So bad, and yet so good...


Evolution in Progress...
Oh man do i love movies that so many people hate. I will forever love The Never Ending Story (both of them)... and I refuse to believe my friends could ever grow out of them *grins*. I'll agree with Tremors too, Kevin Bacon rules you all in Rock,Paper,Sciscors!!! I loved the movie Screamers (which i don't think anyone liked other than me), and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2. I'd also like to put myself up for riducle for the following movies
-Carnasour1,2&3 (some of the worst dinosaur movies ever, but damn all to hell the guy that plays Monk in the second movie may be the funniest man alive today )
-Drinking Games (low budget film that most of my friends think is corny)
-The Boondock Saints (ok, this movie was awesome... now if only i could convince Tia that it rules )
-Lake Placid (the guy who plays the sheriff... you know, he was Amish in Braveheart...god i love his dripping sarcasm in this movie)
-The Substitute (when he is throwing the kids out of the window from the second floor in the library and Ernie Hudson is just watching...pure comedy)
-The Curve (I'm sorry everyone... but i think i would have Matthew Illards children if i were equipped properly ... ever since SLC punk, which by the way should be counted on this list

and ALL MONTY PYTHON... I'll take counter arguements on the count of 5
(thats 3 sir)
oh yes... i mean three
"If there is one sound the follows the march of humanity, it is the scream." David Gemmell

"Some people have a gift for stupidity,an almost mystic ability to withstand any form of logic."-David Gemmell

When I become and Evil Lord dominating all mankind to my will if an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man possibly do?", I will reply "This." and kill the advisor.

Evolution in Progress...
Also... i've seen it ripped apart in the sequals section time and again...but i admit i have never seen Escape from New York, but i do love Escape from L.A.

as long as you dont shoot me for my ignorance...i'll be ok