Genres you struggle with


Trouble with a capital "T"
Despite being a huge Horror fan, I'm right there with you.
With a few exceptions, maybe one or two per year, I consider them... well, I just don't consider them.
Drives my friends crazy as they want me to watch the great new Horror movie and I just won't but I want them to watch The Black Cat or Messiah Of Evil.
l do like William Castle horrors. Think I've seen just about every movie he made.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Spaghetti Westerns. They’re just not my jam.
That's because you don't eat spaghetti with jam. You eat it with sauce.
Ever heard Agalloch, then?
Used to be a huge fan. My enthusiasm has since waned.
Period romances.

There's nothing romantic about menstruation.
Vampires disagree.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I don't like horror moves, especially the gory movies like slasher movies. I also don't like the horror movies that feature bugs, spiders, and other nasty creatures. I'm okay with older horror movies and psychological horror movies that focus more on scaring the viewer without showing much on screen, rather than shocking viewers with blood and gore.

I'm not a fan of war movies that focus on the battles, but I'm okay with war movies that feature a romance that takes place during wartime, and don't focus on the soldiers fighting and/or dying in the war.

And it's not a genre, but I have my own issues with foreign language (non-English) movies because I hate reading subtitles. I have a hard time focusing on the movie itself if I'm trying to read the writing on the screen throughout the movie.

Haha! I learned to like "Shipoopi" (since The Music Man is not only my favorite musical outside of Rocky Horror, but one of my favorite movies, period), but I feel ya.

I love "Shipoopi", but it's probably a nostalgia thing for me. My father was a big fan of Buddy Hackett, and I have great memories of my father dancing around the house singing "Shipoopi" when I was a kid.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't like horror moves, especially the gory movies like slasher movies. I also don't like the horror movies that feature bugs, spiders, and other nasty creatures. I'm okay with older horror movies and psychological horror movies that focus more on scaring the viewer without showing much on screen, rather than shocking viewers with blood and gore.
I'm curious if you like old 1950s sci fi horror, like Them (1954) or The Monster That Challenged the World (1957) ?

I'm not a fan of war movies that focus on the battles, but I'm okay with war movies that feature a romance that takes place during wartime, and don't focus on the soldiers fighting and/or dying in the war.
I hate real war but I do like war movies, especially war movies that gives a feeling of what it would be like to be in a war.

And it's not a genre, but I have my own issues with foreign language (non-English) movies because I hate reading subtitles. I have a hard time focusing on the movie itself if I'm trying to read the writing on the screen throughout the movie.
Some of my favorite movies are foreign, but when there's a foreign movie with lots of characters and lots of fast dialogue I can't keep up with who is saying what. All I can do in that case is stare at the bottom of the screen and read the subtitles, which takes me out of the movie. The flip side of that is I've watched foreign movies and when the movie was over I swore I 'heard' it in English because the story was told with fewer characters and less dialogue. I wonder how many people that is true for?

I love "Shipoopi", but it's probably a nostalgia thing for me. My father was a big fan of Buddy Hackett, and I have great memories of my father dancing around the house singing "Shipoopi" when I was a kid.
I love The Music Man (the original with Robert Preston. Shipoopi isn't my favorite song though.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'm curious if you like old 1950s sci fi horror, like Them (1954) or The Monster That Challenged the World (1957) ?
I've never seen (or heard of) The Monster That Challenged the World (1957), but Them (1954) is a bad example for me because, (if I remember correctly), it has giant ants, so I wouldn't like that movie.

But I like some of the old sci-fi horror movies like The Thing from Another World (1951) and Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), but nothing with bugs, spiders, or other creepy crawly creatures.

Some of my favorite movies are foreign, but when there's a foreign movie with lots of characters and lots of fast dialogue I can't keep up with who is saying what. All I can do in that case is stare at the bottom of the screen and read the subtitles, which takes me out of the movie. The flip side of that is I've watched foreign movies and when the movie was over I swore I 'heard' it in English because the story was told with fewer characters and less dialogue. I wonder how many people that is true for?
Usually when I watch a foreign movie, I get so involved in reading the subtitles that I forget to watch the movie. Then I end up having to rewind the movie and try again. By the time I finish the movie, it's usually taken me about twice the running time to watch the movie.

I love The Music Man (the original with Robert Preston). Shipoopi isn't my favorite song though.
Yeah, "Shipoopi" definitely isn't the best song in the movie, but it's still a fun song.

Not interested.
I don't avoid them intentionally, but I find that I'm very often *not* drawn to them.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I don't actually wear pants.
Found footage horror mostly makes me yawn, it might not all be poor but most of what I've seen of it is imo.
I do agree with the thought, but my favorite horror film also happens to be found footage; Noroi The Curse (it's a Japanese film, FYI). Most are eh, but that one is awesome. I won't type anything about the story since it's best approached blind. It is freaky, so if you like horror, you're in for a treat.
Thanks again, Mr Portridge.

I don't actually wear pants.
This isn't a genre, but a place; I can't stand any French films, and I've never liked any German or Italian films, aside from Leone's westerns.

I am incredibly picky about my comedies. If it's a modern American comedy, I will probably hate it. I don't much care for other cultures' humor, either (it's hard to translate across cultures), but I can stand most of them (unless they're French) (then they automatically suck).


Trouble with a capital "T"
This isn't a genre, but a place; I can't stand any French films, and I've never liked any German or Italian films, aside from Leone's westerns.

I am incredibly picky about my comedies. If it's a modern American comedy, I will probably hate it. I don't much care for other cultures' humor, either (it's hard to translate across cultures), but I can stand most of them (unless they're French) (then they automatically suck).
I don't like most Korean films that I've seen, too violent...they're like Tarantino on crack.

I don't actually wear pants.
I don't like most Korean films that I've seen, too violent...they're like Tarantino on crack.
What's interesting about that is my favorite country for movies is South Korea. I won't go down a path of destruction over our difference of opinion. I just wanted to share that little tidbit of information.

One thing about Korean films is the bad guys, more often than not, meet their comeuppance. A lot of American crime films, like Godfather and Goodfellas, the bad guys (they're bad despite being the protagonists) get away with everything. In Korean films, and not just the crime films, 99% of the time the good characters (even if they're the antagonists) end up coming out ahead.

It's not completely cut and dry, but both nations follow those trends pretty much all the time. The major difference is the Hayes Code era and film noir. That is my favorite genre, in part because of how it's a product of its time while still being accessible now. In the Hayes Code days, the good guys always had to win. Once the MPAA started, that trend got bucked, and now the villains usually get away with it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...The major difference is the Hayes Code era and film noir. That is my favorite genre, in part because of how it's a product of its time while still being accessible now. In the Hayes Code days, the good guys always had to win. Once the MPAA started, that trend got bucked, and now the villains usually get away with it.
Not surprising then that I like movies from the Hayes Code era much more than movies made today. I liked your post, very informative and I didn't realize the difference between the bad guys getting away with it in modern U.S. films vs S. Korean films having the bad guys lose. Thanks for posting that.

I don't actually wear pants.
Not surprising then that I like movies from the Hayes Code era much more than movies made today. I liked your post, very informative and I didn't realize the difference between the bad guys getting away with it in modern U.S. films vs S. Korean films having the bad guys lose. Thanks for posting that.
I allude to the Hayes Code, but Japan and South Korea have similar ideas of how stories are to be presented. For them it's making sure the bad guys lose. They don't mind content as much, at least from my experience, but the villains have to lose somehow.

One of my favorite Korean shows is Bad Guys, where three criminals of various skill sets that are currently in prison that are asked to bring down a group of even worse criminals. I don't know how to explain it without a spoiler though. Last I saw it's on Netflix if you're interested. It is violent, but it's a lot tamer than a fair share of their (heh) movies.

Fear of watching horror movies, but I struggle with it, I only show interest because of the plots of these movies.

I don't actually wear pants.
Fear of watching horror movies, but I struggle with it, I only show interest because of the plots of these movies.
Couldn't you just not watch them then? I understand wanting to see a horror films (I love a good horror) but if it's a struggle for you, I'm not sure why you'd continue to watch them. What am I missing here?