Quote of the Day


Originally Posted by undercoverlover
A dream is a wish your heart makes
I hope not most of my dreams are weird
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I am having a nervous breakdance
If man is five if man is five if man is five
then the devil is six then the devil is six then the devil is six then the devil is six
and if the devil is six then god is seven then god is seven then god is seven...
...this monkey's gone to heaven
...this monkey's gone to heaven
...this monkey's gone to heaven
...this monkey's gone to heaven
...this monkey's gone to heaven
...this monkey's gone to heaven
...this monkey's gone to heaven
...this monkey's gone to heaven

-Black Francis
The novelist does not long to see the lion eat grass. He realizes that one and the same God created the wolf and the lamb, then smiled, "seeing that his work was good".


They had temporarily escaped the factories, the warehouses, the slaughterhouses, the car washes - they'd be back in captivity the next day but
now they were out - they were wild with freedom. They weren't thinking about the slavery of poverty. Or the slavery of welfare and food stamps. The rest of us would be all right until the poor learned how to make atom bombs in their basements.

I'm on a big Zappa kick lately, and I was watching a video of the time when Frank was on Crossfire back in '86 regarding music censorship. Here are two choice bits.

Zappa: "We have a document--the letter of the law. Let's use the letter of the law and interpret it based on the twentieth century."

John Lofton (censorship advocate for The Washington Times): "You have repeatedly--in opposing even RATINGS for rock music--you have repeatedly cited the Constitution and the First Amendment. Do you think the Founding Fathers really gave us the First Amendment to defend songs that glorify Satanism and incest and suicide? Do you really believe that?"

Zappa: "Absolutely."

Lofton: "You really believe that?"

Zappa: "Yeah, I really believe it."

Lofton: "Then you're an idiot, then. You're an idiot."

Zappa: "Yeah? Well, I tell you what: KISS MY ASS."

Zappa gets prophetic:

Lofton: "I consider this national defense, pal. Families are UNDER ATTACK by people like you with these lyrics."

Zappa: "Can I make a statement about national defense? The biggest threat to America today is not communism. It's moving America toward a fascist theocracy. And everything that's happened during the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe."

Robert Novak: "Ohhhh, Mister Zappa!"

Zappa (mocking): "Yes. MISTER Zappa."

Novak: "Do you really think that?"

Zappa: "Yes. I really think that."

You can watch it here.

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history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by Piddzilla
Aaah... Zappa did have style... God bless his soul.
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Author - Giorgio Barberi Squarotti

Italian - la povertà di linguaggio rende deboli: rischia di farci diventare schiavi delle idee altrui
Aragones - a pobreza d'o lenguache nos aniebla y pué fer-nos esclaus d'as ideyas d'atros
Asturian - la pobreza del llinguaxe debilita: puede tornanos n'esclavos de les idees ayenes
Brazilian Portuguese - a pobreza de linguagem nos enfraquece: podendo fazer de nós, escravos das idéias dos outrosBresciano - eser poarech en de la lngua el fa dientà deboj e ga fa riscià de dientà sciaf de le idee di oterBreton - gant ur yezh treut omp izilaet; gallout a ra hol lakaat da vezañ sklav da vennozhioù ar re all
Calabrese - a' puvertà da lingua ne fa' addebbulire, ne po fà divennà schiavi de l'idee de l'avutri
Catalan - la pobresa del llenguatge ens afebleix i ens pot fer esclaus de les idees d'altres
Croatian - siromaštvo jezika zaglupljuje nas i izlaže riziku porobljenja tudim idejama
Danish - manglen på sproglige færdigheder gør os svage og kan gøre os til slaver af andres idéer
English - poverty of language debilitates: it risks making us slaves to other people's ideasFinnish - kielellinen köyhyys heikentää: se saattaa vaaraan joutua toisten ajatusten orjaksiFlemish - taalarmoede ondermijnt je geestelijke gezondheid en levert je over aan andermans ideeënFrench - la pauvreté linguistique nous rend vulnérables ; elle peut nous rendre esclaves des idées d'autruiFurlan - la puaretât di lengaç al rint debui: al riscje di fanûs diventâ sclâfs das ideis di chei atrîs
Galician - a pobreza da linguaxe enfeblece: pode converternos en escravos das ideas alleas
German - Spracharmut schwächt uns und macht uns zu Sklaven der Ideen, die andere haben
Griko Salentino - i attechìa 'ttin glossa mas kanni adìnati: ikànni na ghettùmesta schiavi 'ttes idee tos addhòHungarian - a nyelvi szegénység gyengít: azzal a kockázattal jár, hogy mások elképzeléseinek a szolgáivá válunk
Judeo Spanish - la provedad del lenguaje mos aflaka i puede azermos siervos de las ideas de otros
Latin - sermonis egestas infirmos facit: coegit nos servire cognitionibus ceterorum
Limburgian - êrmoej èn taol taert dich aut: de riskiërs van slaof te wiëne van nen aandere z'n gedaechteMudnés - s'an savàm brìsa parlèr cun dla tèsta a sràmm seimpèr di badilòun, dal vittimi ed quall chi pèinsen i èterNeapolitan - 'a scarenza 'e lengua ce fa micce: rìseca 'e ce rènnere schiavuotte r' 'e penziere 'e ll'ate
Parmigiano - la povreza 'd linguag la renda debil: as corra al risch 'd dvintär obsequent a li i idei d'jeter
Papiamentu - pobresa di lenga ta debilitá nos i por hasi nos katibu di ideanan di otro persona
Piemontese - la povertà ëd language a anfiapa: 'l asar a l'é ch'a në fasa sciav ëd le idee ëd ij autre
Polish - ubóstwo jezyka czyni nas slabymi: jest powodem ryzyka, ze staniemy sie niewolnikami pomyslów innychPortuguese - a pobreza da linguagem enfraquece-nos: pode tornar-nos escravos das ideias dos outrosRomagnolo - e' scour s'la micragna fe' l'om imbezil, e s'us dventa scevi dal zenti se lour paturnie
Spanish - la pobreza del lenguaje nos debilita y puede hacernos esclavos de las ideas de otros
Swedish - knappa språkfärdigheter gör oss sårbara och kan göra oss till slavar av andras idéer
Venetian - la povertà de linguaijo rende deboli, la podarie farne deventare sciavi de le idee de i altri

you can have fast,cheap,and good. now pick two

And this is my BOOMstick!
Originally Posted by casa
you can have fast,cheap,and good. now pick two
not much of a dilemma there. all of the combinations are good.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

Originally Posted by Nitzer
not much of a dilemma there. all of the combinations are good.
yeah but the point is you cant if you wanna do it fast and good then itll cost you money if you wanna do it cheap and fast the product wont be good etc etc.

And this is my BOOMstick!
Originally Posted by casa
yeah but the point is you cant if you wanna do it fast and good then itll cost you money if you wanna do it cheap and fast the product wont be good etc etc.
It all works out if you think about sex.

Originally Posted by susan
Rings and jewels are not gifts but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a portion of yourself.

Sometimes I like jewels, is that wrong.

You call that a kinfe? This is a knife! - tea barking, walking threw essex one dark night.

In the Beginning...
Originally Posted by nebbit
Thanks for that Sleezy, have you been away?
Yeah, busy with school and personal life stuff. I get to stop in every now and then, though. Thanks for keeping tabs on me.


"I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store, and he asked for my autograph."
-- Shirley Temple

Arresting your development
"Who is this? What's your operating number?"



Karl, we're gonna have company!
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by nebbit
Sometimes I like jewels, is that wrong.
NO! That's not wrong at all!
And while jewels may not be a part of the self, they can make for a non-intrusive reminder of the 'self' who gave them. Is my totally objective opinion.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Spanish - como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morir
Aragones - como no me he trestucato de naxer, no me trestuco de morir
Basque - jaiotzeaz arduratu ez nintzenez, hiltzea ere ez zait ardura
Bolognese - cum a n um sån brîSa angustiè par la nasiån, acsé a n m angóssti brîSa par la môrt
Brazilian Portuguese - do mesmo modo em que não me preocupei em nascer, não me preocupo de morrer
Bresciano - come ma sa la so mja ciapada per creser, ma sa la ciaparò mja per morer
Breton - dre ma ne oan ket chalet gant va ganedigezh, ne'n em chalin ket abalamour d'ar marv
Calabrese - cusì cumi nun mi su preoccupatu di nasci,nun mi preoccupu di morì
Catalan - com que no m'he preocupat de néixer, no em preocupo de morir
Croatian - kao što me nije brinulo rodenje, nece me brinuti ni umiranje
Danish - lige så lidt som det bekymrede mig at blive født, vil det bekymre mig at dø
Dutch - zoals ik me geen zorgen gemaakt heb over mijn geboorte, maak ik me ze evenmin over mijn sterven
English - as I didn't mind being born, I don't mind dying
Esperanto - kiel mi ne prizorgis naskigi, mi ne prizorgas morti
Finnish - kun en ollut huolissani syntymisestäni, en huolehdi sen enempää kuolemisestanikaan
Flemish - zonder zorgen kwam ik ter wereld en zonder zorgen zal ik sterven
French - comme je ne me suis pas préoccupé pour ma naissance, je ne le fais pas pour ma mort
Furlan - cussì come no soi preucupât di nassi, no mi preocupi di murî
Galician - como non me preocupei de nacer, tampouco non me preocupo de morrer
German - so sorglos wie ich geboren bin, sehe ich dem Tod entgegen
Griko Salentino - kunda è pproccupèttimo na jennìso, è pproccupème na 'pesàno
Hungarian - ahogy nem aggódtam a születésem miatt, úgy nem aggódom a halálom miatt sem
Italian - così come non mi sono preoccupato di nascere, non mi preoccupo di morire
Judeo Spanish - komo no me preokupi de naser, no me preokupo de morir
Latin - ut sollicitudine nascendi non affectus sum, ita moriendi non afficior
Limburgian - doë loêg mich niks aon van op de wêrd te koëme, wo kan 't mich sjille van daud te gon?
Mapunzugun - ayinoluam ñi chumgechi ñi jeqün ayilan chumgechi ñi layael
Mudnés - acsè cum'an'm'sûn mènga dê pinsêr per gnîr al mànd, a m'n'in frêga gnìnta ed murîr
Neapolitan - comme nun me so' dato penziero 'e nascere, accussì 'e murì nun me rongo apprietto
Papiamentu - komo mi no a preokupámi pa nase, mi no ta preokupámi pa muri
Parmigiano - an me son miga fat dal fidogh quand a son nasú e n'al m'al faró miga quand a mora
Piemontese - com a l'ha nen fam-ne ëd nasse, a më na fà nen ëd meuire
Polish - tak jak nie przejalem sie, zeby sie narodzic, tak nie przejmuje sie by umrzec
Portuguese - como não me preocupei em nascer, não me preocupo em morrer
Romagnolo - te mod c'am sò menga curéd ad vnir te mond, an' cur la morta
Roman - visto che nun me so´ dovuto preoccupa´ pe´ nasce, manco me preoccupo pe´ mori´
Sicilian - accussì comu 'un mi preoccupài ri nàsciri, 'un mi preòccupu ri mòriri
Swedish - samma ointresse jag visade för min födelse kommer jag att visa för min död
Venetian - come no' me so' preocupà de nasser no' me preocupo de morir