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It's kind of funny when they use the word " prequel " for movies that are made after the original. ( Yes, I know, they mean to say the movie is about the same subject before in time ). Personaly, I've never seen a " prequel " that was better than the original.



Oo it's soooooooo confusing.

Not really, the print is just a bit larger than the original you posted but you are right. It is the same design which, me being the fashionista that I am, I should have assumed was something else than the original. Silly me
Remind me not to ask you confusing questions otherwise I might just remain permanently dazed and confused

On the back I assume, as I don't own the American edition. Every blu ray/dvd should have the director's name on the back at least unless it's a steelbook with a seperate card cover then it's on the card cover. On my steelbook, the name is on the back of the metal.

Ok, so this would be my point, since you posted the front of the box in German. I would assume that the average person on this site doesn't know German, so the question would be legitimate.
However, you seem to assume that I am above average, hence your befudllement. I thank you for that.
Also, if I am not mistaken, the production companies have been known to change designs for the same movie over a period of time. Unless someone knew that there was a re-make, having never seen a new design, they could easily assume it's the original.
What a cool exersize in philosophy.

The title is in English, not German. Don't need to be able to speak German to know what it is. If you know of the original film and the remake like you do(and my reply was to you), it's not hard to make out what is the original and what is the remake - just common sense.

The title is in English, not German. Don't need to be able to speak German to know what it is. If you know of the original film and the remake like you do, it's not hard to make out what is the original and what is the remake - just common sense.
Ha ha ha, perfect example that women think from the left hemisphere of the brain
So if I knew the answer, why ask the question?

I say no more...

Anyway, actually, it's either The Thing, or Immortals - or both if I can stay awake:

and tomorrow I will have this to watch from my rental shop:

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Van Helsing is on the cards tonight Give it a go (again) I watched it once when it first come out but there was allot of alcohol involved so I cant remember anything about it
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
After the big success that was Marathon Man (review here) I think I might have a 70s thriller season. The 70s are often associated with a large number of great thrillers, many of which I've not seen yet, plus a couple I'd like to revisit. So over the next week or two I will watch at least some of the following -

All the President's Men, Day of the Jackal, Sleuth, Dog Day Afternoon, Three Days of the Condor, The Conversation, Charley Varrick, Deliverance, Assault on Precinct 13, Parallax View and The Boys from Brazil.

Not sure what I will go with first yet.