
Hope you’re kidding. We have an entire spare set (we have a lot of keys) in a spot in the backyard that would be impossible to find. Even if found, I defy anyone to figure out how to get into my house using the keys. (Don’t break a window, they’re all alarmed.)
Lovely! I have a kind of safe half-underground by the garden gate. Tend to put them there. Once I was living in a different house & dear father was visiting & I couldn’t meet him that day as I was at RCJ, so put keys under my car behind the right front wheel. No issues, he found them.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hope you’re kidding. We have an entire spare set (we have a lot of keys) in a spot in the backyard that would be impossible to find. Even if found, I defy anyone to figure out how to get into my house using the keys. (Don’t break a window, they’re all alarmed.)
Kidding of course!

I actually buried the keys in the garden, they've been there for a decade! I only needed to dig them up once and use them. No one could ever find them.

Kidding of course!

I actually buried the keys in the garden, they've been there for a decade! I only needed to dig them up once and use them. No one could ever find them.
You buried your keys?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This cliche is true of literature too, especially fantasy fiction: the person (usually a young orphan) who is "destined" to save the world, or the galaxy.
That's called 'the reluctant hero'. It's more of a trope than a cliche, but yeah it's used a lot in fantasy/sci fi fiction.

I know that's so crazy. Myself, I put the house keys under the doormat...nobody would look there
Perhaps hiding your keys under your doormat is so obvious that nobody would think to look there.

Average people who dig perfectly rectangular graves (either burying a body or digging one up) with crisp right angles after digging into the Earth for about an hour or so, six feet into the ground, using shovels from Home Depot.
Right! And oftentimes they're show using flat shovels at that, which are not meant for deep digging. The prop guy probably didn't understand the difference.

Better Living Through Movie Quotes
Where are the rocks and roots when they are digging these graves? And, if they are digging up a grave or a treasure chest, how come when they reach it the surface of the casket or chest is clean and they never damage it with their pick-axes?

I have never dug a grave. But I have planted a few trees in my day. Extrapolating the effort it took to dig a hole big enough to plant a tree, I calculate that it would take me 3.73 days to dig a grave and fill it back in. Thank gawd for flash-cuts.

Good grave-digging scenes:

"Drag me to Hell"
"Frankenstein" (1931)
Most realistic grave-digging scene: "The Burbs," especially when Tom Hanks hits the gas line. That would be me.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I leave it in the keyhole. Nobody expects that.

I used to have a downstairs neighbor who did that a few times when he came home drunk.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Another cliche is the whole thinking someone cheated on them when they did not cliche by some dumb misunderstanding. I saw this again recently in White Christmas but maybe it wasn't a cliche back then?

I used to have a downstairs neighbor who did that a few times when he came home drunk.
Gotta confess I once did the same thing back in the day in Manhattan. My sweet elderly Finnish neighbors rang my bell in the middle of the night to tell me.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Another cliche is when a woman is kidnapped or confined by male villains, she will try to seduce them and the guys will actually fall for it, thinking it was genuine.

Title waves.

We saw from the 2004 Indian Ocean and the 2011 Japan tsunamis that they do not occur or look like those in the movies.

In movies, tsunamis are usually depicted as a giant, single wall of water, 500 - 1000 feet high that slams into and topples city buildings.

In reality the waves are indeed bigger than normal, but not the size of sky scrapers, and they come in as gradually increasing volumes of water that move further and further inland with each subsequent wave.

The devastation and aftermath is just as bad, but the "sudden impact" visuals of a wave that towers over buildings and devastates cities with a single slam are far less dramatic.

(Maybe I was thinking about this because there was a tsunami warning today for Hawaii and the west coast due to a volcano that went off in the Pacific.)

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Cops never bringing gloves to a crime scene, and using hankerchiefs to touch things.

I've mentioned this on other threads, but window screens don't seem to exist in many movies and TV shows.

Understandable as they are a nuisance for entering or leaving through a window which is often a trope for a plot. They are easy to cut if you've got a blade, but if not, and if you can't raise the screen from outside, then you are left with a time-consuming obstacle that would eat up precious screen time (in this last case; movie screen time).

My question is how do people that live within movies and sitcoms deal with the mosquitoes, flies and other bugs. It must be like they're living on the frontier before anyone had window screens... or maybe bugs just don't exist or are considerate enough not to enter a house uninvited via an open window in movie & TV land.

My question is how do people that live within movies and sitcoms deal with the mosquitoes, flies and other bugs. It must be like they're living on the frontier before anyone had window screens... or maybe bugs just don't exist or are considerate enough not to enter a house uninvited via an open window in movie & TV land.
Worst thing about not having screens would be bats flying into the house. We’re almost fully screened, but, once or twice, an unscreened window has been left open & bats have flown in. I am TERRIFIED of bats.