The Ups and Downs of Your Day Tab


Ups................Trapped gold miners rescued after 2 weeks trapped

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
glad for you Nebbs.
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

Ups: watched A Clockwork Orange again, all the way through, from start to finish. Its unfortunate, but not many movies win my undivided attention for the entire duration of the feature. Kubrick gets this kind of attention from me.

Downs: My camera is broken! How am i supposed to prove the size of all those fish i plan on catching this weekend?!?

downs...have to work today
ups...get paid tomorrow

Originally Posted by jrs
Ups: Just bought Dead Zone Seasons 2 & 3 and Dead Like Seasons 1 & 2.

Downs: Got invited to the VSDA but can't go.
What's the VSDA?

Originally Posted by jrs
Video Software Dealers Association (VSDA)
Oh your a software dealer jrs?

Originally Posted by jrs
No, but there's exibitors and dealers there though with new products. (upcoming games and DVDs).
Oh ok. Such as movies not yet out for the public but also without any special features i'm assuming.

Originally Posted by Escape
Oh ok. Such as movies not yet out for the public but also without any special features i'm assuming.

That plus actual DVDs. Advance sneaks of future releases - plus demos of DVDs in progress etc...

Originally Posted by jrs
That plus actual DVDs. Advance sneaks of future releases - plus demos of DVDs in progress etc...
Ahh hence the demos your always mentioning you get. Lucky son of a bi*ch.

where do you get the demos from?

Originally Posted by jrs
They are actually screeners or workprints. I get them from different a source .
How many movies do you have in total by the way jrs? I believe nebbit said recently she thought you had like 5000 or something. We thought Holden had 5 thousand first but he said he had around 2500. Destiny has around 4 thousand though. Just curious who's the movie owner champ on this forum.

And do those screener movies always have words and numbers on them? Not sure if those should count.

Originally Posted by Escape
How many movies do you have in total by the way jrs? I believe nebbit said recently she thought you had like 5000 or something.
LOL! No way do I have 5,000. Check out My DVD Collection

Originally Posted by Escape
And do those screener movies always have words and numbers on them? Not sure if those should count.
All screeners do not have that. Besides, why nolt count if it's owned on DVD?

Originally Posted by jrs
LOL! No way do I have 5,000. Check out My DVD Collection
Heheh, ok. That solves that mystery.

Originally Posted by jrs
All screeners do not have that. Besides, why not count if it's owned on DVD?
I'm not sure but just figured when they have numbers countinually goign up or down or words running accross the screen constantly, I just figured more folks would rather still buy the real dvds with special features or less distracting digits. Wasnt so sure about the quaility either.

Ok better get this thread back on track before I keep hi-hacking it with my questions to jrs.

Ups: Day Off
Downs: Still have a tough time sleeping