Suspicious MoFos (The Controversial Thread)


I think Id be a suspicous MoFo, but Im too much of a loud *******.


Put me in your pocket...
Well Annie, I don't you think really want to know.

But the incident started in the shoutbox on 09-13-2010.
Oh dear...thanks for the info Loner.
I trust you...I'll just close the door and whistle a happy tune.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
I'm not really a huge liar, but if I had ever mentioned my old football injury in a Mofo post, I'll come clean now. I didn't play football per se, but I did get drunk and fall off the bleachers. (so technically it is a football injury). Didn't mean to misrepresent. God I feel so much better now.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

planet news's Avatar
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I never get much rep IRL.

'Nuff said.
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

So FilmExpert was around again yesterday.. damn, I doubted him but didn't even make use of this thread.

BTW do you think any MoFos are roleplaying?... probably trying to act much older than they are.. faking their personalities..
Do you think some hide their movielists because they don't want to appear inferior to others?..

Sometimes some MoFos make contradicting statement..
A certain MoFo once said that David Fincher's Zodiac was not all that great, later I saw him saying that he liked it a lot & that it stands out....

I'm full of *****! I'm honestly never sarcastic. I've only ever seen about 15 movies, and I only own 2 of those on VHS. I'm 4'11", 86 lbs, and everyone walks all over me. I'm shy and timid. Not outgoing at all. Bashful is who I am. That's a for sure.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
So FilmExpert was around again yesterday.. damn, I doubted him but didn't even make use of this thread.

BTW do you think any MoFos are roleplaying?... probably trying to act much older than they are.. faking their personalities..
Do you think some hide their movielists because they don't want to appear inferior to others?..

Sometimes some MoFos make contradicting statement..
A certain MoFo once said that David Fincher's Zodiac was not all that great, later I saw him saying that he liked it a lot & that it stands out....
I think some are trying to act younger than they are like possibly a certain fifteen year old.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I'm full of *****! I'm honestly never sarcastic. I've only ever seen about 15 movies, and I only own 2 of those on VHS. I'm 4'11", 86 lbs, and everyone walks all over me. I'm shy and timid. Not outgoing at all. Bashful is who I am. That's a for sure.
Ðèstîñy =
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I'm full of *****! I'm honestly never sarcastic. I've only ever seen about 15 movies, and I only own 2 of those on VHS. I'm 4'11", 86 lbs, and everyone walks all over me. I'm shy and timid. Not outgoing at all. Bashful is who I am. That's a for sure.
I was talking about MoFOs who actually discuss movies..
You belong to the Photo & Theme thread..

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Im suspisious of that MoFo called n3wt
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I was talking about MoFOs who actually discuss movies..
You belong to the Photo & Theme thread..
I knew you weren't talking to me. It was a joke. Mark got it.

Besides, I belong anywhere on the board I wish to go, son. I've done the discussing on other boards, and it was time consuming as hell. The way I did it, anyway. Now, with all I'm into here, I'm not also going to do that. It's a damn good thing it's my choice.

Why don't you all actually name who you mean, instead of hints?

I knew you weren't talking to me. It was a joke. Mark got it.

Besides, I belong anywhere on the board I wish to go, son. I've done the discussing on other boards, and it was time consuming as hell. The way I did it, anyway. Now, with all I'm into here, I'm not also going to do that. It's a damn good thing it's my choice.
It was a joke??
i never could tell with that description.

Why don't you all actually name who you mean, instead of hints?
I think most MoFos know who I am talking about, especially Dex.
I was talking about 2 MoFos there BTW..

I am sure the second MoFo I have mentioned is really a talented one...
But it's sometimes really clear that he fakes having seen few movies..

I've done the discussing on other boards, and it was time consuming as hell. The way I did it, anyway.
I'm curious...

I'm a suspicious character. For those of you who'd like to know my real name it's Alan "Smithee" and my credits are innumerable. My brother, Judas "Booth", controls the spice... and the universe.
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
It is rumored there is one board where most of the members are alter egos of the administrator.

There are maybe two or three active members, other than the top guy and the only moderator (who might be an alter ego too).

It was a joke??
i never could tell with that description.
I'm being sarcastic again, slick. As in, it's a joke, so why point that out? Is it me, or were you purposely being rude about what I do here.

Plenty of people on the board have favorite sections. An active, friendly board is the main goal.

Well, if you turkeys would have voted for The Changeling, you'd know about it.

p.s. Thanks for blowing my act on being timid. You couldn't let that **** slide for 30 ****ing minutes???