14th Hall of Fame


Let the night air cool you off
Well (pun very much intended)...I guess we'll see ...you do see what I did there, right?
You had me going for a second though. I was really trying to figure out how you knew I nominated Ringu.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Decade wise, we have 2 from this decades, 1 from the 2000s, 2 from the 90s, 1 each from 80s and 70s, and 2 from the 30s. I am leaning towards a nomination from the 60s but haven't officially made up my mind yet.
sounds like quite the great mix so far.
I'd ATTEMPT to guess Citizen's but I never EVER get it right with that guy
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
D@mmit, CR, you guessed mine!!!
ha...I bet it's you with the 30s film and not Cosmic, (cause like she already said it wasn't ) I'll give you a post comment what I think your 30s nom is, of course you can't confirm it, so I'll have to wait an see.

Damn, Monday feels like its so far away
Yeah feel free to tell me what your nominations are guys . Cricket already did, or at least one he's thinking of nominating. Also Ed gave me a clue and i think i know what his is.

Don't tell Camo. Make him join instead
Cricket forced me to read the PM with his possible nomination he sent me. His exact words were "This is to keep you out of the HOF coz you suck" .

for legal reasons i should say that he may not have said this or anything like it,
also it sounds more like Miss Vicky than Cricket