Posting Proposal


Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Yoda
I don't want this place to be too much of a clique, but I think we're far, far from that right now, and not really in danger of becoming closed-off by limiting the number of "hey, what's this song called, tell me so I can never come back again" threads. Do they really add much of anything to the site?
I totally agree. Furthermore, since you can't control the intellect of who browses the forum, all you can do is make it as appealing as possible to the people who are looking for intellectual discussion. I have the impression that that is what most of us are here for.

Regarding cliquishness, this place rolls out the red carpet for newbies. It's the most open online community I've seen anywhere, and I've been kicking around the 'net for 10 years.

The logic behind this is not to save the time of myself or the mods, because, as Peter pointed out, it's really just a few minutes a day, usually. The point would be to reduce clutter and increase the ratio of good-to-bad threads, which could have an immeasurable effect on post quality. This isn't really about's about raising the level of discussion. And let's face it: devolving levels of discussion is the primary problem for any online community.
Exactly. Of the number of threads on page one, it's best to have as many as possible be good ones. The rep system provides a means of encouraging intelligent debate/input and discouraging sniping and other negative impacts. I think it's good that the rep system is not anonymous, as it encourages explanation of why rep was given. If someone doesn't understand why it's bad to just say "that movie sucks", they ought to get it after a rep note or two clarify that point. It also allows them to PM the person and demand an explanation, which I think is fair.

Anyway, I'd need to write in exceptions for introductory threads and the like. So here's what I propose (feedback welcomed):
  • A user must have at least 25 posts to start a new thread in any forum other than Birthdays and Introductions and the forum mentioned in the next bullet point...
  • ...a sub-forum somewhere for threads that consist only of "what's this movie/what's this song" questions. And myself and the mods reserve the right to delete any such thread that is placed in GD. If someone can't be bothered to put a thread in the right forum, they run the risk of not getting the answer they want. Fair, yes?
  • Here's a vaguely related idea: a special area for all the "best/worst" threads, which fit fine in GD, but are prolific enough to merit some kind of special organization. Not a sub-forum, but maybe something more like the user review threads in the Movie Reviews forum?
*25 post minimum - I like it.
*sub-forum - I like it, with the caveat that it's really easy to find. While none of us wants it to be the focus of MoFo, it is a simple fact that a lot of people cruise through here looking for a quick answer to a question, and they're not going to search for where to put it.
*best/worst threads - I like this, too.
Hit me with it. What ya'll think about this?
As if you had to ask.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Originally Posted by Yoda
I don't want this place to be too much of a clique, but I think we're far, far from that right now, and not really in danger of becoming closed-off by limiting the number of "hey, what's this song called, tell me so I can never come back again" threads. Do they really add much of anything to the site?

The logic behind this is not to save the time of myself or the mods, because, as Peter pointed out, it's really just a few minutes a day, usually. The point would be to reduce clutter and increase the ratio of good-to-bad threads, which could have an immeasurable effect on post quality. This isn't really about's about raising the level of discussion. And let's face it: devolving levels of discussion is the primary problem for any online community.

Anyway, I'd need to write in exceptions for introductory threads and the like. So here's what I propose (feedback welcomed):
  • A user must have at least 25 posts to start a new thread in any forum other than Birthdays and Introductions and the forum mentioned in the next bullet point...
  • ...a sub-forum somewhere for threads that consist only of "what's this movie/what's this song" questions. And myself and the mods reserve the right to delete any such thread that is placed in GD. If someone can't be bothered to put a thread in the right forum, they run the risk of not getting the answer they want. Fair, yes?
  • Here's a vaguely related idea: a special area for all the "best/worst" threads, which fit fine in GD, but are prolific enough to merit some kind of special organization. Not a sub-forum, but maybe something more like the user review threads in the Movie Reviews forum?
Hit me with it. What ya'll think about this?
loving every aspect of it, nice ideas