The Great Wall


Why is it so hard to believe that White people did not live in other places be it China, Africia and So on. I Think people need too study history on things before they assume its just about casting a popular white actor. The better question is i can think of many better actors then Damon too play that role.
I already gave examples how it's possible. Maybe no other big name was interested.


Tell that to the Asian people who have to watch Matt Damon play white saviour.
They are too busy enjoying their amazing movie culture to give a ****.

I'd say that pointing out the problems with a movie like this is actually supposed to be a step towards different races overcoming their own prejudices (even internalised ones like the Chinese producers of this movie thinking that putting a white American in the lead role is necessary for the movie to be a hit). That's not just some thing that's going to magically happen one day - it's a slow process and part of the process is actively questioning why the most expensive Chinese movie ever made supposedly needs to have a white American in it.
Because they want to make money outside of China also, that's why whitey is there. Asians make plenty of amazing movies that are cinematic enough to blow up the box office but people don't watch them for some reason.

Welcome to the human race...
They are too busy enjoying their amazing movie culture to give a ****.
Tell that to Constance Wu.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Tell that to Constance Wu.
Why should i care? Does anybody really care? If they do, just sacrifice a weekend and start marching.

Why on earth did I think this was some historical based film about the building of the actual wall and therefore was rather confused as to why Matt Damon was in it... So after just now watching the trailer I was amused to see it's a film with bloody monsters in it...