Overrated films


3 that come to my mind instantly

1. The Conjuring
2. Avatar
3. Ted

I would have to think about it more though...
No just no please no !!! PLEASEEEEE NOOOOOOO
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Django Unchained... I didn't hate it because it has 1 or 2 great scenes but in general is disappointing...

For me, it's the worst movie Tarantino ever made, and everytime I listen to someone saying it's his best after Pulp Fiction or even his best ever I want to shoot myself!

Make a better place
fist thing came to my mind is


The Dark Night



"Beliefs don't change facts. Facts, if you're rational, should change your beliefs" Ricky Gervais

No just no please no !!! PLEASEEEEE NOOOOOOO
Why? Please elaborate.
"Oh, so you'd be General, huh? If you were General, I'd be Emperor, and you'd STILL get the sake! So shut up and get the sake!" -Hattori Hanzo

"#GAMEOVER420BLAZIT" -bluedeed

I still think the most overrated film of all-time is Blade Runner.
Close, it's actually 2001. But Blade Runner might be the most overrated non-Kubrick film.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I’m just the espresso
Close, it's actually 2001. But Blade Runner might be the most overrated non-Kubrick film.
I love Kubrick though. Blade Runner's so.... meh.

Another one that came to mind
American Hustle

I still found it...enjoyable...I guess. But if we're going by the definition of overrated, I definitely didn't like it as much as everyone else.

We're The Millers is one. Everyone thought it was hilarious but I thought it was terrible. There are so many other funnier movies out there and all the glory and money is going to that crappy movie.
Through the darkness of future past
The magician longs to see
One chants out between two worlds:
Fire walk with me.

Paranormal Activity. After all the hype I thought it would be a good movie, plus it seemed relatively low budget and original, but then I watched it and it was HORRIBLE. Not scary at all, and one of the worst endings ever put to film. And I remember thinking "THIS is the movie that got 6 sequels? Really? REALLY??" There are so many better movies that desserve more appreciation than that garbage movie. It makes me sick that this filth is what's popular and is what everyone is seeing.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Citizen Rules' quick reply to fore mentioned 'overrated' movies.

The in depth alien eco system of the planet was deserving of praise. But Jar heads in space as the bad guys....again??? over cliche

Lord of the Rings First one seemed OK. The second one gave me the sleepys. So never did watch the third one.

Life Of Pi At first I thought it seemed silly, unbelievable and aimed at kids. I was wrong! The poignant ending made it all clear.

Titanic It's a masterpiece, it's underrated.

Blade Runner Another masterpiece of course.

Citizen Rules' quick reply to fore mentioned 'overrated' movies.

The in depth alien eco system of the planet was deserving of praise. But Jar heads in space as the bad guys....again??? over cliche

Lord of the Rings First one seemed OK. The second one gave me the sleepys. So never did watch the third one.

Life Of Pi At first I thought it seemed silly, unbelievable and aimed at kids. I was wrong! The poignant ending made it all clear.

Titanic It's a masterpiece, it's underrated.

Blade Runner Another masterpiece of course.

I really hope it's sarcasm...

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nope not sarcasm. Titanic is the perfect blend of romance, tragedy, person sacrifice and history 'brought' to life by impressive CG and sets. The detail to art direction is sublime. Only the opening sequences set in the modern day with Bill Paxton was weak. Paxton was not believable as a Robert Ballard type explorer, he's too goofy.

Close, it's actually 2001. But Blade Runner might be the most overrated non-Kubrick film.
I love Kubrick though. Blade Runner's so.... meh.
A little late, but it came to me last night that I had this wrong. I know, I was surprised, too.

2001 isn't the most overrated film ever. Neither is Blade Runner the most overrated non-Kubrick film. In fact, they're one in the same, because The Good, The Bad And The Ugly is both. So, there we have it, the most overrated film.

As for Titanic. I agree. Titanic is great. That is, the Titanic I saw at the cinema was great. The one I've seen a couple of times on tv is really, really good, but I feel it does need that scale to be great.

I forgot to mention everything related to The Hunger Games is overrated. The books read like a high schooler wrote them and the movies are corny as hell.

They were written for highschool kids, so that's probably the answer for that.
That's no excuse for them to be poorly written with corny plot devices. I understand they're not aimed at my demographic I just hate the acclaim and hype behind them. And how if anyone can finish a book nowadays it's instantly an amazing book.

They're kids books. The films are for the kids. Sorry, 'young adults'. Gotta get the branding right. The thing is, as I've brought up many times on this site, is that kids stuff is sold to adults now as something for them.