What Time Did You Wake Up Today?


6:30am today.. What a difference two hours makes. Today is what I call "recovery day", tired, but not miserable. If I were to wake up at 7am tomorrow, I'll be in good shape.

At about 7pm last night, with temperatures hovering over 80 degrees, I decided to get scissors, go to the backyard, and cut my very long hair with no mirror.
How’d that go?

The Adventure Starts Here!
I rarely get enough sleep because eBay has a requirement that Power Sellers have to ship within one day of the buyer's payment to maintain the Power Seller status, but eBay considers the end of the day to be 12:00 Midnight PACIFIC TIME. For those of us on the east coast, that's 3:00 AM EASTERN TIME. So if someone buys something at 2:00 AM EST, I basically have to ship it out the same day. That means that I usually stay up until at least 3:00 AM EST in case something sells.

However, I usually wake up between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM every morning because USPS won't schedule a specific time for package pickup, so the mailman can get here as early as 9:00 AM, and the packages must be ready to be picked up.

It's exhausting.
Is there any way to appeal to eBay based on time zone differences? Seriously, I would write to them about that. It seems inhumane to require something so... arbitrary as defining "same day" one way for everyone.

During the week I get up at 8.20, that's the latest I can sleep in and get ready before people come to the house to help me care for a family member. On weekends they don't come to the house so we stay in bed usually until 10. LOVE weekends.

I am not a morning person at all.

I didn’t use to do that until fairly recently, but then changed jobs to the kind of PR where all action happens in the morning. To be honest, I don’t mind. I don’t sleep much, and there’s something mystical about early morning when the sky is pink and the world is stretching itself awake.

I keep telling myself I’ll sleep in on weekends, but... it’s a habit.
I love early mornings.

Every single of one my neighbors has at least one dog (and most have kids, too), while I live alone with no living thing in my house.. Maybe I should get a dog whistle.. Do they even work?
There is one living thing in your house: you!

What happens on Saturday, Sunday & Monday?

6:30am take my kittys out then 7:30am i bring my kittys in then been playing destiny 2 in bed =]
Where do they go for one hour? Here in America we generally keep our kitties inside. Too dangerous outside.

I decided to get scissors, go to the backyard, and cut my very long hair with no mirror.
I have got to do this - maybe my old man will help me. He has in the past.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I rarely get enough sleep because eBay has a requirement that Power Sellers have to ship within one day of the buyer's payment to maintain the Power Seller status, but eBay considers the end of the day to be 12:00 Midnight PACIFIC TIME. For those of us on the east coast, that's 3:00 AM EASTERN TIME. So if someone buys something at 2:00 AM EST, I basically have to ship it out the same day. That means that I usually stay up until at least 3:00 AM EST in case something sells.

However, I usually wake up between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM every morning because USPS won't schedule a specific time for package pickup, so the mailman can get here as early as 9:00 AM, and the packages must be ready to be picked up.

It's exhausting.
Is there any way to appeal to eBay based on time zone differences? Seriously, I would write to them about that. It seems inhumane to require something so... arbitrary as defining "same day" one way for everyone.

I've already tried. I spoke to a PowerSeller CSR, and several supervisors, and they basically said that there's nothing that they can do about it. It's just the way the system was set up. But they said that if a buyer leaves me negative feedback because of a delayed shipment, I can contact them after the feedback is left and they'll review it for possible removal.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
5:30... I had chest pains, and then the damn birds started chirping and couldn't fall back asleep. It's going to be a long day, so I ordered some groceries (just for the Dr. Pepper) as a reward... This will be another day (week) I don't see a movie - the main reason I've never joined the selected watch-a-thons around here.