What movie remakes/reboots would you like to see?


Originally Posted by MovieGal



I KNOW I've seen a bunch more foreign film adaptions than Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...

I CAN'T think of them though...

Originally Posted by Edo Dillon
You're right about SAW I being the least gory. By bringing it back to its roots, I just meant in terms of simplifying the story and grounding the production values; the first SAW was conceived around the idea of making a low budget film with primarily just two guys in a room. The problem with all the sequels was how convoluted they got; it was obvious that they were making **** up on the fly because they bit off more than they could chew. I meant that there's potential in bringing it back to something like the two guys in a room kind of concept, I suppose if whether it's gore-oriented or not.

As for the gore, I understand the criticism and actually agree; simply watching dismemberment etc. isn't very cinematically interesting. However, the context you need is SAW's reputation for elaborate gore; the hardcore SAW fans love that stuff. There's proven to be a huge audience for it.
That's such... lowest common denominator level pandering though.

That demonstrates a terrible lack of confidence in the product, not to mention the goriest stuff you could ever show never makes it into trailers anyway, so it's not as if you won't get people into seats to see it if it doesn't contain it.

Maybe Saw would be better off with a spiritual successor than a by-the-name-remake.

Originally Posted by Edo Dillon
I personally have a kind of guilty pleasure for gore. I understand that it's nothing special and that a lot of movies use it as a crutch, but at the same time I think there's an appeal for it (that is different from the appeal of general cinema).
You're really gonna have to explain this to me because I get people's appreciation for well-done special effects like those in early horror films, but stuff like My Bloody Valentine 3D comes across as just repulsive in how they seem to almost sexualize the "money shots".

It's a common trope that sex appears consistently with horror as well, but I don't see how nudity is supposed to turn me on if the nude person in question is fearing for her life mere seconds before she's stabbed repeatedly and has her intestines pulled out while she's still alive.

I know I'm slamming a pretty big demographic here, but that's some real psycho ****.

Originally Posted by Edo Dillon
Maybe you'd have to put yourself in my shoes to understand where I'm coming from - I watched SAW for the first time when I was ten years old and basically grew up going to see the sequels every Halloween. It's all absolute trash, but I just enjoy it for a reason I can't really put my finger on. I'm coming at this from the perspective of a geeky horror fan. I suppose we can agree to disagree.
If you made a point to go see the movies out of some whether-it-sucks-or-not tradition I guess I can kinda see that.

But geeky as I am, I don't consider myself a horror fan at all. Movies like Aliens, Jurassic Park, Saw, Silent Hill, and Scream feel like exceptions to the formula to me.

The formula being The Strangers.
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They already did a remake of They Live, it's called The Matrix.

Anyway, my nomination for a film that could use a remake...Highlander.
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They already did a remake of They Live, it's called The Matrix.

Anyway, my nomination for a film that could use a remake...Highlander.
I would watch that, but There can be only one
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i would like to see The sylver surfer standalone film. i dont know if you guys agree with me.