Captain Marvel


This might just do nobody any good.
Probably shouldn’t have signed off on the shot of her punching the old lady before the skrull look was completely rendered.

Trailer's not great, but I actually think that might be a good sign. Makes me think they really don't wanna give away much. The editing suggests there's going to be a lot of creative editing and time jumping, I think.

Anyway, I've lost count of how many bad movies had good trailers. Maybe the correlation works in reverse?

Think we all know women punching and old women lady could only be done because the hero is female. A Male hero could not do this in this era. Maybe in the 80s or 90s but never now.

^ I think a male hero would have been shown hitting that same old lady, it looks obvious she's not hitting an innocent woman and the character will turn into whatever creature/villain.

The trailer wasn't a home run but I'm pretty happy with it..this gets into comic book spoilers/spec.

WARNING: spoilers below
It looks like they are taking inspiration from classic Captain Marvel with Danver's backstory retrofitted into the style of early Captain Marvel comics. The original and best Marvel was a sophisticated spy book, Marvel was a agent for the Kree who was on Earth as a spy while slowly becoming a believer in humans. So basically this should feel like a sequel to Winter Soldier.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
Think we all know women punching and old women lady could only be done because the hero is female. A Male hero could not do this in this era. Maybe in the 80s or 90s but never now.
Oh, I don't know; In Hateful 8 (2015) John the Hangman slaps around villain Daisy Domergue. In Hellboy 2 (2008), Hellboy slugs an old lady who is actually a goblin in disguise.

Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, but in those examples there's a context involved that does or doesn't justify it - John Ruth definitely isn't a hero so much as a self-righteous brute and Daisy's villainous nature does little (if anything) to justify his treatment of her, while Hellboy also has the "monster in disguise" thing to fall back on.

Tarantino Films arent the normal and dont think they count cause he cares nothing bay imagine. Im talking about a Big MCU or Summer blockbuster film. Most big studio film wont do a story where a Man would be doing a violent scene to a women in well lets say a family type film setting cause lets be clear Marvel MCU is a family film and a Women Punching a Women has to happen because its only way Disney would have that scene pass the ok for a trailer.

Not obviously talking about Horror movie film or B action films where women or men in them get wrecked depending on the main character.
Im talking about in a summer or spring block buster where a whole family can go to see it context