The MoFo Top 100 of the Sixties

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Looks like I will be participating in my first ever 'decades' list!

Looking forward to this, the sixtees has many great films, but I have LOADS to discover still. Great with plenty of time!

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Very excited about this! And still five months to watch lots more 60s films. I've made a good start by watching Whatever Happened to Baby Jane this evening

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Friendly Mushroom:

Lawrence of Arabia
A Taste of Honey
Peeping Tom
Army of Shadows
Le Samourai
The Sound of Music
Cool Hand Luke

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Does anybody have a massive master list of recommendations? I already have some on my radar, but my radar's scope needs increasing.

Good luck with the countdown, Daniel. Don't mess it up.

There are several threads in the "Ongoing Tournaments & Brackets" section for specific years in the 1960s. There are threads for each year from 1960-1964, and the 1965 list may or may not be starting soon. (I'm not sure if it's going to happen because this list started, but the individual year threads make it much easier to figure out what movies to watch from the entire decade.)

These are the threads that I could find. I'm not sure if I missed any of them:

MoFo Best Picture: 1960s Edition

MoFo Best Picture: 1960, And The Nominees Are...

1961 Best Picture Nominees

MoFo Best Picture: 1962

MoFo Best Picture: 1962 Nominees

Mofoington's Best Film: 1963

Mofo Nominees: 1963

MOFO Best Picture- 1964

Lisf of Major 1965 Films

Because it's not a decade I've done a lot of exploring in yet and because sometimes life gets in the way. I don't think it'll be a problem this time (I really struggled with the 70s list due to my grandmother getting sick and passing away), but you never know. I'll have to find my preliminary list, but I think I have something like 13 definites already, which is a much better start than I had for the 70s.
If you need any ideas shoot me a PM and I'll try and suggest some you might like, likely based off of those 13 you already have.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Master of My Domain
This thread will give a good excuse for an all-day Hitchcock binge.

Very excited for this. Now Daniel, I noticed 2001, Psycho, and Lawrence were all in your banner. You shouldn't be giving away clues of what is doing well in the voting. Mark this day down, I predict those films will be in the top 10 because Daniel put them in the banner.
Damn, was it that obvious?

I find it troubling that I can't even identify all those movies from the pictures in Daniels first post. I'm a 60s rookie.
Which films don't you recognize? They're all some of the most famous of the '60s.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Which films don't you recognize? They're all some of the most famous of the '60s.
Spoiler Alert: They aren't all good.

Spoiler Alert: They aren't all good.
Well, I haven't seen The Manchurian Candidate, Peeping Tom or the original Cape Fear yet, but all the other films on the images are good.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The two black and white pictures of the guys near the bottom. And the girl with the black bandana in her hair (probably just haven't seen the films)

The two black and white pictures of the guys near the bottom. And the girl with the black bandana in her hair (probably just haven't seen the films)
Frank Sinatra picture -> The Manchurian Candidate
Robert Mitchum picture -> Cape Fear
Brigitte Bardot picture -> Le Mépris

The two black and white pictures of the guys near the bottom. And the girl with the black bandana in her hair (probably just haven't seen the films)
Robert Mitchum in Cape Fear and Frank Sinatra in The Manchurian Candiate. Two great films.

Then that's Bridget Bardot in Contempt (Le Mepris), another masterpiece that I would highly recommend

From what I know of you Raul, you particularly enjoy Hollywood classics with good scripts and a sharp sense in terms of storytelling, so I would very highly recommend Cape Fear and The Manchurian Candiate, I really think you'd enjoy them both