The Fantasy Hall of Fame


Why wouldn't you think I'd like Starship Troopers?
Too much of an action film, and violent one too. In general, it just feels too over the top and "rude" film for you. Quite unlike the golden age of Hollywood.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Too much of an action film, and violent one too. In general, it just feels too over the top and "rude" film for you. Quite unlike the golden age of Hollywood.
OK thanks...I guess with Starship Troopers the violence is done almost cartoonish like, so it never feels too real. Such a clever use of propaganda in the film that 95% of the people who see it, don't see actually see what Verhoeven was doing with it.

I was never a big fan of Robocop, to me that just seemed like mindless violence, but maybe there's more there too than meets the eye?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
OK thanks...I guess with Starship Troopers the violence is done almost cartoonish like, so it never feels too real. Such a clever use of propaganda in the film that 95% of the people who see it, don't see actually see what Verhoeven was doing with it.

I was never a big fan of Robocop, to me that just seemed like mindless violence, but maybe there's more there too than meets the eye?
Both films DO play with political and social metaphors in a very nimble, precocious way. Hidden beneath the excessive violence that has a comic book playfulness.
The world-building would work for you but, yeah, because of the violence I wouldn't recommend either of them to you.
For myself, I love 'em both and it has been a while since seeing either. . . should try to rectify that.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
Both films DO play with political and social metaphors in a very nimble, precocious way. Hidden beneath the excessive violence that has a comic book playfulness.
The world-building would work for you but, yeah, because of the violence I wouldn't recommend either of them to you.
For myself, I love 'em both and it has been a while since seeing either. . . should try to rectify that.
And yet I would put Starship Troopers in my all time Top 25

Since I know the extended editions of Lord of the Rings so well, I decided to track down the theatrical cuts to refresh my memory on the differences between the versions. Luckily my brother owns them so it wasn't hard. I just finished watching Fellowship, and will probably write something about it tomorrow.

While I do plan to watch the entire theatrical it strange that I'm considering watching the extended editions again immediately after? How many hours of LotR is too many?

If I'm going to spend 20 hours watching the films twice, I should try to find the pieces of the Aragorn costume I made a decade ago so I can at least dress up for the occasion haha.

Don't worry guys I'm still here and committed to the task but I've avoided reading any reviews because I don't want any spoilers, hence the apparent lack of engagement. Since we've got two months to watch them all I'm going to pace myself; I'll try and watch one this weekend. I'm going to watch and review all three LOTR films last. E.T. seems a dubious choice for a fantasy HoF... If I knew we could pick sci-fi films I'd have nominated Aliens

If I knew we could pick sci-fi films I'd have nominated Aliens
This last line is probably a joke, but I want to address it anyway in case anyone was curious about why E.T. is one of the nominations.

Besides the fact that Aliens is automatically ineligible because it won a previous Hall of Fame, a sci-fi film like it (as in, one that has no fantasy tag on IMDB) would not have been accepted if you couldn't provide a strong argument for why we should consider it part of the fantasy genre. I wouldn't need an essay, but a clear case would have to be presented.

I had never entertained the idea that E.T. was anything other than a science fiction film... until gbg asked if she could nominate it. Not only did I believe her statement that she's always considered it to be a fantasy film, but she actually provided multiple references to articles where critics had similar opinions. I didn't expect to see that, but it was a nice surprise. That made me reflect on certain elements of the film, and I could see the argument for its inclusion without having to ask her to elaborate.

This last line is probably a joke, but I want to address it anyway in case anyone was curious about why E.T. is one of the nominations..

Twas indeed a joke. I love E.T. but never thought of it as fantasy. It will be interesting to watch it again from a new perspective.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Twas indeed a joke. I love E.T. but never thought of it as fantasy. It will be interesting to watch it again from a new perspective.
I considered nominating Oliver Stone's JFK (1991), definitely fantasy

Trouble with a capital "T"
Alas, when I begin my journey, it seems I will be alone.
It’s ok......I’m a level 10 fighter.
The only weapons left for your journey will be a rusty sword and a garbage can lid for a shield...Oh and a mentor side kick named Moe.

The only weapons left for your journey will be a rusty sword and a garbage can lid for a shield...Oh and a mentor side kick named Moe.
Moe the midget?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
E.T. seems a dubious choice for a fantasy HoF... If I knew we could pick sci-fi films I'd have nominated Aliens
This last line is probably a joke, but I want to address it anyway in case anyone was curious about why E.T. is one of the nominations.

Besides the fact that Aliens is automatically ineligible because it won a previous Hall of Fame, a sci-fi film like it (as in, one that has no fantasy tag on IMDB) would not have been accepted if you couldn't provide a strong argument for why we should consider it part of the fantasy genre. I wouldn't need an essay, but a clear case would have to be presented.

I had never entertained the idea that E.T. was anything other than a science fiction film... until gbg asked if she could nominate it. Not only did I believe her statement that she's always considered it to be a fantasy film, but she actually provided multiple references to articles where critics had similar opinions. I didn't expect to see that, but it was a nice surprise. That made me reflect on certain elements of the film, and I could see the argument for its inclusion without having to ask her to elaborate.
I too consider ET as a sci fi/fantasy hybrid.

E.T. was one of the first movies that popped into my mind when the discussion started about a Fantasy HoF. I was surprised to see that it wasn't listed as fantasy on either IMDB or Wikipedia, but I found numerous articles and reviews that clearly listed it as a fantasy. (And just for the record, I didn't insist on nominating it. I asked if it would be allowed, and gave several links to these articles and reviews.)

The Guardian even named E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial as "the #7 best sci-fi and fantasy film of All-Time".

Thank you @CosmicRunaway for allowing it. Hopefully some people will watch it with an open mind, and see it as more than just a sci-fi movie.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

The trick is not minding
ET is one my favorite movies of all time, and considering I have already seen the majority of these films, with the exception being Kwaidan and Beauty and the Beast, I’m fairly certain this is my front runner.
Of course, my final ballot all depends on how I view the entire nominations

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
I think I may have to watch this trilogy a few times before I can fully appreciate it. I'm enjoying it, but I seem to be missing some minor things.

Why did Sam call Frodo "Mr. Frodo" in this movie? I don't remember him calling him "Mr." in the first movie. Did I just not notice that, (because it annoyed me in this movie)? I thought they were supposed to be friends. Wouldn't he just call him "Frodo"?

I thought Gollum/Sméagol was kind of creepy, but he's also one of the most interesting characters in the movie. I loved his split personality, and the way he would talk to himself. It was easy to see why nobody trusted him, but there's a big difference between not trusting him, and beating him up. Why was everyone so mean to him? Did I miss something here too?

I thought the battle scene at Helm's Deep was a bit too long, and a bit confusing. At one point, it looked like the Uruk-hai army blew up part of the fortress, but they didn't get in. Then they seemed to be going over the walls, but somehow they still didn't get in. It just looked like the Uruk-hai army should have easily won that battle long before Galdalf and the Ents showed up to help.

I liked the Ents. They kind of felt like a more advanced version of Groot.