Would you have predicted this much franchise dominance?


Right now the cash cow franchise imo are the Marvel projects, and if they do it right it can run for alot longer. There have been some magnificent stories told in comics, no Im not talking Infinity Wars , but even the "epic" storylines like that are being handled well.
Why would those stories be more magnificient than the gazillion of books, non Marvel comics and floating screenplays out there?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Those of you who have been movie wonks in the early/mid 2000s, did you expect US cinema today to be this franchise heavy?
Define franchise as you mean it here for me, please? I see some replies responding to reboots, others to sequel-based arcing story lines, or do you mean marketing toy lines, fashion, and overpopulated merchandising?

If you mean sequels and continuations, then yeah I think it was predictable. Maybe not from just the perspective of a movie buff, but if you think about business in general as the idea to produce a product, sell that product, then streamline that product with the intent to increase profit, then it was only a matter of time before studios figured that nut out for cracking.

Look at the old cheap horror franchises. They were easy to write as plots and characters were fairly one-dimensional and predictable, relatively cheap to produce, and had a built-in target audience of teenagers forever. Why not take advantage and exploit that product? As long as the consumer is willing to buy, then keep pushing it. Once the market reached a point where special effects were no longer cheesy and obvious, and our over-indulgent consumerism became a staple of economic growth, it just makes sense to continue slopping out anything anyone is willing to gobble up.

I hope I'm at least in the ballpark here of what you're OP was for! I'm at work and typing randomly as I get a few minutes here or there. bleh....