The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Gonna change my guesses,

Breakfast Club and A Clockwork Orange

It's gonna be a movie that's favorited by alot of people which grease is only favorited by 4 ppl on here. This movie has a low chance of being on here anyways
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

When first seen at the theater, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" blew me away. You might say it was a key component in installing my love for film. Yeah, it has a place on my list.

"Back to the Future" to me captures the essence of the '80s vibe. Brilliant in its day and will forever have a place in my heart.


My Craptastic List:  

53/68 films seen

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Well, re: your juxtaposition of Ratched and McMurphy as "villain" and "hero", my reasoning has always been that McMurphy doesn't see the way the mental institution is ran as "dignified" for the patients, or that they're not really "living", which obviously connects with the ending. Though generally rebellious and insubordinate, McMurphy's overall actions are meant to make the patients feel like real human beings. But I understand your point in that Ratched is not a traditional villain, in the sense that she's not twisting her "moustache" and cackling at her own "evil". She's just doing her job, but as such, is a representation of a system that the author of the novel saw as a failure, and therefore something that people should rebel against.

I haven't read it, but being written in the 1960s, I've read that the novel (and hence the book) is meant to work both as a literal critique of traditional psychiatry and treatment of mental patients, but also as a metaphorical critique of traditional establishment institutions (government, military, etc.) and in favor of free-thinking, which in the 1960s was pretty much the thing.
Very very true and for the longest time I've adhered that. Or rather, that has been my perspective throughout the years of my revisiting my film.
It was simply a unique point of view of spinning it around, making this particular viewing intriguing enough to wish to share the experience as well as the unusual observation.
Whether or not this will be a "new" perspective is hard to say, but a fun lil "test" all the same.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Well, re: your juxtaposition of Ratched and McMurphy as "villain" and "hero", my reasoning has always been that McMurphy doesn't see the way the mental institution is ran as "dignified" for the patients, or that they're not really "living", which obviously connects with the ending. Though generally rebellious and insubordinate, McMurphy's overall actions are meant to make the patients feel like real human beings. But I understand your point in that Ratched is not a traditional villain, in the sense that she's not twisting her "moustache" and cackling at her own "evil". She's just doing her job, but as such, is a representation of a system that the author of the novel saw as a failure, and therefore something that people should rebel against.

I haven't read it, but being written in the 1960s, I've read that the novel (and hence the book) is meant to work both as a literal critique of traditional psychiatry and treatment of mental patients, but also as a metaphorical critique of traditional establishment institutions (government, military, etc.) and in favor of free-thinking, which in the 1960s was pretty much the thing.

Just throwing my poo against the wall...

My reasoning is that McMurphy saw the sentence as an easy ride and really didn't give two sh*ts about patient dignity. Later when his soul was enlightened by the cruelty of Nurse Ratched's approach to the same scenario, of course from polar opposites. Hence his becoming the lead antagonist. Against Ratched, titans meet! Love it!

I find the some of the stories about the production of Wizard of Oz more interesting than the film itself, but it certainly deserves a slot, while it's no where near a favorite of mine. true piece of American cinematic history.

Before I watch Godfather Part II I really need to rewatch The Godfather (which I did love on initial viewing) , but that is such a time commitment not sure when I will get to it. Hopefully this year

Two great films this set- neither of which I voted for. But both classics in their own right
Back to the future
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is one of the most amazingly well crafted films I've seen.
Louise Fletcher
, holy cow she rocked! I had seen this film once like 30 years ago and I remembered her as this evil conniving, sadistic nurse...Wow, was I wrong! She gave Nurse Ratched depth...and I could see she believed the actions she took was in the best interest of the patients. And yet she's a control freak and McMurphy challenges her control which then pushes her deeper into her authoritativeness.

Nurse Ratched extruded this passive-aggressive personality that was layered with that overly calm & collected voice, brilliant! But she never really crosses the line and becomes an evil caricature, in fact I rather like least until the end. Both her and Nicholson richly deserved their Oscars.
Nice commentary on "Cuckoo's Nest". I too was impressed by Fletcher's portrayal of Ratched. When I saw the film in '75 I wanted to hit her over the head with a beer bottle: so smug, mean and rather sadistic. And in later films she was usually cast as stern, mean or domineering type characters. But now, being older, I think she was a cutie!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nice commentary on "Cuckoo's Nest". I too was impressed by Fletcher's portrayal of Ratched. When I saw the film in '75 I wanted to hit her over the head with a beer bottle: so smug, mean and rather sadistic. And in later films she was usually cast as stern, mean or domineering type characters. But now, being older, I think she was a cutie!
That's just about my experience with Cuckoo's Nest too. I first seen it on TV in the mid 80s and thought Nurse Ratched was evil personified! A couple years ago I watched it for the second time, that's when I developed a whole new approach to the film and her character.

Now that you mention it, yes she was cute at the time of filming Cuckoo's Nest. Though they sure had her made up to look as uptight as possible.

On the DVD extras Louise Fletcher said that everyone on the set was having a great time being generally wild and spirited, but she felt she had to stay in character. So when the shooting was all done, she let loose and went topless on the set, which everyone cheered. Of course today she might be charged with sexual harassment. Just different times

*******, this thread moves fast.

I miss a day and I feel like I need to cram a study for the bar to keep up.

I do see a couple of fierce agreements and not so fierce disagreements here though

*******, this thread moves fast.

I miss a day and I feel like I need to cram a study for the bar to keep up.

I do see a couple of fierce agreements and not so fierce disagreements here though
I'm sure will be seeing some fierce disagreements when we get to the top 25 or the top 10 atleast :

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Simpsons ruined the ending to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest for me, despite that I still found it to be an extremely emotional end piece to a film that balanced depressing drama with lunatic comedy. Was not on my list because I don't think I've seen it from start to finish, only big chunks here and there.

Back to the Future is one of the first films my wife and I saw together. We marathoned the trilogy...barely saw the third from all the kissing. oooohhhh.......

Anyway, that film rocks and is one that I can routinely watch over and over and never seem to tire of. It has memorable quotes that my wife and I share between each other, a fine tuned script and great chemistry from the entire cast. I've been told when I cut my hair and style it that I look like Biff....which I never really liked. So it wasn't on my list.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The remaining films:
Paul Blart: Mall Cop
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Fellowship of the Ring
Return of the King
Dark Knight
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Blade Runner
Taxi Driver
A Clockwork Orange
Once Upon a Time in the West
Dr. strangelove
Lawrence of Arabia
12 Angry Men
Seven Samurai
All About Eve
Citizen Kane
Wall E
Social Network
Back to the Future
Star Wars Episode 5
Apocalypse now
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
On the Waterfront
Double Indemnity
The Master

Of course this is a list of 44 so there will be
8 cuts from this list, which I'm thinking as:
The Departed
Wall E
On the Waterfront
Social Network
Reservoir Dogs

I'm sure will be seeing some fierce disagreements when we get to the top 25 or the top 10 atleast :

This oughta be fun. I'm inviting Crow and Servo for this.

Back to the Future is a great movie with so many excellent lines, funny parts, and nice performances. Doc Brown will always be my favorite character, especially with his line, " If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour, you're gonna see some serious sh**." I laugh every time I watch him say that. We expect up to that point that he's kind of a flake, but he looks dead serious when he recites that beautiful and funny line. Kind of makes you want to have more respect for him.

@John-Connor, I liked the clips you provided, especially when Marty is making his escape from Biff and his cronies, and at 1:25, we see Lorraine (Lea Thompson) turn and say, "He's an absolute dream!" That smile of delight on her beautiful face really put me in the Lea Thompson fan club for a long time.

I saw One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest upon it's release in the same awesome movie palace I saw The Wizard of Oz in, and we sat in the balcony that angled just at the right proportions where the top of the balcony rail lined up with the bottom of the movie screen, so it seemed like you were in the movie. Which worked wonders for this classic. One of my favorite scenes is when McMurphy gets ticked about not being able to watch the baseball game so he "broadcasts" his own game and gets all the patients riled up, and we see Nurse Ratched glaring at him---I tend to think his fate was sealed right then---she knew she had to push him just so far---anyway, that's my take. I really need to watch it again as it's been a few years.

Neither made my list but I love them both.

19.The Searchers #97
1.To Kill a Mockingbird #85
25.Die Hard #63
14.Rear Window #40
8. It's a Wonderful Life #38
2. Aliens #37
13.The Wizard of Oz #36

Have seen 54 of 100
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've loved The Wizard of Oz ever since I was a kid. I watch it at least once a year, and it just gets better and better every time. There was no way that a movie like that was going to miss my top 25 movies. It was #10 on my list.

I prefer The Godfather: Part II over the first The Godfather movie, but both are movies that I respect more than I like, so it didn't make my list.

My list so far:
2) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
7) West Side Story (1961)
10) The Wizard of Oz (1939)
19) North by Northwest (1959)
25) Sunday in New York (1963) (My 1-pointer)
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Tomorrow's hint:

Some are struck dumb
Unwilling to shout
Who might cringe if you ask them
If they want to hang out

But others are social
Precipitating a gang
Who keep their eyes open
For slang while they sang
The Breakfast Club and West Side Story

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I had to check my list because I couldn't remember if Back to the Future made my final list, but somehow it missed my top 25. It's such a fun movie, and one of the most rewatchable movies ever made. I'm glad to see that it made the countdown without my help.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a great movie, but it's not a movie that I ever choose to rewatch very often. It's another movie that missed my list due to the difference between "best" movies and "favorite" movies.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Gonna be some shocked Pikachu faces when there's only 20 spots left and 25 bonafied certs still to come.