
Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Sizzling cigarette sounds. I first noticed that in The Crown...Now it's everywhere and it's very distracting. I never smoked but I don't think there's a sound of frying bacon when someone smokes.
I've never seen The Crown but what other movies or TV shows does this happen in? Are they trying to make the person seem like they are sexually turned on while smoking but adding a sizzling sound, or what's the purpose?

Sizzling cigarette sounds. I first noticed that in The Crown...Now it's everywhere and it's very distracting. I never smoked but I don't think there's a sound of frying bacon when someone smokes.
No, it's the sound of burning flesh when you've stood too close to one .

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've never seen The Crown but what other movies or TV shows does this happen in? Are they trying to make the person seem like they are sexually turned on while smoking but adding a sizzling sound, or what's the purpose?
Sorry I can't remember the name of the other movies, they were new releases. Why the sizzling sound? It seems to be a stylistic foley choice.

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
Those are... a bit weird. I feel like “I got to take this” is just a normal, random phrase people just use.
I thought they were talking about the urgency to get off the phone cliche

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
What if for the next Avengers movie, they don't have a villain who wants to destroy the world? What if the next villain's motivations are completely to steal money and be rich, and the Avengers have to stop him from stealing money? Would that be a more fresh premise, or do fans really need that end of the world beam cliche?
I want to see them rescue kittens

Ami-Scythe's Avatar
A bucket of anxiety
Things happening solely to get a certain reaction out of the audience. Just pointless scenes so random it hurts the film.
Death so you can feel sad
Sex so you can feel more inclined to watch the rest of the film
Twist Villain to trick you into thinking the movie's good
Bullying so you feel bad for the lead (instead of just developing them as a likable person)
Shock to cause controversy so more people go to see it

It's that kind of dependency on emotional manipulation as opposed to story that turned me off of Attack on Titan.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I guess another one is how the police ask to search a place, or they will phone for a warrant, instead of just coming armed with a warrant to begin with.

Have you noticed how many car drivers in movies & tv keep looking at their passenger as they drive along for seconds at a time? I chatted with a bus driver today as we went along & he never once took his eyes off the road.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Another one I noticed in movies, including the recent 'Us', is families never have any guns around to defend their homes when they need them.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh well I just hear of all these stories in the news where a homeowner shot an intruder, or scared them off with a gun sometimes, but I don't recall every seeing it in a movie accept for The Fugitive (1993). So I thought it was a lot more common in real life compared to the movies.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Another one I see once in a while is when a gang expects one of their new recruits might be an undercover cop, they ask him if he's a cop, like in The Departed (2006) for example. What makes them think the cop is going to break cover and admit it (shrug), so why ask?.

Another one I noticed in movies, including the recent 'Us', is families never have any guns around to defend their homes when they need them.
To be honest the family in Us felt like a family that wouldn't have weapons.

As a European that particular "cliche" has never bothered me because in here people (especially city folk) rarely have guns in their homes. And what comes to @Stirchley 's follow-up question, I personally feel that average families should have guns for protection because criminals are going to be armed anyway. I haven't held a gun since I was in the army (almost 25 years ago) put I'm pro-guns (and pro-self defense even through lethal means).

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay, it's just I read a lot of news story, where a homeowner had to defend their home with a gun, but I don't read near as many in the U.S. where the homeowner was unarmed and was killed by the intruder in comparison, unless maybe the ones where the burglars were armed, get more media spread for any reason?

Oh okay, it's just I read a lot of news story, where a homeowner had to defend their home with a gun, but I don't read near as many in the U.S. where the homeowner was unarmed and was killed by the intruder in comparison, unless maybe the ones where the burglars were armed, get more media spread for any reason?
I'm just assuming there's an error there because otherwise it wouldn't make sense (last burglar should refer to homeowner, right?).

To me it seems obvious that stories with heroes (would-be victims fighting off the assailant) get more coverage. And concerning the gun ownership issue, as far as I know places like New York or California have really strict gun laws (pretty close to Europe) and majority of US films seem to happen in one or the other so lack of guns doesn't seem that surprising from that perspective either.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Sorry I meant homeowner instead of burglar, yes.

concerning the gun ownership issue, as far as I know places like New York or California have really strict gun laws (pretty close to Europe).
Not true. You’re in Finland - why would you think this?

Another contemporary cliche of which there was a boring example in the movie from last night: In movies, why do seemingly every guy & gal have sex standing up against a wall, bumping away??? Most of those guys must be pretty strong, and the women must be pretty light!

Who says women aren't getting a free ride today?


Always think the same thing. Same with sex scenes in which the woman retains her bra. Nobody does that.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I've had sex with women while their bras were still on, am I one in a million for doing that?

Another cliche I'm getting tired of is a character is pointing a gun at another character, and a shot is fired... you think that character was the one who opened fire, but it turns out then suddenly someone else did. It's a cheap gimmick most of the time I think.