The Buffy Thread


I'm not old, you're just 12.
Cool. I need to get that cd. Most of those songs will not get out of my head.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Aargh! Double Posting!!!! But the Buffy XBox game is out now, and it's unbelievably cool. some of the vamps even yell D'oh! when they get dusted! Almost the entire cast except for SMG (big Surprise there) appear in the game doing their own voices, and you even get to fight Spike, who is a tough bastard and impossible to kill in the game. If you have an Xbox, get this game!

New season's a'coming! New season's a'coming!

I'm so ready for Tuesday night. So, so ready. So ready you wouldn't even believe it if I tried to describe it in more detail.


What's unfortunate is the two weeks left of waiting for the Angel season premiere...
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Originally posted by Mary Loquacious
I'm so ready for Tuesday night. So, so ready. So ready you wouldn't even believe it if I tried to describe it in more detail.
I don`t believe you...try.
Vale Tudo (adv.301)><"Fighting Evil with Evil"

Can someone tell me why this show is such a big deal? I've seen it, I like it, but it ain't the best I've ever seen.

Why do you people like it? What's special about it?

I'm not old, you're just 12.
What's the deal? It's Buffy! It's just good! I can't explain to people why it's great tv, you either get it or you don't. I, for one, will be front and center on tuesday for the season premiere. And I will be getting the "Once more...with feeling" CD. (in stores on the very same day...JOY!) Buffy is the only show I really watch anymore. Once I start working again, it'll be the only show I watch at all.

I dig Buffy for many, many reasons. The snappy, insightful writing, which is some of the best on TV. The characters, who've evolved so far by now that they're as real as you can get in fiction. The drama and the humor. The monsters. The many comings of the Apocalypse. The bad guys--again, some of the best on TV.

I dig the way it feels like real life, with real problems and real emotions--and, sure, the things that go bump in the night. There've been a lot of shows on TV that have dealt with the paranormal, and some of them are great. But it's damn hard to maintain a balance between the character's lives in the "real" world and their lives as evil-thwarters, and Buffy has maintained that balance consistently and believably for six years--and it still manages to make me laugh during every episode, and cry during more than a few.

This, I think, is as close as I can get to an explanation of why I like the show. I think there's an element of Monkey's "you either get it or you don't" in there--but then, there's an element of that in just about everything, yes?

Thanks for answering Monkey and Mary... oooohh cool alliteration...Monkey and Mary sittin' in a tree..HeeHee

I digress

I think I've watched the show maybe three times. I like Sara Michelle Gellar, I think she's an awesome actress. I'm going to give it more of a chance this season, I mean all you Buffy lovers can't be wrong.

(sings in Adam Sandler whine)

Twenty million Buffy fans can't be wrong...

This season would be a good one to get into, Toose--it's to be a return to the funny, with less of the angsty. And the last two seasons have been most angsty and dramatic, what with death, lust, evil, addiction, etc., figuring heavily into the storylines... and that's just the good guys.

Cripes, I'm ready for more. More, more, more. The season opener was a rockin' good time, with a nice glimpse of what looks to be this season's Big Bad. It's a doozy.

Hey, anyone else see the season opener? Any theories, conjectures, for what's to come? I've got a few, but I need company if I'm going to put my lame ideas out for public consumption...

I'm not old, you're just 12.
New season of Buffy: Most excellent.

I loved the vamp getting stuck in his grave and asking Buffy to help him out. "I think my foot is twisted around a root.."
I loved Dawn getting Slayer Lessons.
Xander helped build the new Hellmouth High? weird.
I still wonder if Spike's going to be good or evil. (I choose evil, but I don't get to choose.)
and I hope both Giles and Willow return to sunnydale soon.

As for the new big bad? WHAT IS GOING ON? is it a combo of all previous villains, is it using Spike as it's minion, is it tormenting him because he's so weak and unable to stop it? It's all very intriguing. I can't wait to see how this turns out.

Time to rev this thread back up again. This post is for the fans--Monkey Man, I'm talking to you. And, of course, any other big fans here (Jonny Goodboy, Dante, etc.).

I got an e-mail from a friend who subscribes to an online spoiler fan site (she's a very, very bad girl for loving the spoilers, but I digress). She was sent a survey for BtVS fans that's being used as the basis for a pop culture study on fandom, and, while it is fairly lengthy, it looks pretty neat. And, hey, if you're a Buffy fan, you should support any and all academia that recognizes the phenomenon that is our beloved show.

The link:

Check it out, won't you?

And I've seen the Buffy CD, but haven't gotten it yet. Arg! I hate being poor. And white. And trash.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Just took the survey. It's very thorough.

Anyway....I finally get what's going on with Spike. As a result of getting his soul back, he's getting bombarded by the voices and faces of everyone he's wronged as well as random flashbacks of his human life. Psychic feedback, if you will. I'm starting to like Dawn more this year. I think she's coming into her own as a character, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was to become the next Slayer after Buffy, who, I'm thinking is toast at season's end. I may be wrong. She may sign on for another season, I don't know. I read somewhere Faith is coming back by the end of the year. Now SHE has a higher chance of meeting her maker at year's end, I think. I hope they can get Angel to appear in at least one Ep if this is the last year. Last thing, I hope things turn out happy for Willow. She deserves it after last year. Tara getting capped was the single most disturbing thing I've seen on tv ever. (It's a tie with Anya getting Impaled against the wall on last week's Ep, actually...).

Yeah, my friends and I have noticed the Dawn-coolage this season--definitely a gear-up for Dawnie taking center stage once Sarah moves on. No one'd want to watch the show if was all about whiny, bratty, klepto Dawn. And I think they've done a creditable job with the attitude adjustment--she's getting more power and more responsibility, so she's becoming much more cool and mature.

You think they'll kill Buffy again? I dunno... I read somewhere (wish I could remember) that Sarah's signed a deal to appear in a handful of eps next season, rather like what Tony Head's got going this season. Of course, it could be flashback material, but I doubt it.

And I'm definitely liking the Spike stuff, and I think you're right. However, I do think we're going to be finding that there's even more to it--the multi-facial Big Baddie, for instance...

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Just watched the new Buffy ep. A few things: The Breeders are just....ROCK. One of my all time favorites. Almost as good as when Joey Ramone's "Stop Thinking About it" was playing at the Bronze in the recent giant worm episode. Dawn takes center stage again, she's starting to seem like a mix between Buffy and first season Willow, confident, yet....not. Spike and Xander teaming up actually worked...But for how long? Will trying to turn Mr. Football Hero into a girl. Liked the 1970's "Starsky and Hutch" music, too.

Off topic a little, but not really. I was watching the movie S.F.W. today. Amber Benson was in one scene as a high school student who....well, not like anyone but me would watch such a bizarre flick, but I don't want to give away the ending. Anyway, It just made me laugh. I just saw her and said, out loud, no less, (Nobody was home) "Hey! It's Tara!" this got me thinking:

What are the best movies featuring Buffy cast members, and on the flip side, what are the worst?

My picks for best:

S.F.W. (Amber Benson)
Cruel Intentions (Sarah Michelle Gellar in her only watchable big screen role!)
American Pie (Alyson Hannigan)


American Pie 2 (Alyson Hannigan)
Scooby Doo (Sarah Michelle Gellar)
I Know What You Did Last Summer (Sarah Michele Gellar)

(honestly, the list of bad SMG movies just goes on and on...)

Jonny Goodboy's Avatar
Fighting out of the Lions Den
Damn!!!...Too..............many...............spoilers.... ...........must.................refrain.............from..............reading...............any.....

Anyway, where`s that survey.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
If you don't wanna see any spoilers, even vague as hell ones, avert your eyes, children....

Just watched the new Buffy Ep. I was wondering when our morphing big bad would come back. It was back hard-core tonight. Liked Dawn doing spells to cast whatever the hell it was out of her house, the two surviving geeks are back, so's Cassie (sort of....Evil Laugh), and Spike is back to his old ways, which I don't get, or was HE our morphy pal too? (I want spike to be evil again so bad. He was funnier that way.) This was a fantastic episode all around.

Something I need to know: Who was the singer at the beginning of this ep? It's going to bother me if I don't know.

Okay. Let's discuss Buffy some more, eh?

And, of course, the new season of Angel. See the "Buffy on Angel" thread for my single solitary bit of spoiler knowledge... if you dare...

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Oh yes! I love the Buffy thread! Thanks for bringing it back!

New Angel eps start wednesday, but I gotta work! I'll have my bro tape em for me. Spike shoulda stayed deceased, but I'll give them the benifit of a doubt. Hell, Ben Edlund, one of the producers of Angel went to HS with a guy I know, and he made up the tick, so....

At least you'll have the taping of it.

Oooo, and I just realized something. Now that I'll be working days, I'll be able to watch Angel without the taping.

I'm very, very ready for the new season. Angel has seriously come into its own in the last two seasons--as much as I love Season One for its many great moments, it really did suffer from being in the shadow of Buffy. But Seasons Two and Three were consistently in top form--with the kicker being that holy-sheep-sh*t season ender.

And, no, I ain't talkin' about Connor's boring-but-loving new life. I'm talking about the Angel gang taking over at Wolfram & Hart.

I seriously don't think they could have made a bolder or more intelligent move. It introduces so much internal conflict for the characters--and the possibilities are endless. Mind-boggling, even. I am all agog.

It is with great, great interest that I'm going to tune in on Wednesday night. And now that two of the greatest Buffy writers are going to be scribbling for Angel now--Drew "Continuity Man" Goddard and the great god Joss Himself--as well as having people like Ben Edlund (!) and oldie-but-goodie David Fury on the writing team, I foresee great things to happen.

And there's that Spike guy, too. And some Buffy guestings.

Bring it on, folks. And, for God's sake, bring back Lindsay! Mr. Goddard, I believe I am talking to you.