it's probably a good idea to wake up.

The most loathsome of all goblins
I saw something on FB earlier and thought of this thread. If you're dreaming about searching for a toilet it's probably a good idea to wake up.
Typically your body knows not to let it loose when you're unconscious. If an adult wets the bed that's a sign of something other than just a full bladder.

I'll tell you what I hate, dreams where I find a ton of money or cool expensive things. Then I wake up and feel like crap when I realize I'm broke

Or dreams where I'm on a tropical vacation drinking gin & tonics on the beach and then I wake up and realize I'm in my boring old bedroom.

A few nights ago I dreamt that Slade Wilson from Arrow was chasing me. I decided to leave the country and change my name, essentially living a completely different life. However I ended up getting in trouble with the police in the foreign country where I was now living and I was worried that my face would be all over the news, and Slade would see it.

I dreamt that my colleague was riding my mountain bike up and down the wards at work, and i was annoyed because i'd just had it repaired at the bike shop.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I had a dream last night I was in a neck to ankle straight jacket and thought MoFo had finally sent me to the big house but then I woke up and realised Mr Dani had tucked in the duvet on his side so tight that when I migrated to his side of the bed I couldn't move.

I had a dream last night I was in a neck to ankle straight jacket and thought MoFo had finally sent me to the big house but then I woke up and realised Mr Dani had tucked in the duvet on his side so tight that when I migrated to his side of the bed I couldn't move.
Haha! 😄

You can't win an argument just by being right!
LOL I know, right. I woke him up to tell him and he laughed at me.

Don't know what my husband was dreaming about last week, but he literally fell out of our king-size bed onto the floor. First time in 31 years of marriage I have seen that.

I had a dream where Birdman 2 existed: Michael Keaton buys a bunch of expensive houses with 3 people and the police constantly try to arrest him. The last 3rd of the film one of the girls goes missing and they try to find her on a beach years later. Not as good as the first.

Damn I had some f'kd up dreams last night, just woke up..

The first one all I remember is I looked up at the night sky, it was blueish and there was an outline of an alien mask on the whole sky, a very crude Alien mask like something you would see on an Atari game.. and then an Alien ship come out of it, it wasn't like a disk, more like a Star wars fighter plane kind of but it felt so real and scary.

The second one was at a house party and everyone was expecting a Michael Myers type killer to show up but nobody was especially bothered about the impending doom!!!.. except me who went up into to the bedrooms looking for possible escape routes and finding a window and pushing a chest of drawers against it so when the killer showed up I could jump on the chest and out the window to safety, I remember one point pushing a sofa out the way and finding money behind it... that's it, I can't remember much more

I had a strange dream a few days before TV legend Bruce Forsyth's passing.

I was helping out as a runner on a film and suddenly the atmosphere of the film crew completely changed. They all looked upset over something, some even in floods of tears. I asked what was wrong. They said Bruce Forsyth had passed away. In the dream the entire world was in mourning because this beloved TV entertainer had gone.

I had a dream a couple of nights ago that Ant & Dec had decided to tour arenas with the stage version of their TV variety show Saturday Night Takeaway again. During one part of the show for some reason they decided to chuck balls and frisbees for the audience to catch. My Dad caught them successfully, but they aimed balls and frisbees in my direction and I missed every time.

The pair kept coming back to this as a sort of running joke, chucking a frisbee at me which I would continue failing to catch. At the end of the show they awarded me with Captain America's shield for being such an entertaining audience member.

Most interesting man in the world
about 90% of my dreams are ALWAYS dark/at night (like from 10pm-4am)
Im ALWAYS alone in my dreams,just like in real life (since a kid,Ive had them)

*my dreams are a reflection of my life or vice versa
I know neither will ever change

once when I was like 12 I dreamt in black and white and like it
was a different "era" like the 1910s-1920s

believe it or not Ive dreamt significant things that actually came true

They say the past present & future are all the same
*that they are all "running" at the same "time"

I've had the most peculiar dream today (then again, which dream isn't peculiar?). It featured @resopamenic - the first MoFo to ever appear in my dream - congratulations!. Sadly, since I never saw her picture, my image of her was probably a little bit off.

Well, I happened to imagine her as a Japanese girl (I know, who'd have thought that...) with brownish blonde hair (okay, that was unexpected), and she wasn't alone! She's had a female friend with her that looked... well, almost the same. We were having a conversation, and while resopamenic was nice to talk to and friendly, her friend was constantly trying to keep an eye contact with me and sporting a very flitry behaviour.

I thought it's now or never and asked her out, and to my surprise she said yes, and rapidly muttered the time and place. She did it so fast (and in perfect English), I had to ask her to repeat it slower to make sure I got it all right. Sorry, resopamenic, you're out of the picture now, but if you care about your friend, please read on.

I was walking back home from my meeting with the two girls, and suddenly I'm in my home town with somebody familiar next to me (can't recall his face, but I reckon it was some old acquaintance of mine). We're standing at the pedestrian crossing, and no car seems to care about us. Nobody lets us pass. I'm bemoaning the fact, that if it was in the city I live now, they'd be way more willing to stop, but people back in my home town are anuses. Then, I tell the guy I have a date with a girl and express my concern she might not be my type, but summarize all that jabber with something along the lines of 'it was still worth giving it a try', or something.

Then, the time has come! I'm at the place! But it's not a quaint restaurant perfect for a quiet romantic date. No, it's a freakin' party with so many people! I'm staggered. Did she really want to date me, or just go to a party with me? Isn't it the same in her mind? So many questions, and the fact there was nobody I knew in the group of people standing outside the building only increased my anxiety. Though not sure anymore, I thought: 'Man can die but once' and entered the building.

Nobody in! Then, people started entering. Every person was somebody I knew (mostly people from my high school, college etc.). They all had suits or gowns on them, and the whole party seemed very distinguished. But no sight of resopamenic's friend...

I just stood there frozen. People are walking past me, and I'm waiting for that one girl. And then, in that final moment, when I was literally seconds from seeing her again, my heart thumping, I mean thumping really hard and loud. My heart... Wait, it's not my heart! It's my alarm clock! I'm awake! My dreams of dating resopamenic's friend are gone forever now! Thank you, alarm clock. You destroyed my dream again!

Let me just tell you that it was only the second part of my dream. The first part which I deliberately omitted had me having sex with a girl I knew years ago, and me taking a bath in a bathtub with no water in it, while somebody was trying to enter my bathroom through the drainer, constantly asking me to lift the strainer. Yes, I'm glad I omitted any details on these.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Nani sore imi wakannai
Nani sore imi wakannai
Nani sore imi wakannai
Nani sore nani sore nani sore nani sore

Nani sore imi wakannai

I promise tonight I will try hard to have the same dream again and this time I'll choose you, so that you don't feel sad and neglected!