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That bit at the start of episode one is the only sex onscreen in the entire series from what I can remember, just kissing from there on mostly between the lead and her wife.
Good to know.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

My Adventures with Superman (2023) AS/MAX

Really enjoyed the first two episodes. Nothing too heavy or dreadful. Animation style is great. Suits comic book stories well.

Watched the first episode of the new Steven Soderbergh show. To answer your questions…

1. Yes, Jim Gaffigan is eating a Hot Pocket.

2. Yes, somehow Timothy Olyphant looks like a big dork, whiles having none of the Raylan Givens vibes.

3. Yes, I just assume everything Soderbergh does is shot on iPhone meow.

Just finished series 1 of Jump Like A Witch. A reality sports series from South Korea following a group of female celebrities learning to play basketball at amateur level.

Really enjoyed this series.

Watched the first episode of the new Steven Soderbergh show. To answer your questions…

1. Yes, Jim Gaffigan is eating a Hot Pocket.

2. Yes, somehow Timothy Olyphant looks like a big dork, whiles having none of the Raylan Givens vibes.

3. Yes, I just assume everything Soderbergh does is shot on iPhone meow.
Underwhelming. Couldn’t make heads or tails of the opening scenes. Agreed re Olyphant. Never thought any show could make him dull, but this one has. Bailed out of the pilot.

Another great season. These fools better pick it up for a third.

The Gemstones finale!

I’ll say it for the millionth time,
“I don’t know how he gets the money to make this show.”

Edi Patterson. Even if they write that dialogue, her delivery and physicality is supreme!

The Gemstones finale!

I’ll say it for the millionth time,
“I don’t know how he gets the money to make this show.”

Edi Patterson. Even if they write that dialogue, her delivery and physicality is supreme!
Just could not get into this show.

I'm halfway through Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities and 4 episodes in I'm not really feeling it. It gives off more of an unpleasant vibe than straight up horror. I did like Lot 36's overall atmosphere but Graveyard Rats is as off-putting as it sounds. The Autopsy also starts out promisingly enough but squanders some of that on gratuitous gore. Which is the problem with most of these episodes. I was excited to see that Ana Lily Amarpour directed The Outside and it was different enough from the preceding three that it might have been my favorite. The acting talent is easily the most impressive thing about these four episodes. And running down the list of names to come, del Toro and his fellow producers really outdid themselves.

I'm halfway through Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities and 4 episodes in I'm not really feeling it. It gives off more of an unpleasant vibe than straight up horror. I did like Lot 36's overall atmosphere but Graveyard Rats is as off-putting as it sounds. The Autopsy also starts out promisingly enough but squanders some of that on gratuitous gore. Which is the problem with most of these episodes. I was excited to see that Ana Lily Amarpour directed The Outside and it was different enough from the preceding three that it might have been my favorite. The acting talent is easily the most impressive thing about these four episodes. And running down the list of names to come, del Toro and his fellow producers really outdid themselves.
There is at least one bright spot

Hmmm. Cosmatos is the other name that gave me a jolt of anticipation when I ran across it. I loved Mandy. I also forgot to mention how much I liked Martin Starr in The Outside. They could have easily made his character into a cliche but then wrote him as a sort of tragic everyman. I'll be checking out the other four episodes soon.

We are going to beach the week of Labor Day and I’m not gonna be too upset if the weather is bad. We’ve already decided we would be happy watching shows and someone will be signing up for Apple 😅

You were spot on. It's the best one out of the eight.

1. Lot 36 - 80/100
2. Graveyard Rats - 60/100
3. The Autopsy - 75/100
4. The Outside - 80/100
5. Pickman's Model - 65/100
6. Dreams in the Witch House - 60/100
7. The Viewing - 90/100
8. The Murmuring - 75/100

Anyone here into the Wallander series?
I'm about to finish the very last season (Swedish version)

Anyone here into the Wallander series?
I'm about to finish the very last season (Swedish version)
Vaguely remember taking a look & deciding against it.