Comedy Movies


I love a good old comedy like

The Great Dictator
The producer's(1900's version)
City Lights

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a wonderful movie!
Another beautiful comedy is The Intouchables, a jewel of French movies.

Another beautiful comedy is The Intouchables, a jewel of French movies.
Really? Maybe for weekend movie watchers. I mean, it's a good film entirely build on overused formulas, but the amount of hype it gets is just beyond my conception. French cinema has produced so many true jewels better than this.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
Some of my Favourites:

Knocked Up
American Pie
Scary Movie
40 Year Old Virgin
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
48 Hours

Groundhog Day
I love you to Death
40 year Old Virgin
The Anchorman
Knocked Up
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python's Life of Brian

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I'm not actually too big on straight-up comedy films such as Scary Movie and whatnot, however, I can find myself thoroughly enjoying something like Knocked Up or (500) Days of Summer.

Hmm, lets see..

Fool's Gold
Crazy, Stupid, Love
50 First Dates

Soo many more.