A Movie Everyone Likes That You Think Is Crap?


Welcome to the human race...
Oof, you can smell the 2004 coming off this thread.

Also, lol at young me posting Pulp Fiction.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
What do you mean 2004?

What do you mean 2004?

It might be because this thread was originally started in 2004, but I don't know, that's just me.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Welcome to the human race...
I also like how even back in 2004 people were all "this thread's been done already".

Also, is Boondock Saints an everybody-loves-this kind of movie? Seems like most of the time I've seen it mentioned lately is in a negative fashion.

I wouldn't say it was crap, but I found Dunkirk overrated. I didn't get the fuss. Maybe not being European caused me to not get attached to the events that unfolded on the screen. Maybe the nonlinear story affected my viewing experience. I am not against nonlinear plotlines, but I thought it was overdone here. But I didn't enjoy it at all.
Not to forget my ears getting destroyed by that loud sounds.

I also like how even back in 2004 people were all "this thread's been done already".

Also, is Boondock Saints an everybody-loves-this kind of movie? Seems like most of the time I've seen it mentioned lately is in a negative fashion.
I remember it getting a good deal of hype for a short period before settling into its current status as the "cult movie that's really crap".,

The difference in Pulp FIction is an interesting one as I would argue its actually only after 2004 that Tarantino's influence has really been fully felt. You had a lot of would be followers like Guy Ritchie back in the 90's but the likes of the McDonagh brothers have IMHO been a lot more successful.

Welcome to the human race...
I think it's easy to name Pulp Fiction when it's hyped as one of the greatest movies ever and ends up being 150 minutes of foul-mouthed dialogue punctuated by the occasional spot of violence that has no readily-digestible point (beyond themes of honour and redemption even for such low-life characters as these), which isn't going to work for everyone. I think it benefits from a second chance, at least.

Also you've got to laugh at a user with a Tony Soprano quote in their usertitle complaining about how Pulp Fiction makes Western culture look bad. That's the annoying thing about bumping old threads, you get users in them who say some of the most foolish stuff but they're no longer around for you to clown on them. Such a shame. The same goes for some of these choices that aren't "everybody likes this" films - I can't believe one person thought Catwoman was a film that everyone but them liked.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
That's the annoying thing about bumping old threads, you get users in them who say some of the most foolish stuff but they're no longer around for you to clown on them. Such a shame. The same goes for some of these choices that aren't "everybody likes this" films - I can't believe one person thought Catwoman was a film that everyone but them liked.
At least you’re aware and getting pleasure from it but it’s very sad.