21 December 2012 = Doomsday?


that's what she said...
no major things on my bday except for I share it w/ a few neat ppl:
1954 – Oprah Winfrey, American talk show host and actress
1970Heather Graham, American actress
1982Adam Lambert, American actor and singer

ANYWAYS, back on the SUBJECT... I don't think there will be any crazy natural disasters that distroy the world on December 21, 2012 BUT I think that when 2012 rolls around that there is going to be mass chaos and it gets closer to the date. Its not just America, but MANY countries believe in the 2012 theory. I think with so many people worrying about the end of the world there are going to be many more committed crimes, stealing, destruction..... just a lot of bad things are going to happen due to the amount of people who do truely believe that natural disaters are going to end the world. People are capable of bad things but dont commit crimes becuase they are good hearted and want to live life by the law and ect. but when people believe the world is going to end, you KNOW that there are some people who are going to let all hell break loose.

There could be a slight rise, but I greatly doubt you'll see anything resembling a panic. I don't think there is a country that believes this, is there? Sure there's the usual page/time filler in the papers and news networks and there are people all over that've heard of it. But actual belief? Very few. Besides, we've got that bloke who's already got it wrong once this year, 'revised' end of the world date to come this month.

Here's another 220+ "End Of The World" claims that, obviously, got it wrong.


that's what she said...
LOL yeah but there was believers for the Harold Camping prediction.
There were things on the news of people (dumb-butts) who quit their jobs and traveled, or stocked up, and even DONATED $ to Camping to spread the word.
So, there might be 12, 21, 2012 believers out there Haha.

Its not just America, but MANY countries believe in the 2012 theory.
lol wut
If I had a dollar for every existential crisis I've ever had, does money really even matter?

that's what she said...
From many different countries there are theories of 2012 END OF THE WORLD (which i'm guessing like in America, basically every1 knows it is BS but there is always a few believers out there). If you don't believe me you can google different countries w/ the 2012 Doomsday theory and you will see what they predict and ect. It kind of fascinating LOL.

Here is a website I found with some theorys:

It's kind of entertaining to read, well because I dont believe in it. (Otherwise I would be scared.) It's just funny to me because I know out there, someone is worrying about it and will feel much relief as 2013 rolls around.