Educational videos of Hellish signs in movies


You know. This guy actually could be on to something. I just watched a short film and I noticed plenty of satanic symbolism...


Thanks Cobpyth... thats my film! The one I watched and posted about.

I posted

Lucifer Rising is a short film by director Kenneth Anger about the ceremonial rising of Lucifer, a sort-of birthday party of the Aquarian Age, the Love Generation. It is also a symbolic analogy of the coming Aeon of Horus as prophesied in the Thelemic sacred text, The Book of the Law. Anger himself said in The Guardian: “Lucifer Rising was about Egyptian gods summoning the angel Lucifer – in order to usher in a new occult age, in accordance with the principles of Ordo Templi Orientis – an occult order founded by British genius Aleister Crowley.

Im sure thats what Kenneth Anger was going for... there are many films similar to this... so its not something new!

Yeah, I just watched it because you posted about it yesterday. I saw Scorpio Rising for a MoFo Short film HoF and liked that one, so I was curious what this film by Kenneth Anger had to offer.

Then I suddenly saw this classic thread popping up again!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Why does this thread continue???? This guy is obviously cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. You wouldn't keep a thread going for David Koresh ('90s cult leader). This is just junk. By letting this thread stay open, you are exposing people to lunacy. It's unhealthy.

Registered User
Why does this thread continue???? This guy is obviously cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
Wow that's really classy - if he's really delusional what good is calling him cookoo going
to do?

You gonna bash an actual autistic person next just for being autistic?

You wouldn't keep a thread going for David Koresh ('90s cult leader). This is just junk. By letting this thread stay open, you are exposing people to lunacy. It's unhealthy.
If the guy is harmless and deluded then who cares? Ignore it and create another 10 threads or so - not sure what you're trying to accomplish by verbal abuse. If he's spamming then a mod should just ban him.

Only reason I bumped this up is I noticed him posting in some threads today and I wasn't sure what his most recent thread is.