Rate The Favorite Movies List


Werckmeister Harmonies
The Dust of Time
Eternity and a Day
Passion of Joan of Arc
Fanny and Alexander

The Mirror
(need to see it again)
Last Year at Marienbad
(see above)
Red Psalm
Once Upon a Time in America

Aguirre: The Wrath of God

1. The Exorcist

2. Lady Vengeance

That's all I've seen, you're still doing monthly top tens right?
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it



Apocalypse Now

The Pianist


Rosemary's Baby

Donnie Darko

I have put them in order of how much I like them to divide the 5*s.

Because I don't want to spoil my top 100 list, here's my top 10 (I think) that haven't made the list because I watched them after I made it:

Once Upon a Time In America

Miller's Crossing

McCabe & Mrs. Miller
The Master


The Pianist

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

Million Dollar Baby
Twin Peaks(: Fire Walk With Me)

Once Upon a Time In America
Miller's Crossing
McCabe & Mrs. Miller
The Master


The Pianist

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

Million Dollar Baby

Twin Peaks(: Fire Walk With Me)

Once Upon a Time In America
Miller's Crossing
McCabe & Mrs. Miller

The Master


The Pianist
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

Million Dollar Baby
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

Really want to see that last one again.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right

Fanny and Alexander

2001: A Space Odyssey
(bump from 2.5 without seeing the movie - glorious)
Taxi Driver


The Godfather

Blue Velvet

Last Year at Marienbad

Awesome list.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Already rated donniedarko's twice I guess so gonna rate Tyler's.

Crime and Punishment
- I'm really glad you enjoyed it
Django Unchained

- easily the best of 2012
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

I've only seen two on your list:

Best films seen in the past month or so:
The Ogre of Athens
Film (1965) - forgot about this Beckett/Keaton collaboration. I'll try to check it out soon.
Crime and Punishment (1970)
Scarlet Street -
(movie tab comment on this movie here.)
Django Unchained
Nightmare Alley
Daughters of the Dust

My top ten for the movies I watched this month

1. Three Colors: Blue
2. Monsieur Hire
3. King Size Canary
4. Education for Death
5. The Odd Couple
6. Cube 2: Hypercube
7. Inside North Korea
8. Everything Will be Ok
9. The Young Savages
10. The Ascent

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time
^You don't have a top ten list yet
"so i turned away, because i didn't want to see. just like everybody else."

"If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts"

1. Werckmeister Harmonies

2. Passion of Joan of Arc

9. Once Upon a Time in America

10. Aguirre: The Wrath of God
TOP 100 | "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"

1. Taxi Driver:
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Once Upon a Time in the West
4. Pulp Fiction

5. A Clockwork Orange

8. Notorious (1946)
9. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
(-) (I'm a bigger fan of The Empire Strikes Back)